Top 10 Sonic the Hedgehog Movie Moments

Top 10 Sonic the Hedgehog (2020) Moments
After a much-needed redesign, Sonic raced into theaters with a fun and surprising video game movie. Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’ll be counting down our picks for the Top 10 Sonic the Hedgehog (2020) moments.
For this list, we’ll be looking at our favorite jokes, action scenes and Easter eggs from the blue blur’s 2020 feature film. Since we’ll be discussing the plot in detail, a spoiler alert is racing your way.
#10: Sonic & Robotnik’s Final Showdown
For the majority of the movie, Sonic runs circles around his enemies with his insane speed. But when Dr. Robotnik combines the hedgehog’s quills with advanced technology, the mad scientist becomes able to keep up with Sonic. When the two clash, Sonic’s ability to run on practically any surface makes it impossible to guess what would happen next. The battle becomes more interesting when magical rings teleport them everywhere from famous landmarks to small towns. By combining creative choreography with a variety of scenery, Sonic and Robotnik’s fight stands out as a unique visual treat. Their final showdown shows this franchise has potential to give us exciting and one-of-a-kind action set pieces.
#9: Jojo Gives Sonic Shoes
Although Sonic has plenty of awesome collectibles at the beginning of the movie, he doesn't seem to have any money. The biggest evidence of his lack of cash are his beaten and worn-down sneakers. When Sonic meets the young Jojo, she immediately wants to help the blue blur with his shoe issue. So, she runs up to her room and gives Sonic a pair of her sneakers. Jojo’s selfless gift is also a brilliant bit of fanservice. Sonic's new sneakers look just like the ones he wears in his games and TV shows. The attention to detail to his footwear ensured this heartwarming scene is also a great homage to Sonic’s long history.
#8: Sanic Meme
In 2010, YouTube user 0nyxheart posted a tutorial that taught us how to draw Sonic...we mean, Sanic Hegehog. This hilarious and sketchy interpretation of the character spawned countless memes, fan art, and even video games. Ten years after Sanic premiered online, he made his debut in theaters. Before Sonic comes out of hiding, town outcast Crazy Carl makes a drawing of the hedgehog. Crazy Carl’s amateur sketch looks just like 0nyxheart’s Sanic! The inclusion of this popular meme shows the filmmakers dove deep into the Sonic fandom for fun Easter eggs. While we love every reference they cram in, the Sanic Easter egg is the funniest.
#7: A Lonely Hedgehog
When Sonic was young, he was forced to go into hiding to avoid his enemies. After years of isolation, he’s still watching baseball games from the shadows instead of being with people. Sonic tries to have fun by using his superspeed to play a game of baseball by himself. But after being overcome with loneliness, he runs fast enough to create an electromagnetic pulse that knocks out the town’s electricity. This scene is an emotional rollercoaster: although we’re initially laughing at his antics, we can’t help but pity him when his loneliness sinks in. Sonic desperately needs to connect with someone. Fortunately, it isn’t long before he meets someone to play games with.
#6: Tom’s Declaration of Friendship
The first person that Sonic connects with is a police sheriff named Tom Wachowski. Initially, the officer wants nothing to do with the hedgehog. But over time he starts to warm up to Sonic. The officer’s affection for the hedgehog is put on full display when Robotnik severely injures Sonic. Tom risks his life to protect the hedgehog before declaring in front of an entire town that Sonic is his friend. The declaration of friendship recharges Sonic and gives him the power to defeat Robotnik. Seeing Tom go from a random stranger to the hedgehog’s biggest supporter is immensely satisfying. After years of loneliness, Sonic finally gets the friend he deserves.
#5: Sonic Pushes Friends Off a Building
Sonic spends most of the movie trying to reacquire his bag of teleporting rings. He and his friends finally find the rings on top of a building. But before Sonic can use one, Dr. Robotnik and corners them. Sonic immediately uses his superspeed… to push Tom and Maddie off the building! This moment will have you either gasping or laughing out loud. The push is so unexpected that even the heartless Dr. Robotnik is shocked. Fortunately, Sonic’s push is part of a plan to get his friends to safety. Although we don’t know if it’s the smartest idea, the push is the most hilarious way he could save the day.
#4: Dr. Robotnik’s Dance
Jim Carrey’s wacky mannerisms and comedic timing make him the perfect choice to play the scenery-chewing Dr. Robotnik. His best scene comes when he’s in his mobile lab. While his machines are busy analyzing one of Sonic’s quills, the villain turns on the song “Where Evil Grows” and has himself a dance party. His dancing is a combination of a couple pelvic thrusts, a few robotic movements and a ton of energy. It looks like Carrey is having an absolute ball, and we love every moment of it. If the Sonic movie gets a sequel, this kooky scientist should return with an even bigger dance number.
#3: Sonic's First Bar Fight
During Sonic’s road trip with Tom, the two stop at a seedy bar. When they’re threatened by a guy who doesn’t like their hipster outfits, Sonic attempts to knock the aggressor out with a bottle. It doesn’t work. Just when the bar patron is about to crush the blue blur, Sonic activates his superspeed. He moves so fast that everyone appears to be standing still. Sonic uses the opportunity to grab some snacks and play pranks on his enemies. While the scene shares a few similarities with a certain “X-Men” action sequence, Sonic’s superspeed shenanigans are still fun to watch. Although he can’t punch anyone out, he’s so quick that his enemies never see him coming.
#2: Tails Flies In
Over Sonic’s nearly three decade history, he’s teamed up with dozens of iconic side characters. His most consistent ally has been the flying fox, Tails. It’s only fitting that Sonic’s biggest sidekick makes an appearance in the 2020 film. During a post-credits scene, a portal from another world appears on a hill. Tails jumps through and immediately flies off to find Sonic. His urgency in the scene sets the perfect tone for a sequel. His cameo also opens the door for more franchise characters to appear in future films. Seeing Tails fly in is yet another sign that the filmmakers knew exactly what the fans wanted. We can’t wait to see him team up with Sonic in a sequel.
Before we race to our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Sonic Uses Signature Spin Dash Move
Baby Sonic
Sonic Gets His Own Room
Sonic Says “Gotta Go Fast!”
Robotnik Starts to Go Insane
#1: Sonic Befriends a Turtle
One of the first things we see Sonic do is prank Tom by running along the highway. But when Sonic sees a turtle about to be run over, he races in to save the reptile. Our hero decides to make the turtle’s day even better by letting it experience his speed. Seeing the expression on the turtle’s face as he travels at supersonic speeds is really funny, and when Sonic accidentally lets the reptile fly out of his hands, it’s particularly hilarious! The incident leaves the turtle absolutely shook. Although Sonic traumatizes the turtle a teensy little, this scene fundamentally establishes that Sonic is a fun-loving, compassionate and hilarious hedgehog.