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Top 10 Skills Everyone Should Learn

Top 10 Skills Everyone Should Learn
VOICE OVER: Emily Brayton WRITTEN BY: Savannah Sher
These life skills are super important! For this list, we're looking the things that everyone should know how to do, and we're focusing on hard, practical skills. We're excluding more theoretical skills like time management. We've included skills like how to make a fire, how to swim, how to code, how to defend yourself, how to sew and more! What life skill do you think is important to learn?

#10: How to Make a Fire

You may think this is a skill no modern person actually needs, but if you ever find yourself in an emergency situation, you’ll be glad you learned it. Starting a fire without a lighter or matches doesn’t have to be difficult, but it isn’t necessarily intuitive either, so it’s not a bad idea to practice before you’re stranded alone in the woods. If you don’t have any supplies to work with other than what the great outdoors has to offer, you’ll have to learn one of the friction methods of fire building. If prehistoric man could do it, you can too!

#9: How to Swim

The earlier you learn this skill, the better. If your parents didn’t sign you up for swimming lessons as a kid, you should take the responsibility upon yourself to at least master the doggie paddle, as embarrassing as it may be. There are countless situations where knowing how to swim will come in handy, be it for fun at the beach with your friends or an urgent and unexpected situation where keeping afloat is a vital necessity. You don’t have to be Michael Phelps, but being able to swim a considerable distance using any stroke you’re comfortable with is a key survival skill.

#8: How to Grow Your Own Vegetables / Herbs

Whether you live in a rural environment, in the suburbs, or even in a big city, knowing how to grow food for yourself is an underrated ability that will save you tons of money. You never know when you might have to subsist on food you’ve grown yourself, so it’s best to learn when you’re not in a high-pressure situation. Even if you live in a small apartment, keeping some potted herbs will add freshness to your cooking without breaking the bank. Since seeds for vegetables cost literal pennies, this skill can cut your food budget in half, or more!

#7: How to Sew

Sewing is a skill that will come in handy, regardless of which washroom you use. Rather than sending your garments to a seamstress and spending a ton of money, you can easily learn how to repair clothing yourself at home with minimal supplies. We’re not saying you have to go out and buy a sewing machine and start making your own clothes from scratch, but being able to sew on a button is something everyone should know how to do. If you can up your game and master the ability to hem pants or fix a ripped seam, even more power to you.

#6: How to Code

While many of the entries on our list today focus on the most basic and elementary of life skills, this one is a skill for the modern age. It has been said that in a few years, not knowing how to code will be akin to being illiterate. Coding many not be taught in standard school curriculums yet, but that just means we have to take it upon ourselves to learn basic computer programming. No matter your age, there are tutorials out there for total beginners that teach you the basic principles of the craft.

#5: How to Do Laundry

It’s easy to coast through life letting your mom do your laundry for you, but when you leave home for the first time, you might be in for a rude awakening. You know those little white tags with laundering instructions that are attached to every piece of clothing you own? It’s probably a good idea to know how to decipher them. Knowing which colors can be washed together, what should be hand washed only and what should always be sent to the dry cleaner will save you from unintentionally destroying some of your favorite clothing items.

#4: How to Defend Yourself

No matter your size, strength or gender, it’s important for everyone to have some basic self-defense skills. Learning just a few simple moves will help you feel more confident in your abilities to fend off an attacker if need be. You never know when these skills might come in handy, but you don’t want to wait until it’s too late to find out. While you can take a variety of classes that teach self-defense, you can also easily learn some moves simply by watching videos on YouTube.

#3: A Second Language

While most schools teach a second language, many English speakers in the US are lacking in language skills. Becoming bilingual has many benefits, from the obvious - like being an asset on your resume and impressing people at parties - to the more surprising. In fact, it has been shown that the ability to speak a language other than your mother tongue makes people smarter, better decision makers and on top of all that it actually improves their skills in their first language. Unfortunately, picking up new languages gets harder the older you get. so you’ll have to put in even more work than your kindergarten counterparts.

#2: How to Drive

Skipping out on drivers ed just makes it more difficult to get your license later. It’s best to take advantage of the free time you have before worrying about rent payments and college courses. Even if you live in a big city where you don’t foresee using a car on a regular basis, driving is an important skill to have. You never know when you might be the only person who can safely drive in an emergency or even after a night of partying. And if you haven’t learned to drive manual, you should add that to your to-do list as well!

Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.

How to Perform CPR

How to Maintain a Car

How to Sing or Play an Instrument

#1: How to Cook

Our number one pick is a skill that is absolutely necessary, no matter how old you are, what you do for a living, or where you live. Even if you love eating out, every once in awhile you’re going to have to save some cash and making something at home. Learning the basics of cooking things like meat, eggs, and vegetables can go a long way because once you understand the essentials, you can create a wide variety of different recipes. Being able to make your own healthy and tasty meals will help your budget and your waistline.
