Top 10 Supernatural Storylines the Show Forgot About

#10: Sam’s Crisis of Conscience
“Saving people, hunting things – the family business.” That’s the Winchester motto. But most of the time, the Winchesters seem focused on the second part of that statement. At the beginning of season 11, Sam feels guilty at the fact that they unleashed the Darkness. He intended for the brothers to return to their roots and focus more on saving people. This includes trying to save the vessels of demons who are just possessed by evil. Over time however, the need to save is pushed aside so the brothers can keep taking out demon hosts and other possessed humans that they encounter. It felt like Sam’s change of heart didn’t really change the show much.
#9: Vampires vs. Men of Letters
In season 12, the British Men of Letters begin a campaign to wipe out all vampires in the United States. It was certainly an ambitious project. Surprisingly, they make good headway. They even catch the attention of the Alpha vampire. During a confrontation between the head vamp, Sam, Mary, and the British Men of Letters, Sam manages to fatally wound the Alpha. You’d think the vampires would be angry that their progenitor was gone. At the very least, we expected the new vamp in charge would strike back. But we never see the remaining bloodsuckers take revenge against Sam or the men of letters for this act. Since the show’s Vampires aren’t exactly known for their restraint, it was bizarre that they let this go.
#8: Dragons
“Supernatural” has featured nearly every supernatural creature and monster on Earth and mined mythologies from a ton of cultures. So, it was only a matter of time before they got to dragons. But the legendary creatures only appear in a single episode in season 6. Although they are rare, we’ve seen plenty of special creatures make reappearances. And since the show’s dragons can assume human forms, it wasn’t like it was too expensive to bring the creatures back. We admit that turning the big lizards into guys with glowy hands wasn’t the best or most intimidating look. However, we’d still like to have seen more dragons flying through the series.
#7: The Roadhouse
During season 2, Sam and Dean acquire something of a base in the form of Harvelle’s Roadhouse. The Roadhouse acted as a waypoint for hunters to learn about jobs and to interact with each other. However, it’s eventually destroyed by demons. As it turns out, series creator Eric Kripke didn’t like giving the boys a base because it ruined the show’s road trip feel. However, the boys would later hang their hats in locations like Bobby’s place and the Bunker. The Roadhouse went on to be mentioned in a few conversations and appeared in Heaven. But for the most part, it was mostly forgotten in favor of other safe havens.
#6: Jesse Turner Is the Antichrist
As the threat of the Apocalypse drew closer in season 5, one of the potential problems that cropped up was Jesse Turner. Not only was he the offspring a demon and a human, but he was also the feared antichrist. Jesse possesses the ability to warp reality at will and has the potential to cause a lot of damage. After our heroes meet this powerful boy, he…. goes off to Australia and is never seen again. It seems weird that the antichrist spent the majority of the show hanging out on another continent without an issue. While another “son of the devil” plotline is explored in the series, barely anyone seemed to remember Jesse Turner was in the Land Down Under.
#5: Jacob Pond’s Revenge
Speaking of terrifying children, Jacob Pond is the son of Amy Pond, a kitsune. They both need a…“special” kind of brain food to survive. Since Amy works as a mortician, she originally had no problem getting what she needed from work. However, when Jacob becomes sick, Amy goes after living people to heal her son. While Sam lets her live, Dean finds her and takes her down anyway. Jacob is then warned not to take the lives of living people. But he responds to that warning by promising to slay Dean. Although the loved ones of other Winchester enemies seek revenge, Jacob himself never appears again. Maybe he slipped the writers’ minds…if he didn’t turn them into brain food first.
#4: “Bloodlines”
“Supernatural” attempted to launch a few spin-offs during its 15 year run. One of these projects was called “Supernatural: Bloodlines.” In season 9, the episode “Bloodlines” was meant to serve as a backdoor pilot for the show. It would have followed human Ennis Ross as he becomes embroiled in the plots of the five monster families of Chicago. While the idea had potential, the spin-off never ended up coming to fruition. Not only that, but the main characters and ideas introduced in the episode were never fully revisited in the main “Supernatural” series. These “bloodlines” ended before they even began.
#3: Sam & Amelia
The Winchesters have had quite a few love interests over the years. During season 8, we learn Sam had a relationship with a veterinarian named Amelia while Dean was trapped in Purgatory. Their love story is primarily related through flashbacks. Although they briefly come back together for one last fling, Sam chooses to return to his life as a hunter rather than stay with her. The pair’s relationship drama and the fact that Sam chose her over trying to find and resurrect Dean didn’t go over well with many fans. It was probably for the best that she was barely referenced after season 8.
#2: Sam’s Demon Blood Powers
Sam Winchester is special―and not just because he’s Lucifer’s true vessel. He’s also had demon blood in his system since he was a kid. Whenever Sam drinks some, his powers, which include telekinesis, get stronger. He also becomes reliant on drinking the sinister substance at one point. Although Sam overcomes his issues, his powers and their source don’t go away. But we don’t see or hear much about his demon blood powers after season 5. We understand that he didn’t want to risk falling back into bad patterns. However, you’d think Sam would have brought back his power back at least once against one the big bads they faced between seasons 6-15.
Before we get to our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions:
Dean’s Daughter, “The Slice Girls”
Are We Not Going to Address That Sam Slayed His Amazonian Niece Ever Again?
Lucifer’s Love For His Son Jack, Various Episodes
Lucifer Says He’ll Be a Better Dad but Seemingly Forgets to Actually Change
Resurrected Sam Turns Evil, “All Hell Breaks Loose: Part Two”
Azazel Suggests Sam Might’ve Come Back Evil but This Plot Point Isn’t Really Touched Upon
Three of the Horsemen, Various Episodes
Three of the Embodiments of the Horsemen Never Got Full Replacements
#1: Azazel’s Demon Army Plan
Remember when we mentioned earlier that Sam is Lucifer’s true vessel? Well, in season 4, we learn through a flashback that Azazel, Mr. Yellow Eyes, was a follower of Lucifer. Azazel apparently had plans to use Sam and his demon powers to bring about the Devil’s return. Except…during the first 2 seasons, Yellow Eyes seemed hell bent (get it?) on using Sam and the other kids with demonic powers as generals for some kind of demon army. Since Lucifer would’ve presumably all of hell at his disposal anyway why spend time building an army? Although “Supernatural” has gone through other retcons, Azazel’s plans particularly stick out because he seemed to forget what his ultimate goal was.