Top 10 Times Drag Race Queens Cracked Ru Up

Welcome to MsMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the most hilarious antics from “Drag Race” queens that sent RuPaul over the edge with laughter. Did these moments have you cackling with delight? Let us know in the comments below!
#10: Scarlett Harlett as Macaulay Culkin
“Snatch Game”
Every “Drag Race” fan knows the number one rule of “Snatch Game” is to make Ru laugh. But Scarlett Harlett’s impression had the host busting a gut before the challenge even started. During Ru’s standard walkthrough before “Snatch Game,” the “Drag Race UK” Season 3 queen voiced her plan to impersonate Danny Dyer before reminiscing about her likeness to former child star Macaulay Culkin or legendary actress Tilda Swinton being pointed out. The decision became crystal clear when Ru absolutely lost it after asking to see her impression of Caulkin. Ru is usually so composed on the show, which is why her wheezing, floor-stomping reaction to Scarlett’s impersonation is such a joyous moment.
#9: Jinkx Monsoon as Judy Garland
“Snatch Game”
Going into the All Winners “Snatch Game,” expectations were high for Season 5 winner Jinkx Monsoon. After all, her portrayal of Little Edie Beale on her original season left RuPaul in stitches. Everyone knows Ru gets a kick out of her queens teaching the children about the legendary divas. And with her performance as the biggest diva of them all, Jinkx Monsoon definitely delivered. Employing her quirky and bawdy sense of humor, Jinkx brought the iconic Judy Garland back to life, leaving Ru on the verge of tears with her impromptu mini concerts and filthy stories about Frank Sinatra.
#8: Alyssa Edwards as “Joan Crawford”
“All Stars Snatch Game”
Unsurprisingly, our next entry is yet another “Snatch Game” clip. This one is courtesy of the kooky Texas dancing diva herself, Alyssa Edwards. Judging by RuPaul’s many, many, many references to the 1981 cult classic “Mommie Dearest,” it’s safe to say that the campy Joan Crawford biopic is one of her favorites. So, the “All Stars 2” contestant borrowed heavily from Faye Dunaway’s infamous performance as the screen goddess for her “Snatch Game” impression. If RuPaul’s delight at Alyssa’s clever references to the movie’s dialogue are any indication, then this was a very wise choice. Even when it didn’t make a lick of sense, the host couldn’t help but admit it was fun to watch.
#7: Red for Filth
“Scent of a Drag Queen”
Across her two appearances on the show, Alaska was one queen who never failed to make Ru scream with laughter. This was especially true during the eighth week of her original run, when the queens were tasked with creating hilariously sexy perfume ads. Alaska’s commercial, “Red for Filth,” would ultimately win the challenge. As the queen demonstrated the many uses of her perfume, some of them not safe for work, parts of the commercial were literally drowned out by the host’s howls of laughter. All these years later, it’s still impossible to think of Alyssa’s perfume without being reminded of RuPaul’s delighted cackle.
#6: Miss Vanjie
“10s Across the Board”
After losing her lipsync in the first episode, Vanessa Vanjie Mateo had a pretty standard exit, until she uttered the now famous catchphrase - her own name. Soon to become the meme of the year, the moment had RuPaul doubling over with laughter throughout the season. It got to a point that fellow judge Michelle Visage would repeat the phrase just to make Ru crack up at the most inopportune times. Ru even did her own version of it later on in the season, long after Vanjie was eliminated. It’s probably the biggest shadow a first-out has left over a season of “Drag Race,” so it’s no wonder Ru wanted Miss Vanjie back for Season 11.
#5: “A Sensible 74”
“Snatch Game of Love”
Jujubee is another queen who RuPaul can’t help but love. Whether she’s reading her competitors for filth or cutting up in the werkroom, Ru is constantly delighted at every single thing she says. Perhaps the most unforgettable moment came during “Snatch Game” on “All Stars 5” when Jujubee decided to impersonate singer and actress Eartha Kitt. The performance was a hit, but what really sent Ru, as well as the audience, over the edge was one specific moment. When asked how she would keep her prospective partner warm, Jujubee, in a smoldering voice, described sensually walking to the thermostat and simply turning it up. Her response proved too much for Ru, who fell out before Jujubee could even finish the joke.
#4: “Type 2 Diabooties”
“What’s the Tee”
“Drag Race” is not the only place you can find Ru’s unmistakable cackle. On a 2016 episode of RuPaul and Michelle Visage’s podcast, “What’s the Tee,” Season 7 queen Katya tickled the host’s funny bone in a major way. The topic of discussion on this particular episode was the male anatomy. Katya, who is a fan, described her intense love of men’s rear ends as a condition called “Type 2 Diabooties.” RuPaul lost it at the mic, nearly shattering our eardrums in the process. Katya’s offbeat sense of humor and casual vulgarity won plenty of fans on both of her seasons of “Drag Race” and clearly, RuPaul was one of them.
#3: Freakin’ Chorizo!
“Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Style”
Season 3 finalist Alexis Mateo had a barnburner of an episode during the patriotic PSA challenge. The queens were tasked with creating a public service announcement in support of American troops overseas, and Alexis took the opportunity and ran with it. As she hurled catchphrase after catchphrase his way, RuPaul nearly fell over in his director’s chair. By the time she brought out her chorizo, no one in the room could catch their breath. It’s proof that there are few things Ru likes her queens to do than just be stupid, silly and sickening, no?
#2: Coco’s Roast
“RuPaul Roast”
Realizing she wasn’t exactly known for her comedy skills, Season 5 queen Coco Montrese decided to go the unconventional route for the first ever “Drag Race” roast. She performed her set in character as RuPaul’s cousin from the Brewster Projects. The character allowed Coco to shine, and Ru wasn’t even able to recover from one joke before being hit with the next, leaving her in stitches. Clearly, the host wasn’t prepared to come face to face with her long lost cousin. Ru’s explosive laughter was particularly satisfying, given that Coco had been underestimated going into the challenge.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Monét’s Fakeout, “The Last Ball On Earth”
Not Even a Facekini Could Hide Ru’s Delight at Monét’s Fake Split
Yara’s British Accent, “The Snatch Game”
During Ru’s Werkroom Visit, Yara Sofia Demonstrated Her Uncanny British Accent
Shangela’s Body Suit, “My Best Squirrelfriend’s Dragsmaids Wedding Trip”
This Hilarious RuVeal Had RuPaul Cracking Up Through the Whole Lip Sync
Alaska’s Leg, “My Best Squirrelfriend’s Dragsmaids Wedding Trip”
The “All Stars 2” Winner Got Big Laughs with This Nod to an Iconic “Real Housewives” Moment
Alaska & Katya’s Snatch Game, “All Stars Snatch Game”
These Two Queens Played Off of Each Other So Well That Ru Could Barely Contain Herself
#1: Utica’s Expressions
“RuPaulmark Channel”
It started innocently enough. Ru was doing the standard walkthrough in the werkroom with his Season 13 queens. Then, Ru asked Utica Queen if she ever indulged in a certain illicit substance. Utica, seemingly unsure how to answer, responded with a variety of inexplicable facial expressions that got wilder as they went on. As unhinged as it is funny, Utica’s reaction to a fairly simple question is one of the wildest things we’ve seen on “Drag Race” in a long time. Even wilder was RuPaul’s symphony of laughter in response. Utica had Ru gagging for what seemed like forever while she kept on pantomiming.