Top 10 Times DC Animated Characters Went Beast Mode

#10: Batman Overwhelms Owl Assassins
“Batman vs. Robin” (2015)
When Talon and his army of non-human enemies break into the Dark Knight’s mansion, the villains quickly learn that they’ve invaded the wrong house. Batman absolutely dismantled each zombie assassin that steps to him. And since they’re not totally human, he’s free to use extreme methods and even a robot to stop his enemies. It’s impressive to see Batman mow through so many enemies with ease. And his awesome speeches hit a lot harder than some of his punches. While Batman isn’t ultimately able to beat the twisted Talon on his own, we still give him tons of props for seriously reducing the number of undead assassins in Gotham.
#9: Beast Boy Becomes a Hellish Hero
“Justice League vs. Teen Titans” (2016)
During their quest to stop the demonic Trigon, The Teen Titans and their allies had to literally go to hell. Shortly after they arrive there, Beast Boy starts uncontrollably shapeshifting. He soon discovered his body was learning how to turn into all the different creatures that reside in hell. Beast Boy’s new forms give him enough strength to rip apart savage critters with little effort. And every time we think that he’s reached his limit, he finds a new form that gives him an edge. The green hero’s skills saved the other titans multiple times. While he wasn’t established as the strongest titan in the team up film, this scene reminded everyone that he could still unleash hell.
#8: Superman Pulverizes President Luthor
“Superman/Batman: Public Enemies” (2009)
A combination of liquid kryptonite and a deadly supersuit made President Lex powerful enough to beat the blue boy scout to a pulp. Although Superman can’t initially stop Luthor, everything changed after Batman made a seemingly fatal sacrifice. Seeing the dark knight lay down his life gave the enraged Kryptonian a second wind. Lex was so terrified by Superman’s sudden gains that the evil genius gave up fighting and fled. However, Clark chased his foe down and dismantled the villain’s suit piece by piece. Seeing Superman completely turn the battle around with his own abilities was amazing. We’re betting that President Lex didn’t get reelected after getting publicly taken apart by the man of steel.
#7: Zatanna Shows Off Her Magical Might
“Justice League Dark” (2017)
As soon as this magical heroine entered Felix Faust’s base, she discovered the evil wizard had cast a spell that stopped women from speaking. This made Zatanna unable to use her regular roster of spells. After Faust nearly kills her several times, she found a workaround and powered up. Although the villain’s attacks had enough force to keep multiple heroes at bay, his spells didn’t even faze the newly ascended Zatanna. She tossed Faust around like a rag doll and summoned a large sword that might even intimidate Godzilla. Zatanna definitely had more than enough might to permanently silence Faust. In the end, her opponent only survived because Constantine told her to spare the crooked wizard.
#6: Batman Shames the Suicide Squad Solo
“Batman: Assault on Arkham” (2014)
The Dark Knight proved that quality was better than quantity when he fought six Suicide Squad members at once. Although each rogue was individually capable of mowing down a dozen enemies at once, all of them together couldn’t touch Batman. The Dark Knight absolutely wrecked intimidating baddies like Killer Frost and King Shark in savage ways. Armed opponents like Captain Boomerang and Deadshot could barely touch him. At one point, Batman doesn’t even have to move his feet to temporarily take Harley Quinn out of the fight. Although a collapsing roof cut the fight short, it was pretty clear who would’ve won in the long run. The Suicide Squad needed to draft a few more villains before they stood a chance against Batman.
#5: Raven Restricts Trigon
“Justice League vs. Teen Titans” (2016)
Most enemies fall at Raven’s feet when she merely taps into her father Trigon’s powers. When her dad actually became her biggest opponent, she had to dig even deeper. Raven summoned all her magical prowess to cast a spell powerful enough to stop Trigon right in his gigantic tracks. What made this feat especially impressive is the fact that her dad was mighty enough to literally walk through the Justice league's heavy hitters. Although the strongest heroes couldn’t touch him, Raven unleashed an animal construct that pulled Trigon right down to hell and trapped him. The titan’s beastly magic stopped a threat that would’ve easily reduced the earth to ashes.
#4: Superman Decks Darkseid
“Superman/Batman: Apocalypse” (2010)
Back in 2020, the man of steel gave his old apocalyptic enemy a beating the villain would never forget. But Superman really went all out against the tyrant in “Superman/Batman: Apocalypse”. After Darkseid knocks Clark into space, the hero recharged and actually stopped the villain from going home so the two can fight. Superman crushed the tyrant with a piece of earth, shrugged off painful hits and unleashed so many punches at superspeed that a tornado formed around him. Darkseid has to constantly use his strongest attack just to keep Superman at bay. If the villain had hesitated for a second longer, he might’ve been completely broken by the man of steel.
#3: A Blinded Wonder Woman Fights Medusa
“Wonder Woman: Bloodlines” (2019)
After Medusa grew to an enormous size, she tried to turn every single Amazon into stone. When Wonder Woman rushed into battle, she’s overpowered, beaten and bitten by venomous snakes. Medusa tried to finish the battle by turning the heroine into stone. But when she compels Diana to look, Wonder Woman blinded herself with venom and decided to fight without her eyesight. Not only is the heroine able to continue fighting after this point, but she actually starts doing better against Medusa. Wonder Woman’s awe-inspiring actions let her allies know she would sacrifice anything to keep them safe. The fact that she gets to kill Medusa with a little help from a friend was the icing on the cake of a divine scene.
#2: Superman Defeats Doomsday
“The Death of Superman” (2018)
Although the man of steel usually pulls his punches, he had to do the exact opposite just to stay in the fight against Doomsday. The villain took out over half a dozen Justice league heroes and kicked hard enough to destabilize a bridge. While Superman tried to use every trick in his playbook, nothing kept Doomsday down. Upon realizing that his love Lois will be obliterated along with the earth, the Kryptonian pushed himself to new heights to strike one last blow. Superman’s devastating hit kills the formidable Doomsday instantly! Unfortunately, the hero gets mortally wounded while finishing the battle. But Superman’s successful sacrifice cemented him as one of the most powerful fighters in the universe.
#1: Batman Beats Superman
“Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part Two” (2013)
Shortly after Bruce decided to unretire and put on a bat costume in his 50s, the President ordered Superman to take the dark knight down. But Batman did not go quietly. The aging hero used a robotic suit, a well-executed strategy and tons of gadgets to stand up to Superman. Batman’s every punch and landed blow brought him closer to surpassing the Kyrptonian. Oh and did we mention that Bruce had limited time to win the battle due to a heart issue? Although the odds were not in his favor, the elderly Batman ignored his body’s limits and knocked Superman down. Bruce’s beastly performance ultimately humbled a hero that everyone believed couldn’t be beaten.