Top 10 Shocking Secrets of Religious Organizations

#10: Vatican Apostolic Archives
The Catholic Church has existed for thousands of years and is the biggest religious denomination in the world. During this time, they’ve accumulated more than their share of documents. These are held in the Vatican Apostolic Archives, previously known as “the Vatican Secret Archives.” While the majority of these records are available to the public, some remain off-limits. It was Pope Leo XIII who opened scholarly access to these records. If you’re hoping to unlock some kind of massive conspiracy through these archives, good luck. You can only get access as a scholar, and that's a very limited level. Oh, and you have to be at least 75 years old. Good things come to those who wait.
#9: Mount Athos
The Greek peninsula of Mount Athos is one of the most beautiful and fascinating parts of the Mediterranean region. Although a part of Greece, Mount Athos has an autonomous government, not to mention their own set of very specific rules. It’s long been inhabited by monks from the Greek Orthodox Church and around the world, with visitor access available on a limited level. How limited? Women are completely forbidden from visiting, a law rooted in tradition and religious interpretation. It’s not just female humans who are banned, either. Any animals you bring to Mount Athos need to be male. Safe to say that there won’t be any “Ladies Nights” at Mount Athos anytime soon.
#8: Lukhang Temple
Have you ever longed to get away to a secret place, one that no one else knows about? The Dalai Lama certainly knows how you feel. The Lukhang Temple is a refuge that dates back to the 17th century. Full of astonishing murals with fascinating images, this temple was restricted only to Dalai Lamas for hundreds of years. However, a London exhibition back in 2015 that replicated the temple’s interior allowed non-Lamas to appreciate the splendor of Lukhang. Its three-tier design relates to the Tibetan Buddhist faith’s three enlightenment dimensions. The revelation of the temple’s murals also reflect Tibetan Buddhism changing with the times, with the Dalai Lama saying, “Unless these practices become better known, they will be completely lost. That would be a great tragedy.”
#7: Chief Exorcist of the Vatican
You might not believe in demonic possession, but exorcists are real. Gabriele Amorth was a priest for more than 60 years and claimed to have performed as many as 160,000 exorcisms, though he said only around 100 of these cases were actual possessions. And he wasn’t exactly shy about expressing where he thought evil might be lurking. He expressed his belief that both yoga and “Harry Potter” were satanic. And surely he thought “The Exorcist” was a blatant misrepresentation, right? Actually, that was his favorite movie, citing its importance for educating the public on his work. This is one man who made a career out of his passion.
#6: Endless Levels of Scientology
It’s satisfying to play a video game and make your way through the various levels, right? It wouldn’t nearly be as enjoyable if it cost hundreds of thousands of dollars and seemingly never ended. The Church of Scientology has members spend exorbitant sums to be a part of their faith. A goal for Scientology followers is to reach the top of the metaphorical “Bridge to Total Freedom.” But once you’re there, you’re not done. As actress and former Scientologist Leah Remini explained, you still have to keep going and spend more money. By the time someone realizes what’s going on, they might have already spent their life savings and then some.
#5: Tribunal of Conscience
Sin and crime are not necessarily one in the same, but the Tribunal of Conscience can certainly blur the line. Established in 1179 by Pope Alexander I, this court is centered around conscience-based sins. Also known as the “Apostolic Penitentiary,” this court handles sins that require the forgiveness of the Holy See. An example of such a sin would be desecrating a communion wafer. And absolution requires the submitting of an anonymous petition, as well as the approval of the court's head, the Major Penitentiary. This court was kept secret to the public until 2009. If you’re Catholic and want to make sure your conscience is clear, here’s your chance.
#4: Mountain Meadows Massacre
No religious organization wants to be associated with a “massacre.” So, it’s understandable that the Mormon Church has kept relatively mum about the Mountain Meadows Massacre. On September 11, 1857, approximately 120 members of a wagon train in southern Utah were killed in a vicious attack by a Mormon militia. What was the motivation? Some believe the attack was due to violent rhetoric from leaders within the church. The Church first denied that Mormons were involved in this tragedy, but have since acknowledged and condemned it. While this was by no means the first - or last - massacre carried out in the name of religion, it’s certainly one of the most shocking events in history.
#3: Massacre at Béziers
Some religious disputes are so intense, they become deadly. Catharism was a movement that gained traction in southern Europe from the 12th to 14th century. Its adherents believed there to be two gods, one of good and one of evil. This way of thinking was viewed as heretical by the Catholic Church, which strove to stamp it out. An anti-Catharism crusade was launched by Pope Innocent III. This included knights and others traveling through southern France where Catharism had taken hold. In the town of Béziers, citizens resisted surrender, but they were soon overwhelmed. Much of Béziers was destroyed and thousands of people likely killed in the process, though an exact number is not known.
#2: Database of Abusers
Religious organizations aim to stress their virtuous attributes. Information that would threaten that image is typically buried. In 1997, a list of alleged abusers within the Jehovah's Witnesses was created by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, the nonprofit organization that heads the Church. Such a list would be of great use to law enforcement, but Watchtower instead worked to keep this information concealed. It took the efforts of whistleblowers the likes of former Jehovah's Witness Mark O'Donnell, for this information to come to light. The horrors of these crimes are unimaginable, as are the lengths taken to cover them up.
#1: Assisting Nazis
Among the many groups despised by the Nazis were Catholics, which makes it pretty surprising to learn that the Vatican assisted Nazis in the aftermath of World War II. Many Nazis, seeking to escape Europe, resettled in South American countries, like Argentina. And the Vatican assisted them with forging identities and finding passages, known as “ratlines.” Why would the Vatican do this? One theory is that Pope Pius XII was so fearful of Communism that he was willing to align with a group that oppressed his congregation. We’ve heard the phrase “the enemy of my enemy is my friend,” so perhaps that applies here.