Top 10 Small Details You Missed in The Vampire Diaries

#10: The Crow
“Pilot” & “I Was Feeling Epic”
When it comes to compulsion, there’s no telling just how many characters wind up under the vampire influence. Damon Salvatore is probably the top offender. With a laundry list of compelled beings, we forgot that one of the first victims of his we meet isn't even a human. It's a black crow in the pilot episode, who essentially serves as his spy. The creature makes minor appearances, mostly watching Elena. Of course, a lot happens after this. And when she sees a crow in the series finale, many years and seasons later, she’s happy rather than spooked or distrustful. This time, it signifies something happy and special. That’s a change only hardcore TVD fans understand.
#9: The Wolf Reference
“The Return”
It's easy to get caught up in the complicated werewolf storyline that accompanies Mason Lockwood’s character—so much so that you might miss a subtle reference from his introduction. Before Tyler Lockwood discovers the werewolf in himself, Uncle Mason shows up and is referred to in a very interesting way. The easily missed saying cleverly alludes to the expression “a wolf in sheep’s clothing,” which makes way more sense now than it did when we initially watched the series. If you managed to catch this reference, congrats—you noticed a very sneaky bit of foreshadowing!
#8: The Amount of Deceased Parents
Those who watch TVD are used to seeing characters lose their lives. We pretty much expect it to take place in every episode, even in ways that majorly impact storylines. With death being so recurrent, we failed to realize that most of the central characters have lost or end up losing parents, or people who raised them. Of course, from the beginning, Elena and Jeremy are parentless. Meanwhile, Stefan and Damon’s dad died centuries ago, and their mother ends up passing away as well. There’s also Caroline, who endures the loss of her mom and dad, and Bonnie, who sees her father die. And while Grams wasn’t Bonnie’s mom, she was central to her life. That’s a lot of grief, even for this bunch.
#7: The Forgotten Diaries
As the title suggests, the vampire series holds a premise surrounding the penned thoughts of Elena Gilbert as she navigates an extraordinary life. It’s something Stefan enjoys doing as well. We see them writing diary entries plenty of times throughout the first season, but the premise largely gets lost as the series progresses. The theme is revisited and reimagined when Elena goes to sleep for a number of years, as her friends keep written accounts of all she is missing. But most fittingly, we get to watch her write in a diary again in the series finale, giving us major season 1 déjà vu and much-needed closure.
#6: Ms. Cuddles
“I Was Feeling Epic”
With a large cast of memorable, plot-advancing characters, it's easy to overlook people…or things… that are simply not as important. A prime example is Ms. Cuddles—Bonnie’s adorable teddy bear that we meet in the sixth season. As we learn, Caroline stole the stuffed animal from Bonnie when they were kids, and it became something of a running joke. But you have to be especially sharp to notice a quick appearance made by Ms. Cuddles in the series finale as Caroline gets ready to leave Mystic Falls. She thankfully makes sure to grab the cute teddy on her way out.
#5: What Damon Sees in Isobel
“A Few Good Men”
Anyone who finished “The Vampire Diaries” certainly remembers Damon and Isobel Flemming’s relationship and the awkwardness that stems from it. The two vampires had quite the affair way back when and acted on their chemistry again later on. But aside from memorable steamy scenes, there’s a more minor detail we didn’t pick up on. When speaking to Alaric about Isobel in season 1, Damon says this: [“There was something about her…something I liked. Something special”]. The interesting thing, however, is that Katherine Pierce, the source of much drama among the Salvatore brothers, is actually Isobel’s ancestor. Needless to say, this insight makes the quote that much more significant.
#4: Tiki’s Grandpa
“You’re Undead to Me” & “I Was Feeling Epic”
Remember the man in season one who remembered Stefan from an incident decades ago? That’s Tiki’s grandpa, an older Mystic Falls resident who is still sharp for his age. His appearance at a car wash is the last we would see of him – up until the series finale. And by that point, so much time had gone by that you likely thought him a random citizen. But those with superior memory might’ve recognized the person being taken away from Mystic Falls Hospital in a wheelchair as the grandpa himself. This one is especially hard to catch, but a line he speaks does serve as a hint.
#3: A Snarky Quip
“The Night of the Comet” & “I Was Feeling Epic”
If there’s one thing we can count on from TVD’s beloved cast, it's an endless abundance of perfectly executed quotes. One of the series’ most iconic is, of course: [“That’s for me to know and you to and for you (dot dot dot)”]. It was initially uttered by the delightfully sarcastic Damon to Stefan way back in season 1. His delivery is so flawless that the words have since become widely associated with his character. But in season 8, when Katherine is being grilled by the Salvatore brothers, she speaks the same words. Recycled quotes rarely have the same impact, but Katherine certainly does this one-liner nostalgic justice.
#2: Stefan Is 171 When He Dies
“I Was Feeling Epic”
Stefan’s season 8 death is arguably the most heartbreaking loss to endure. Given the sadness we felt while watching his departure and its aftermath, it's no surprise that we missed some significant details during the jam-packed series finale. We got so caught up watching as Damon and Caroline view Stefan’s tombstone that we forgot to calculate his age. But if you do the math, you’ll see that he was 171 years old. This is not insignificant, considering there are exactly 171 episodes of “The Vampire Diaries”! Almost as significant is the gift Caroline places at Stefan’s memorial —a snowglobe we forgot she received from him back in season 6.
#1: “I Was Feeling Epic”
“162 Candles” & “I Was Feeling Epic”
The series finale provides the perfect ending to a rollercoaster viewing experience. It ties up loose ends and contains easy-to-miss things, even upon multiple rewatches. For one, the title of the episode is “I Was Feeling Epic”—words spoken by his bestie Lexi in season 1. In true TVD fashion, Stefan says the same line to her when they find eternal peace together. Adding to the nostalgia is “Never Say Never” playing after Stefan says goodbye to Elena and passes on – that same track was in the pilot. If that isn’t enough, the dearly departed Tyler and Vicky are given a brief moment when they’re shown standing together happily. Only the most die-hard TVD fans could both catch and explain the importance of these details!