Top 10 Most Shocking Sitcom Moments

#10: Rebecca’s Rock Bottom
“Crazy Ex-Girlfriend” (2015-19)
Despite its cheery exterior, "Crazy Ex-Girlfriend" goes to some dark places. It was often praised for depicting protagonist Rebecca Bunch's struggles in an honest way. In season three, she finds herself at an all-time low. After escaping her life in West Covina, she seeks comfort from her mother Naomi in New York. Their relationship gets extremely strained when it's revealed that the mother’s been sneaking medication into her daughter's system. In the wake of this betrayal, Rebecca attempts to overdose by swallowing a handful of the leftover meds. She quickly realizes the severity of her situation and gets a flight attendant’s attention before it’s too late. The episode marked a major turning point in the series and promoted the importance of asking for help.
#9: Ben’s death
“Scrubs” (2001-10)
Cox’s brother-in-law Ben was treated for leukemia in the first season. When he returns in season three, he defends J.D. when a patient passes away on his watch. This stance angers Cox throughout the episode. But Ben is able to push the cranky doctor towards a place of forgiveness. But by the time he’s ready to move on, Cox realizes that the patient that passed away was Ben. It turns out that the doctor had been hallucinating that his brother in law was around after his death. The episode ends at the funeral. This emotional and jarring plot twist still hurts the hearts of fans decades later.
#8: Gloria’s Miscarriage
“All in the Family” (1971-79)
During an era when sitcoms often played it safe, "All in the Family '' was fearless. From racism to religion, the series never shied away from exploring topics other shows didn't dare tackle. And they didn’t wait long to dive into serious territory. In season one, the Bunkers learn that their daughter Gloria and her husband Mike are expecting a child. At first, the episode focuses on Archie’s anger about the pregnancy. But things soon take a somber turn when Gloria suffers a devasting miscarriage. The heavy episode depicts a genuine and honest portrayal of an issue that is often swept under the rug, even today.
#7: Terry’s Racial Profiling
“Brooklyn Nine-Nine” (2013-21)
As the Black Lives Matter movement became the subject of more and more headlines, "Brooklyn Nine-Nine" had some tough conversations to confront. The comedy, which follows the misadventures of a New York City precinct, could not ignore the topic of policing and racism. They tackled the issue head on on by including a plot point where the Black officer Terry is racially profiled by a fellow cop. He spends the episode trying to decide whether or not to file a complaint while also trying to manage the emotional toll of the incident. It's a heavy but vital storyline. In a time where awareness is spreading about policing, storylines like this are needed to cast light on the topic.
#6: Mateo’s Deportation
“Superstore” (2015-21)
"Superstore" always places emphasis on the importance of fundamental issues. In one of the show's most paramount episodes, the big box retail store witnesses one of their own facing deportation. Knowing that he does not have citizenship, sales associate Mateo lives in constant fear. His worst nightmare comes true when Cloud 9 is raided by ICE. His colleagues do everything in their power to hide and protect him. But in the end, he's found and taken away. The whole episode is heartbreaking because of how authentic it appears as this is the reality for countless people across America.
#5: Arnold & Mr. Horton
“Diff'rent Strokes” (1978-86)
In a chilling two-part episode, "Diff'rent Strokes" featured one of the most disturbing storylines in sitcom history. The content was so heavy that it even included a content advisory read by show lead Conrad Bain. Titled "The Bicycle Man", the arc followed the budding friendship between Arnold and Dudley and bicycle shop owner Mr. Horton. But it’s soon clear that the latter has sinister intentions for the young people he befriends. Fortunately, adults step in to aid their children through this difficult scenario. "Strokes" received acclaim for handling the sensitive subject matter well and was even credited with helping children identify inappropriate adult behavior.
#4: Marshall's Dad's Death
“How I Met Your Mother” (2005-14)
Season six of "How I Met Your Mother" included the death of Marshall's father. After he and Lily spend the day at the fertility specialists, they both anticipate the worst. But they never could have guessed that their bad news would come from another source. The moment Marshall receives some positive information about fertility, Lily arrives to tell him that his dad has suffered a fatal heart attack. Jason Segel and Alyson Hannigan improvised the moment and shot the heartbreaking scene in just one take. Not only did this shock fans but also Segel as well. In the end, this approach led to one of the saddest moments in the entire show.
#3: Will’s Dad Leaves
“Fresh Prince of Bel-Air” (1990-96)
Despite spending over a decade apart, Will’s father Lou unexpectedly returned in a season four episode of "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air." Uncle Phil immediately has his reservations about whether or not Lou will stick around. However, Will and Lou make plans to venture out on a road trip and mend their relationship. But the disappearing dad decides to abandon the plan and his son at the last moment. A distraught and rightfully hurt Will launches into an incredibly emotional monologue before breaking down in front of his uncle. It's a powerful moment made even stronger by both Will Smith's and the late James Avery's incredible acting.
#2: Maude's Pregnancy
“Maude” (1972-78)
Split into a two-parter, the Norman Lear comedy "Maude" addressed a critical topic in its very first season. When the title character discovers she is pregnant at 47 years old, she has to decide what to do. She ultimately decides that getting an abortion is the right thing to do. Since such a topic was rarely discussed in mainstream media at the time, the subject matter received backlash. Some stations even decided to forgo airing the episode all together. Lear stood by the storyline and offered an honest depiction of a topic that is far too often kept in the dark.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Martha’s Decision, “Golden Girls” (1985-92)
Sophia’s Friend, Martha, Shockingly Wants To End Her Life Due To Physical Pain
Topanga’s Professor Hits on Her, “Boy Meets World” (1993-2000)
Viewers Weren’t Expecting Him To Make These Uncomfortable Advances
Raven Experiences Racism, “That’s So Raven” (2003-07)
She Loses Out On A Job Opportunity Due To A Racist Employer
Dre and Bow Separate, “Black-ish” (2014-22)
The Two Spouses Reach A Breaking Point In Their Marriage
The Death of Howard’s Mom, “The Big Bang Theory” (2007-19)
A Surprising Moment For The Usually Lighthearted Sitcom
#1: Plane Crash
“M*A*S*H” (1972-83)
For over a decade, "MASH" perfectly toed the line between comedy and drama. Situated during the Korean War at a military hospital, the show did not shy away from levity. One of the legendary series' most challenging moments hit audiences with an unforgettable gut punch. After Colonel Blake receives his discharge, we watch a bittersweet send off. Things take a heart aching turn when Radar delivers horrifying news. Apparently, Blake's plane crashed and he did not survive. The moment stands the test of time as one of the most brutal revelations in the history of American television.