Top 10 Songs to Dance Out Your Rage To

#10: "Forget You" (2010)
CeeLo Green
The non-safe for radio title of this one pretty much says it all, doesn’t it? CeeLo Green wastes no time telling the subject of the song exactly how he feels, and let’s just say he’s not a huge fan of theirs. Yet as cutting as many of the lyrics are, they’re also joined by soulful music that adds a more lighthearted, humorous feel and gets us grooving. Now, you probably shouldn’t go and perform this for whoever’s pissing you off. But sometimes, we all need to vent and swear a little in a controlled way, and if we can do it while moving to an infectious beat? Sign us up!
#9: "Smells Like Teen Spirit" (1991)
Feeling tired and indifferent? Maybe you’re having an angsty day? Allow us to suggest you scream-sing and rock out to Nirvana’s “Smells Like Teen Spirit.” It’s often been said that you can’t always understand exactly what’s being sung, or what it’s supposed to mean. But here’s the thing: with a grunge banger as epic as this, you don’t need to. You can simply let loose and headbang as you let the rhythm overtake you. There’s no doubt you’ll feel lighter afterwards. We aren’t sure what teen spirit literally smells like, but we know unleashing our rage to this track feels darn good.
#8: "You Oughta Know" (1995)
Alanis Morissette
You oughta know that when it feels like the anger inside you is overflowing, Alanis Morissette is here to help with this alt-rock classic. She doesn’t mince words by any stretch, giving listeners ample opportunity to join in and proverbially flip off an ex who did them wrong. There’s a sense of fury permeating the whole track, which means you can rock out to ease any pain you may be in. By the time the chorus starts, we’re completely immersed in the musical experience, headbanging like there’s no tomorrow and embracing the pure emotion it holds.
#7: "Bitch Better Have My Money" (2015)
There’s no shortage of Rihanna songs that are perfectly suited for simultaneously raging and dancing. Care for a little “Man Down,” anyone? If you ask us, “Bitch Better Have My Money” fits that prompt the best. We hope you don’t relate to it on a personal level and that nobody literally owes you cash, because that would be annoying. However, there’s something super satisfying about the way the trap hit enables us to show off our best moves and channel our most badass selves.When you’re sick of people underappreciating you and forgetting that you call the shots in your life, this masterpiece is sure to make you feel heard!
#6: "Misery Business" (2007)
Emo teens of the 2000s, rise! In all seriousness, who among us doesn’t love Paramore’s “Misery Business”? The song, off their “Riot!” album, isn’t one of their most popular by accident. For years now, it’s given us a very compelling outlet through which we can healthily process our anger. It’s vengeful, it’s scathing, and God does it feel so good to violently jump up and down while vocalist Hayley Williams does her thing. Plus, it’s also really fun – seriously, it’s practically impossible to sit still or be grumpy once it starts. In other words, it’s everything you could want from a pop punk track.
#5: "Look What You Made Me Do" (2017)
Taylor Swift
Are you in your “reputation” era? From "This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things," to "I Did Something Bad," Taylor Swift’s sixth studio album is filled with fantastic tracks that demand you dance the frustration away. The unique blend of witty, mad, revenge-based lyrics and synth-heavy beats in many of the songs make doing exactly that possible. Look no further than "Look What You Made Me Do" to see what we mean. When we can’t take peoples’ hypocrisy anymore, it hits different. It’s all about calling out the nonsense, and the fiery, moody content is bolstered musically by dance-pop and electronic elements that are sure to get you shaking the haters off.
#4: "Fighter" (2002)
Christina Aguilera
Occasionally, the best way to free yourself from feelings of resentment and irritation is to remember that negative experiences can make us more resilient in the long run. That’s a big part of the message behind this Christina Aguilera classic. To say it delivers said message in a danceable, catchy package would be an understatement. The melody starts slow, but it doesn’t take long before things kick into high gear while Xtina belts like nobody else. Any floor becomes a dance floor when “Fighter” plays, and outrage turns to empowerment as we embrace the hurt making us stronger and wiser.
#3: “good 4 u” (2021)
Olivia Rodrigo
Olivia Rodrigo’s music cuts to the core of what it’s like to come of age and live through a first heartbreak, and how anxiety-inducing and infuriating it can be. That’s reflected in the lyrics, to be sure, but the songs also represent those chaotic emotions musically. As wonderful as “brutal” is in that regard, we think “good 4 u” best encapsulates the experience we’re trying to describe. Zero-ing in on the all-too-relatable experience of being upset by an old flame’s post-breakup behavior, it’s a fuming single for the ages. Its magnetic energy makes us want to stop crying on the bathroom floor, and never fails to get us moving our bodies in every direction until we feel unburdened.
#2: "Since U Been Gone" (2004)
Kelly Clarkson
Getting your heart broken is something of a universal experience, often accompanied by many (sometimes conflicting) emotions. It’s easy to be suffocated by rage or indignation, but dancing it all out helps remind us we’re better off. Few tracks are as effective for such a purpose as “Since U Been Gone.” We guarantee you’ll find yourself fervently bouncing around as Kelly Clarkson sings about telling off a former lover and owning her power. You may end up breathless from the physical exertion, but we’re also betting you’ll find yourself breathing easier after the final note plays. That’s as true today as it was when the song was released in 2004. No wonder it’s still insanely beloved!
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
"Gives You Hell" (2008), The All-American Rejects
Dancing & Screaming Along to This One Feels Like Heaven
"Stronger" (2000), Britney Spears
Empowering Dance-pop At Its Finest
"Hit Me with Your Best Shot" (1980), Pat Benatar
Fire Away!
"I Write Sins Not Tragedies" (2005), Panic! at the Disco
Haven't You People Ever Heard of Angry Jamming to This Tune?
"Ring the Alarm" (2006), Beyoncé
If You’re Pissed Yet Want to Dance the Night Away, Queen Bey Has You Covered
#1: "So What" (2008)
What exactly does a song need to enable the most incensed listeners to make up choreography on the spot and release their aggravation? We’d say passion, intensity, confident lyrics, and a strong, commanding beat are certainly part of the equation. Thankfully, this bold breakup number has all that and more. Any time we feel our blood boiling over, we know we can blast “So What” and find our rock moves as we recite every word and have more fun than we even knew was possible. It’s a testament to Pink’s ability to get us out of our heads and in tune with our bodies, which is no small feat. Needless to say, it’s cathartic stuff.