Top 10 Times Anime Villains Went Too Far

#10: Rau Kills Flay
“Mobile Suit Gundam SEED” (2002-03)
Hey, she may have been something of a heartbreaker whose reasons for bonking the lead character weren’t exactly pure, but damn it, Flay was still a temporary love interest of Kira Jesus Yamato! How dare some masked prick with a galaxy-sized ego kill her. Oh, and a shuttle full of passengers as well. No surprise that after his booty call got blasted, Kira smited the shit out of Rau with Freedom’s superior firepower. That’s what you get for going against our lord and saviour!
#9: Kamui's Public Executions
“.hack//Legend of the Twilight” (2003)
And this is what happens when admins go off the rails. As a member of the Cerulean Knights, Kamui was alright a bit rigid when it came to her duty. However, after coming into conflict with Shugo and Rena, she somewhat goes down the path of lawful evil, to the point where she starts banning players from The World after assuming an administrator status. The fact she does this via public executions to the players’ avatars is just excessive!
#8: Baba Stomps Mitsuko
“A Certain Scientific Railgun T” (2020)
It was just supposed to be a school festival! How did we end up with robot dogs and some fat schlocke kicking a student in the head? Oh right, it’s the Index franchise. After disabling Mitsuko’s esper abilities via a nanodevice, Baba proceeds to stomp her over and over for seeming no real reason other than to restablish that he’s a scumbag that sees no problem hurting young women. Thankfully he was put in his place later on.
#7: Breaking Emma's Leg
“The Promised Neverland” (2019-)
Not sure what hurts more; seeing the high-spirited Emma reduced to tears due the agony of her leg getting snapped, or knowing it was her surrogate mother who did the deed without a second thought. Seeking to put a stop to their escape plans, Isabella seemingly dashes the hopes of the orphans when she cripples Emma without even blinking. The fact she then carries her back to the house like a caring parent just adds to the depravity, reminding us that at this point in time there’s no difference between Isabella and the demons she works for.
#6: Tonegawa's Forced Apology
“Kaiji” (2007-11)
There’s always a price to pay when you gamble, it’s just that those in employment of the detestable Chairman are forced to hand over in a little extra. In the case of Tonegawa, who had failed to secure a win against Kaiji and rob his boss of a sadistic kill, he’s made to repay in a way most befitting of those who indulge in death games – by bowing his head and hands onto a burning hot metal plate for an agonising amount of seconds. Might be time for a career change.
#5: Dust Explosion
“Baki” (2018-)
Did these guys really think a death row convict was going to repay their kindness by turning over a new leaf? Well, he kind of does…but only after he showed up at their dojo and set the whole place on fire via one hell of an explosion, causing numerous injuries to Orochi’s disciples along the way. That’s in poor taste man, especially after they went out of your way to save your life. Guess he needed Katsumi pummelling his face in a few more times to truly make him see the error of his ways.
#4: Vetto Ends Their Whole Career
“Black Clover” (2017-)
Yeah, yeah, the rage of the elves against humanity and all that, but don’t you think you were just being a tad too sadistic for your own good here? After invading the underwater kingdom and going on a rampage, the despair-obssessed Third Eye proceeds to destroy Kiato and Kahono with absolute ease. He could have just used that animalistic rage of his to punch their lights out, but nope – he ripped one sibling’s leg off and crushed the other’s throat, ruining their dreams of dancing and singing on the surface! Guess he’s not a fan of talent shows…
#3: Destroying Overhaul's Arms
“My Hero Academia” (2016-)
Given how this wannabe yakuza had tortured an innocent young girl, we can’t deny we got a morbid sense of satisfaction out of seeing him get his just desserts at the hands of both Midoriya and Shigaraki. Of course, being the villain that he is, the new leader of the League of Villains wasn’t content to just beat Overhaul, he had to make an example of him, which he did by removing both of his arms, which in turn forever took away the chance of him ever undoing the damage he did to his beloved father figure. Fair play to Shigaraki for restabilising himself as top dog, but damn that was brutal.
#2: Accusing Naofumi
“The Rising of the Shield Hero” (2019)
How to destroy a life with a single lie, isekai edition. Due to her devotion to the Church of the Three Heroes, Myne fuelled her father’s hatred of the Shield Hero name, and together they conspired to defame and assassinate Naofumi’s character by accusing him of sexually violating her, the results of which plummeted him into a world of isolation and hatred that nearly consumed him. The sheer callousness of this one action, along with her selfish and immature mentality, was all it took to permanently mark this princess as one of the most despised anime characters to date.
#1: Dio Kills Danny
“JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure” (2012)
Whelp, that’s one way to establish yourself as the villain for the season. Whatever sympathy we may have had for Dio due to his terrible upbringing instantly dissolved when he kicked Jonathan’s dog in the face, all without provocation! If that’s not bad enough, as vengeance for getting his ass kicked, Dio would later to go on to kill Danny by tossing him into a furnace. While canine genocide would go on to become a JoJo staple, the way in which Jonathan’s childhood friend was so heinously killed proved to be a bridge too far for many of us.