Top 10 Things You Missed in The Last of Us Episode 9

Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top Things You Missed in “The Last of Us” Episode 9. For this list, we’ll be looking at the best references, easter eggs and foreshadowing from the season 1 finale of this post-apocalyptic series. If you aren’t caught up to the show or haven't played the “Last of Us” games, beware of major spoilers ahead. Can you say that you caught the hidden reference to “The Last of Us Part 2” antagonist Abby before we talk about it? Let us know if you did and how you felt about the finale in the comments.
#10: Anna’s Last Lullaby Becomes One of Ellie’s First Loves
It’s tragic that Ellie doesn’t get to spend much time with her mother Anna before the two are torn apart. But the immune survivor does get a couple of gifts from her mom in that short time. Outside of the knife, Anna gave her daughter a subtle gift through the lullaby she was singing. If you listen very closely to the lyrics, it becomes clear the new mom was singing a tune by the band a-ha called “The Sun Always Shines on T.V.” Ellie notably got her hands on a cassette full of the same band’s best songs when she got older. Maybe she subconsciously likes a-ha so much because one of their hits was at the center of her memories of her mother.
#9: Ellie’s & Riley’s Story Finally Got a Sad Conclusion
After we see Riley get bitten in a mall, the show cuts away before we see the results. Although we know she died after being infected, it was unclear how it happened. Neither the original game or the seventh episode gave us that answer. However, Ellie finally explained what went down in the show’s universe. Hearing that she personally put down her best friend made an already heartbreaking story almost unbearable to think about. In another life, the two could’ve been friends forever or taken the next step and started a relationship. But in the end, Ellie had to personally end the existence of a person that she truly cared about.
#8: The Show Leaned On Smoke Instead of Water
A relatively good day for Ellie and Joel was rudely interrupted when they were suddenly ambushed by Fireflies. Thanks to a smoke grenade, the duo is too disoriented to fight back against the soldiers. Joel is ultimately knocked out while trying to get his bearings. In the original game, the Fireflies don’t need smoke to throw the duo off. While Joel is trying to cross over water on a bus, the vehicle shifts. Ellie’s attempts to save him unfortunately backfire and she ends up nearly drowning underwater. As soon as they emerge, Fireflies arrive and knock Joel out. Even though the show skipped the water set piece, both versions of the story end with the heroes at the mercy of the relentless group.
#7: A Recurring Green Color Scheme
When Anna gives her daughter away, Ellie’s wrapped up in a green jacket. Seeing the baby cloaked in that brought an ongoing color motif full circle. The color green has often helped signal that a character was safe in a dangerous place. When Ellie slept in the forest in a sleeping bag of the same color, Joel stood guard throughout the night. She returned the favor by covering him with a green blanket when he was recovering from an injury and being hunted. Later on, Joel gives Ellie his green jacket to comfort her and keep her warm after a traumatic incident. Whether the color appeared in that harrowing scene or on the walls of Ellie’s room in the Jackson community, it often represented safety.
#6: The Original Ellie Actress Passes The Torch
Ashley Johnson gave a fantastic performance as Anna in a scene that wasn’t depicted in the games. It certainly helped that she was extremely familiar with the material. Before appearing on the show, Johnson lent her voice to none other than Ellie in the first two games. If you close your eyes while watching the show, you just might even hear notes of the younger character. Having the original Ellie literally give the live-action counterpart away was incredibly symbolic. Although Marlene’s the only actor who reprised their role between mediums so far, the rest of the original main cast has been incredibly supportive of the show. Johnson’s presence in the season 1 finale was the perfect visual representation of their appreciation for the adaptation.
#5: The Doctor Scene Could’ve Been Darker
The firefly surgeon who tried to stop Joel from saving Ellie ended up paying the ultimate price. As harrowing as it was to watch the protagonist execute a doctor, the scene could’ve been more unsettling. When players encountered the surgeon in the game, they had the option to go further and attack the two other doctors in the room. Anyone who chose to go that extra mile could’ve seen the medical professionals die in ways that are too gruesome to show here. Thankfully, the live-action Joel stops with the surgeon. At the same time, the fact that he eliminated innocents and may have denied the world a chance to get a cure still makes it hard to look at him the same way.
#4: A Baseball Field Sized Shout Out
We completely understand if viewers were too blown away by the majestic giraffe scene to pick up another Easter Egg in the background. A family of the animals notably appears in “Bethany Clare Field”. While the game was in development, Peter Field designed the level where the giraffes stroll through. He took advantage of this big opportunity to name the baseball field after his wife. After the game’s release, Field eventually moved onto projects outside of “The Last of Us” parent company Naughty Dog. It’s nice to see show creators still retained that Easter Egg and honored the level designer who showcased a giraffe scene we’ll never forget.
#3: A Quick Joel Line Is Expanded Into a Full Story
In one of Joel’s most vulnerable moments in the entire series, he tells Ellie that he tried to take his own life after his daughter’s untimely death. This story was only suggested within the games. During the duo’s quest, Ellie sees a couple who took their own lives. When she describes their methods as an easy way out, Joel disagreed with a sobering statement. His response could definitely be interpreted in a number of ways. By contrast, the show leaves no room for ambiguity. Having Joel tell Ellie why he lost his will to live after his child’s death also hinted that he couldn’t bear to lose her either.
#2: Joel & Ellie Look to the Future
While the duo subtly hinted at future franchise events before the season 1 finale, the 9th episode contained the most blatant shoutouts to what lies ahead for the characters. After offering to teach Ellie how to play guitar, Joel brings her one in “The Last of Us 2”. This means that we’re likely to see Bella Ramsey playing music in season 2. Speaking of Ramsey, she hit three strong points about Ellie’s future in one line. The character lives in Tommy’s town, owns sheep and takes a symbolic trip to the moon in the second game. It’s exciting to know that those story beats and more will be coming to our screens in the next season.
#1: “The Last of Us Part 2” Antagonist Abby Is Hidden In Plain Sight
During the events of “The Last of Us Part 2”, a woman named Abby becomes one of Ellie’s most hated enemies. While we won’t spoil anything for those who haven’t played the games, just know that there’s pretty much no chance that they’ll ever be friends. The Abby character doesn’t appear in the show during season 1. However, the actress that portrayed her actually does. Laura Bailey plays one of the nurses in the operating room. This is just three years after she won several awards by portraying Abby. Although we’re unsure if Bailey will appear in the live-action series again, the game changing character she voiced will definitely play a major role.