10 Times Celebs Got Called Out For Being Entitled

VOICE OVER: Callum Janes
These celebrities need to check their privilege. Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we're counting down our picks for the most infamous moments when celebrities flaunted their wealth, privilege, or connections, and faced backlash for it. Our countdown of the times celebs got called out for entitlement includes Justin Timberlake, Gal Gadot, James Corden, and more!
Top 10 Times Celebs Got Called Out For Entitlement
Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the most infamous moments when celebrities flaunted their wealth, privilege, or connections, and faced backlash for it.
#10: Not Human Parenting
Justin TimberlakeParenting isn’t always easy. And it got even more challenging during lockdown. Most people can understand that. However, Justin Timberlake did himself no favors with his comments. Interviewed on SiriusXM’s Hits 1, the singer was asked how he has coped with parenting alongside his wife, Jessica Biel, during the ordeal. Timberlake replied, “24-hour parenting is just not human.” Well, human or not, most parents are parents 24-7. Social media erupted, calling the artist “tone-deaf” and making known just how much the average person has to juggle on top of raising youngsters without the finances Timberlake and Biel have.
#9: Not the Porsche!
Gordon RamsaySo-called financial experts often tell younger folk that to afford to own a property, they need to cut out buying Starbucks and other small luxuries. But apparently, there’s a simpler way. In 2023, Gordon Ramsay was interviewed on the Podcast “High Performance.” He detailed a time he needed an additional £20,000 for a deposit on a flat and turned to his father-in-law, Chris Hutcheson, for the loan, which he promised he’d pay back in a year. Hutcheson advised Ramsay to sell his Porsche 911 first. Somehow, this was a lightbulb moment for the chef at the time and he did just that. Viewers, however, immediately mocked how unrelatable Ramsay’s struggle was. After selling the luxury car, fear not, Ramsay bought it back a decade later.
#8: Bribery Bash
Rita OraWhen the lockdown was in effect in 2020, many were scared but still followed the rules to keep others safe. So, when Rita Ora broke the guidelines, folks were mad. After returning to London from a private gig in Egypt, the singer was supposed to quarantine for two weeks. Instead, the following day, Ora bribed a restaurant £5000 to host her 30th birthday party. At the time, there was a ban on different households mixing indoors. Ora’s team allegedly also requested the facility turn off the CCTV. Ora was labeled “selfish” for her actions and for throwing money to get what she wanted. The singer apologized for her actions and was fined £10,000 for her shindig.
#7: Climate Criminal
Kylie JennerThe battle against climate change is something many of us care about. People have adapted their everyday routines in an effort to reduce carbon emissions and generally help the environment. But then there’s Kylie Jenner. In 2022, she uploaded an image of her and Travis Scott embracing between two planes with the caption, “You wanna take mine or yours?” The public deemed her a “climate criminal”, not only for using a private jet for short trips, but also for seemingly gloating about it. Speaking of the Kardshain-Jenner clan, during the pandemic, there was a toilet paper shortage as people panicked and hoarded it. Well, Khloé Kardashian decided to TP her sister Kourtney’s property as a joke, which frustrated people who were struggling to find the stuff in the first place.
#6: Imagine
Gal Gadot & Many, Many OthersOn occasion, celebrities like to spread awareness about catastrophes or write encouraging messages on socials. When done right, it’s often appreciated. And, when it’s not, well, it’s not. In 2020, Gal Gadot and Kristen Wiig led a project with the intention of boosting morale during the pandemic by releasing a cover of John Lennon’s “Imagine,” sung by various celebs. Instead of lifting the world, though, it made many people angry. “Imagine no possessions” from people with a lot of possessions is…maybe a little hypocritical. The video was called “cringe” and “out of touch” by people all over social media. Others criticized the celebrities for taking time to make the video instead of donating to useful causes.
#5: Monkey Business
Justin BieberAfter arriving in Germany during his 2013 tour, Justin Bieber’s pet capuchin monkey, OG Mally, was seized by officials. This came as a result of the singer not being able to provide correct paperwork for Mally and, even after being given a deadline to submit the paperwork, Bieber failed to do so. It was said that he no longer wanted Mally, so he was rehomed. People, including animal experts, were livid at Bieber for treating Mally like an accessory. This, of course, isn’t the only time he has felt the public’s wrath. On Instagram live in 2020, Bieber and his wife Hailey spoke to Kendall Jenner, with Bieber trying for some empathy for those struggling during the pandemic, but largely failing.
#4: Million Dollar Acceptance
Dr. DreSometimes, celebrities try to hide their nepotism. However, in the modern day, doing so will quickly get you called out. In 2019, Dr. Dre put on social media that his daughter, Truly Young, had been accepted into the University of Southern California. He took a jab at people like Felicity Huffman for her bribery scandal, stating that Young did it all herself. But Dre failed to mention that in 2013, he and Jimmy Iovine gave USC $70 million to build the Jimmy Iovine and Andre Young Academy for Arts, Technology and the Business of Innovation. The backlash got so bad that Dre deleted the post on Instagram.
#3: Working Class Luxury
Victoria BeckhamIt’s not often the spouse of a famous face would be the first to call out their entitlement. But that’s exactly what happened in the 2023 documentary series “Beckham.” At one point, Victoria “Posh Spice” Beckham is chatting about growing up working class. Well, David wasn’t having that. Popping his head into the room, he pressed his wife to be honest and asked what kind of car her father drove during her childhood. Eventually, after trying to skirt around the demand, Victoria stated it was a Rolls Royce. With that, the former footballer’s work was done. While David was praised online, some were still livid at Victoria for trying to alter her image by rewriting her history.
#2: Superyacht Isolation
David GeffenThe pandemic seemingly was an event that brought the entitlement of some celebrities to the forefront. In 2020, with lockdown in effect in many nations, billionaire music and film producer David Geffen decided to rub his wealth in peoples’ faces. In a tone-deaf post on Instagram, alongside a sunset photo of his expensive superyacht, Geffen stated he was isolating on the boat in the Grenadines in the Caribbean. He finished the caption by mentioning he hoped that everyone else was safe. Instead, people were furious for his boast and called on Geffen to donate supplies to medical centers. The backlash was so bad that the billionaire turned his Instagram private, and, at the time of writing, it remains that way.
#1: Karen Corden
James CordenThere’s a well-known expression that you can find out who a person is by how they treat those who serve them. Well, in 2022, news came out that actor and TV host James Corden was banned from the New York restaurant Balthazar after allegedly yelling at staff over an omelet his wife had ordered. In another incident, he reportedly demanded his table’s drinks be comped after finding a hair in his food. This sounds reasonable until you hear that, apparently, he finished the food that had the hair in it. After the dirty laundry was aired publicly, Corden called the incident “so silly” and maintained that he did nothing wrong. Regardless, social media was filled with accounts trashing Corden’s Karen behavior of belittling staff.
Changing gears, who do you think is the humblest celebrity around? Let us know in the comments. Our vote might be Keanu Reeves!