Top 10 Times Adventure Time Tackled Serious Issues

Welcome to MsMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Times “Adventure Time” Tackled Serious Issues. For this list, we’ll be looking at the best moments that deal with emotional or tough situations. Keep in mind, there will be some spoilers ahead. Are we missing any of your favorites? Let us know in the comments!
#10: Jake Becomes a Parent
“Jake the Dad”
Things get a bit out of hand after the birth of Jake and Lady Rainicorn’s children. He becomes overly anxious about their safety. And he definitely has his hands full raising all five of those little cuties. He is absolutely exhausted and constantly paranoid. In the end, Jake realizes that he can’t protect them from everything and they need to have a chance to learn for themselves. He may have overreacted, but it was all because he cares so much for the pups. And who could blame him for being nervous? There are few things more intimidating than being a first-time parent.
#9: Finn’s Absent Father
“Escape from the Citadel”
Unfortunately, not everyone in the Land of Ooo is as worried about being as good a dad as Jake is. Finn was adopted when he was just a baby and he never had a relationship with his father. So he’s hopeful after it’s revealed his dad’s still alive. When he finally meets him, it’s disappointing to say the least. It turns out, Martin is actually kind of a jerk. He shows little interest in his son and acts selfishly. It’s painful watching Finn get brushed aside. But the whole experience eventually helps him mature and come to terms with Martin’s behavior.
#8: Ice King’s Misogyny
“Prisoners of Love”
If you know anything about the Ice King, you’ll know how obsessed he is with princesses. He desperately wants one to marry him. In his eyes, they’re all just potential wives. He tries crazy tactics to try to get them to fall in love, including kidnapping. These things obviously don’t work, because these ladies don’t want to be treated like objects. This episode sends a clear message that women should never have to tolerate that kind of behavior. It’s also great to see Finn and Jake act so chivalrously and set a good example.
#7: Marceline & Her Mother
“Stakes Part 2: Everything Stays”
This one will hit you right in the feels. Marceline’s father may be a demon lord, but her mother was just a normal human. The two were split up when she was just a little girl. Even after roughly a thousand years, Marcy still misses her mom. While they didn’t get to share much time together, it’s obvious Elise loved her daughter more than anything. It’s just plain heartbreaking that Marceline had to lose her mother so early. There really is nothing that can compare to the love between a mother and her child.
#6: Marceline & Princess Bubblegum’s Fight
“What Was Missing”
We’ve all been there before; feeling like you’re unwanted or unloved by your friends can be so frustrating. Marceline gets fed up and expresses all these emotions with a song that calls out PB. Finn tries to mediate between the two of them, but it doesn’t work so well. Marceline let her insecurities about not being enough get the best of her. Thankfully, though, everyone is all still friends at the end of the day. This is a great reminder to tell your friends how you feel, before it starts to boil over.
#5: Cherry Cream Soda’s Grief
“Cherry Cream Soda”
Losing a loved one is always a difficult experience, and this episode explores how those emotions can impact one’s life. After the death of her husband, Cherry Cream Soda struggles with moving on and has nightmares about the tragedy. She eventually finds a new marriage with Starchy. However, her persistent sadness causes tensions between the two of them. She realizes she needs closure and takes it into her own hands. This story ends with a silly and unexpected twist, but it still teaches an important lesson about loss and independence.
#4: Finn’s Crush on Princess Bubblegum
“Burning Low”
Crushing on someone is tough, but crushing on your friend who doesn’t feel the same way is just brutal. It’s not a secret that Finn has a thing for PB. But, eventually, he moves on and develops feelings for Flame Princess. When PB tries to explain why his new relationship is dangerous, he takes it the wrong way. Still a little hurt from his unrequited affections, Finn is furious because he thinks she’s playing with his emotions. This dicey love triangle demonstrates the awkward ways friendships can get messed up when romantic feelings get involved.
#3: Princess Cookie’s Mental Health
“Princess Cookie”
Mental illness is never an easy subject to deal with, but “Adventure Time” handles it well. The comedic relief blended into these moments lightens the tone while still retaining the message. When Cookie feels like he’ll never achieve his dream of becoming a princess, he begins to spiral. He can’t handle it and takes some drastic actions. Fortunately, he survives the ordeal and is able to recover. He also receives treatment at the Candy Kingdom Mental Hospital. Even if you feel like you’ve run out of options, this tale serves as an important reminder that there is always help available.
#2: Finn’s Disability
“The Tower”
After Finn loses his favorite arm, he faces a whole new type of challenge. Everyday tasks have suddenly turned into huge obstacles. He struggles to retain his usual optimism and gets irritated trying to adapt. Finn becomes so upset that we see a side of him that doesn’t show up often. His frustration about his situation, combined with his resentment towards his father, makes him vengeful and irrational. The bright side is that he still has his awesome friends by his side to help him adjust. This episode does a great job of showing how a disability can change your life, and the emotions that come with the adjustments.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
BMO’s Brother AMO, “The More You Moe, the Moe You Know”
This Little Robot Was Only Ever Designed to Receive Love, Not Give It
Finn Goes Mad, “Jake the Dog”’
Sometimes Helping Others Can Come at a Cost
Lumpy Space Princess & Johnnie, “Bad Timing”
What If You Could Rid Yourself of the Memories of Someone You Love?
#1: Marceline & Ice King’s Backstory
“Simon & Marcy”
You might wanna grab some tissues for this one. Long before the Ice King was driven mad by the power of his crown, he was a normal man named Simon Petrikov. He also became responsible for little seven-year-old Marceline. Together they braved the wasteland that was left after the Mushroom War. Simon loved Marcy like she was his own daughter, but his transformation into the Ice King forced them apart. The most heartbreaking part of it all is that he can’t remember a thing about the time they shared. Their tale is an important one that’ll remind you to appreciate the people closest to you while you still can.