Which Vampire Diaries Character Are You Based on Your Sign?

VOICE OVER: Phoebe de Jeu
WRITTEN BY: Santana Briggs
Ever wonder which "Vampire Diaries" character are you based on your sign? For this list we'll be looking at each astrological sign and asking which Vampire Diaries character fits best with their characteristics. Our countdown includes Stefan Salvatore, Katherine Pierce, Tyler Lockwood, and more!
Which Vampire Diaries Characters Are You Based on Your Sign
Nothing makes us fall in love with a show faster than vampires, werewolves, and an incredible love triangle. Welcome to MsMojo, and today we’re asking which Vampire Diaries character are you based on your sign.
For this list we’ll be looking at each astrological sign and asking which Vampire Diaries character fits best with their characteristics. We’ve excluded characters who exclusively appeared on spin-off series like The Originals and Legacies as they deserve their own lists. Needless to say, a spoiler alert is in effect.
#12: Matt Donovan
Pisces (circa February 19 - March 20)
When Pisces feel, they feel deeply, just like Matt Donovan. They are very sensitive and have a high emotional intelligence that is sometimes taken advantage of by others. Sometimes they can be too caring, which is Matt’s fatal flaw. He is constantly looking out for other people and taking care of his friends when they’re at their lowest. Just like a Pisces, he has a hard time asking for help and often forgets to put himself first. Being friends with a Pisces means someone will always have your back, but make sure to check in on them once in a while!
#11: Alaric Saltzman
Aquarius (circa January 20 — February 19)
Aquarians are truth-tellers who refuse to take anything at face value, just like our favorite history teacher, Alaric Saltzman. Alaric is always looking for the deeper explanation, needing to find the answers for himself. The Mystic Falls squad often looked to him for guidance and advice. Just like an Aquarius, Alaric has a deep sense of justice and is always looking out for the underdog. His innovation often saved the day when the group was in a bind and he was irreplaceable.
#10: Klaus Mikaelson
Capricorn (circa December 21 — January 19)
Capricorns are known for being skilled at reading the world around them, strategic and determined in their actions. If this doesn’t fit our favorite Original Vampire, Klaus Mikaelson, we don’t know what does! Klaus is hardworking and persistent, both in his acts as a hero and a villain. While it occasionally seemed like he only cared about gaining status or accomplishing his goals, he was fiercely loyal to his family and became a great leader. He embodied our favorite traits of a Capricorn, his wit and playful nature making us fall in love with him.
#9: Caroline Forbes
Sagittarius (circa November 21 — December 21)
We have a feeling that if you’re a Sagittarius, you find yourself relating most to Caroline in the Vampire Diaries universe. When Elena and her friends needed a little bit of optimism, they could always turn to Caroline for encouragement. She is bubbly and charismatic, and wears her heart on her sleeve. Even though she could be too honest and a bit of a control freak at times, she would do anything for her friends and family. Like a Sagittarius, Caroline made new friends easily and brought a lot of laughter to the people around her, especially during difficult moments.
#8: Stefan Salvatore
Scorpio (circa October 22 — November 21)
As one of the most misunderstood zodiac signs, Scorpios are known for being secretive. And who gave us one secret after another? Only the younger Salvatore brother, Stefan. Stefan embodies the best and worst traits of a Scorpio. He is loyal to a fault and protective, showing bravery when it comes to those he loves. However, he is also the perfect example of why Scorpios have a bad rep, as he can be single-minded, jealous, and occasionally cruel. Exercise caution around this sign, as they can be the best or worst thing to ever happen to you!
#7: Bonnie Bennett
Libra (circa September 22 — October 22)
Libras are all about justice and keeping a balance between good and evil. How could we pick anyone for this sign but Bonnie? Our resident witch always kept the group grounded, as the most diplomatic yet understanding friend. Like a Libra, Bonnie is able to see both sides and was able to make difficult decisions. Sometimes this led to her friends taking advantage of her giving nature, but we can confidently say Mystic Falls would not have survived without her!
#6: Jeremy Gilbert
Virgo (circa August 22 — September 22)
For our most practical sign, we had to make sure we picked an equally practical character, which is why we associate Virgos with Elena’s adoptive brother Jeremy. He is a voice of reason to his friends. Just like most Virgos, Jeremy usually has pure intentions and focuses on what is best for the most people, even if it means putting himself last. As a bit of a perfectionist, he is never happy with anything less and is often critical of himself and those around him. Jeremy saved the day many times and his hard work paid off in the end.
#5: Damon Salvatore
Leo (circa July 22 — August 22)
Leos are a little notorious among the zodiac for their sizable egos, but they’re much more than that, just like our pick for this sign, Damon. Leos are proud, hate being wrong, and love to show off. Just like a Leo, Damon loves to be the center of attention. He also embodies the best things about Leos, like their protective nature and their natural ability as leaders. Damon protected his friends and made huge sacrifices for those he cared about, and even though his confidence often got in the way, his attitude is a huge reason why we love him.
#4: Lorenzo "Enzo" St. John
Cancer (circa June 20 — July 22)
Cancers are sensitive and reserved, able to read the emotions of those around them. For this sign, we picked a character with a huge heart: Enzo. While he started out lost and misguided, he quickly became one of our favorite characters. Enzo is emotional, intense, and was the one to treat Bonnie with the respect she deserved. He could be impulsive and had a hard time letting things go. But he is someone that could always be counted on, just like a Cancer. We would feel lucky to have a friend like Enzo!
#3: Katherine Pierce
Gemini (circa May 20 — June 20)
Geminis are often seen as the trickiest sign of the zodiac, the different sides of their personality often coming off as two-faced. They are witty and resourceful, just like our favorite villain Katherine Pierce, which makes her the perfect Gemini. Katherine is charming and perceptive, making her uniquely insightful. However, get on her bad side, and be prepared to pay the price. She kept the other residents of Mystic Falls on their toes: they never knew what she would do next. Just like a Gemini, Katherine was able to get herself out of the worst of situations and we admire her resilience.
#2: Tyler Lockwood
Taurus (circa April 19 — May 20)
Tauruses are stubborn and fiercely resilient, making them loyal friends. One character that was always there for those around him was our favorite werewolf Tyler. Tyler was always down to help his friends, even when he had to put himself in danger. However, his stubbornness sometimes got the best of him, with his dedication to accomplishing his goals coming off as headstrong and his obsession often getting in the way of his success. However, Tyler embodies some of our favorite Taurus qualities, too, like dependability and trust.
#1: Elena Gilbert
Aries (circa March 20 — April 19)
Is anything more fitting than our main character, Elena, being an Aries? Aries are determined, ambitious and honest - and won’t think twice about taking on a challenge. Like the other fire signs, they are passionate and confident, but also impulsive. Elena’s love for her friends and family is unmatched, often leading her to make decisions before thinking in an effort to protect them. While her spontaneous nature has put her in hot water too many times to count, we would be so lucky to have someone in our lives who cares like Elena.