Top 10 Things Only Adults Notice in The Incredibles Franchise

#10: Jonny Quest
“Incredibles 2” (2018)
Since the franchise is set in the 1960s, writer and director Brad Bird took the opportunity to include an easter egg from his childhood. In one of the scenes where Dash is watching TV, he tunes into “Jonny Quest”. That particular animated series actually had a short lived run in the 1960s. Its protagonist was a 10-year-old character named Jonny who often went on exciting adventures. We can totally believe that this is the kind of show Dash would watch religiously before doing a few super heroic deeds. And we imagine that any older audience members who spotted this Easter Egg were excited by this blast from the past too.
#9: Gus ‘Reflux’ Burns
“Incredibles 2” (2018)
One of the supers Elastigirl meets is an older gentleman who goes by the name Reflux. His ability to spit lava from his stomach isn’t properly revealed until the movie’s final battle. However, we’re guessing older audiences knew what he could do might be based on his name alone. Acid reflux is an all too common problem for a lot of adults to deal with. But we doubt kids got that an entire character was set up around a joke about a stomach condition. As the grown-ups laughed or even winced in solidarity when Reflux was onscreen, the children were probably a little confused about this strange hero.
#8: A Cut Off Curse Word
“Incredibles 2” (2018)
Many of the Disney films we grew up on tended to stray clear of more colorful adult langage. That’s why some parents were rather shocked by the occasional use of “hell”, “damn” and “crap” throughout the film. Although younger viewers may have heard those, they probably missed one cut off curse. While Jak-Jak is using his powers, a shocked Frozone yells out... Children may have not been able to fill in that profane blank. However, parents who have seen Sam Jackson in more mature movies definitely had an idea of what his character Frozone was about to say.
#7: Elastigirl’s Flexible & Flirty Line
“The Incredibles” (2004)
We first see the chemistry between Elastigirl and Mr. Incredible while they’re confronting a bad guy. While Elastigirl suggests that they should team up, Mr. Incredible insists that he works alone. The heroine tries to win him over with a flirty line. Younger viewers probably missed why this piece of dialogue had people in the audience snickering. Let’s just say when Elastigirl tells Mr. Incredible he needs to be more flexible, we don’t think she’s just talking about crime fighting. She further highlights this risqué comment by showing off her powers as she disappears into the distance. Neither the audience nor Mr. Incredible can ignore that flexible line after that.
#6: Getting Out of Jail Free
“Incredibles 2” (2018)
In addition to PG-language and double-entendres, this franchise doesn’t shy away from social criticism either. One of the most direct lines in the movie comes from the always sharp Violet. When Evelyn Devour gets arrested, the teenager points out that it’s very unlikely that she’ll face any real consequences for her actions due to her economic status. As a kid, you may not have realized that this was a pretty realistic comment on social and economic injustice. However, adults were bound to be familiar with stories like Evelyn’s. Violet’s funny delivery of the line still doesn’t make the line feel any less real.
#5: Mr. Incredible Gets Sued for Saving Someone’s Life
“The Incredibles” (2004)
The role of a superhero is to rescue those in peril. So what happens when someone doesn’t want to be saved? Well, as Mr. Incredible finds out, they sue. During a pretty dark sequence near the start of the film, we see a man named Oliver Sansweet fall from a skyscraper. Mr. Incredible arrives in the nick of time to save the man. But Sansweet ends up suing the superhero for the injuries he endured during the close rescue. The incident marks one of the catalyst events that sends superheroes out of the spotlight. At the same time, it’s a heavy and mature subject to drop into a movie aimed at younger audiences.
#4: Peeping Tom
“The Incredibles” (2004)
During the first “Incredibles”, we see a montage showing a myriad of superheroes getting in legal trouble for a variety of reasons. In a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it shot, you’ll notice a troubling story detailing the downfall of one of these former supers splashed across the front of a newspaper. The “Peeping Tom” headline suggests that a hero was using his X-ray vision in inappropriate ways. Since the image goes by quickly, we doubt most people fully registered that this shocking newspaper cover was in the movie. But there’s no way we can unsee this mature reference now.
#3: Syndrome Mentions His Arch-Enemy Kept Busy
“The Incredibles” (2004)
It had been a long time since Mr. Incredible crossed paths with his former number one fan Buddy. But their reunion isn’t a happy one. Since they last met, Buddy became a vengeful antagonist. When he has the whole Parr family in his clutches, he takes some time to catch up with his now arch-enemy. Upon realizing Mr. Incredible has gotten married and has kids, he exclaims. And you don’t need to be as smart as the villainous Buddy Pine to figure out what he meant. We just hope this memorable line didn’t lead to any awkward birds-and-the bees conversations.
#2: Syndrome Has No Room For BS
“Jack-Jack Attack” (2005)
In this hilarious short, babysitter Kari is in over her head with Jack-Jack and his plethora of powers. So she’s all too happy to hand the baby over to Syndrome the moment he turns up. Although Kari is eager for him to be the replacement babysitter, she pauses to ask why his outfit has a big S on it. Syndrome claims it was short for babysitter and explains why it's missing a b. While parents definitely understood this funny wordplay, kids probably missed that those two letters could have stood for a much stronger term you shouldn’t say around Jack-Jack.
#1: Violet Experiences Adolescence
“Incredibles 2” (2018)
The eldest Parr child is something of a shrinking Violet for much of the first movie. In fact, it’s not until the end that she finds the courage to even talk to her crush Tony. But after he sees her in super-gear, his memory gets wiped and his memory of Violet goes too. She goes through an array of angry and devastating emotions, prompting her brother to ask. Dash’s question is a hilarious way for him to reference the hormonal changes teenagers undergo during puberty. Unless you lived with a teenager or had been one by the time the movie came out, Dash’s comment might’ve sped right over your head.