Top 10 Times Gordon Ramsay Was Actually Nice to Someone

#10: TikTok Grilled Cheese
Gordon Ramsay’s TikTok Page
To impress a world-class chef like Gordon Ramsay with your cooking, you might think you need to pull out all the stops. Or, you could just make a grilled cheese sandwich. A TikTok user tagged Ramsay in a post where she criticized the grilled cheese he had made in a previous video. She further rubbed cheese on the wound by showing her own recipe. While Ramsay did get a little defensive about why his sandwich looked lackluster, he was very positive about her creation.. Sometimes, it’s the simplest dishes that can impress the most.
#9: Praising Ji
“Hell’s Kitchen” (2005-)
When a contestant is eliminated second in “Hell’s Kitchen,” it’s usually a sign that their performance was, to put it mildly, underwhelming. But season five contestant Ji-Hyun Cha had to make an early departure because of an injury. After Ji sprained her ankle before dinner service, she still managed to get through the service without giving up. Although she endured for the night, she volunteered to leave the competition to help her team succeed. Ramsay praised Ji for the strength she displayed and even let her hold onto her jacket. Despite her unfortunate withdrawal, Ji left “Hell’s Kitchen” a winner.
#8: Helping Nathan
“MasterChef” (2010-)
A kitchen can be an incredibly stressful environment to work in. While Gordon Ramsay knows how to put pressure on, he also raced to help cooks like Elise when she had a medical emergency. (x-ref) The famous chef showed how much he cared about a competitor's health again in the seventh season of “MasterChef”. When contestant Nathan Barnhouse became stressed during a team challenge, he ended up collapsing. Ramsay immediately springs into action, finds Nathan a chair, and gives him some time to regroup. The two stay together until the master chef is sure that the contestant is good to go. We wouldn’t mind having Gordon Ramsay around to calm us down when we’re under extreme amounts of pressure.
#7: Sterling’s Elimination
“Hell’s Kitchen” (2005-)
It’s rare to find someone who can stay consistently positive in an environment like “Hell’s Kitchen.” But season 13 contestant Sterling Wright, a.k.a. “Mr. 100” didn’t let the most heated situations stop him from being kind. Right after a difficult dinner service, Ramsay decided to eliminate Sterling. The aftermath felt more like a tribute than an elimination. Ramsay praised Mr. 100 for his performance and his attitude. The master chef even let the contestant keep his jacket. Although Ramsay can be mean during eliminations, he helped ensure Sterling left the competition feeling as positive as ever.
#6: Surprising Chef Christina
“My Houzz” (2015-)
“Hell’s Kitchen” season 10 winner Christina Wilson has a very special bond with Gordon Ramsay. She’s a key member of Ramsay’s business and has been the Red Team sous chef on “Hell’s Kitchen” for multiple seasons. To show his appreciation, Ramsay had Christina’s Philadelphia home renovated for the YouTube series “My Houzz” in 2018. Upon entering and opening her eyes, Christina is immediately astounded by her brighter and more spacious home. It’s plain to see how excited Ramsay and Christina are when they take everything in. While we already knew that there’s no place like home, this episode taught us that there’s no friend quite like Gordon Ramsay.
#5: Helping Coco
“MasterChef Junior” (2013-)
Although Gordon Ramsay is famous for his explosive temper and creative use of profanities when dealing with adults, he knows to be nurturing instead of negative when working with kids. When young chef Coco becomes upset about her mashed potatoes being too salty, Gordon comes by to offer his support. He tastes her food and reassures her that her seasoning is just fine. But he’s not done there. After telling Coco about how he cheers up his daughters when they’re upset, in the kitchen, he insists that he won’t leave until she laughs. She’s soon smiling and back to cooking again. Is he free to babysit?
#4: Tipping Miranda
“Kitchen Nightmares” (2007-14)
Gordon Ramsay has dealt with plenty of delusional restaurant owners on “Kitchen Nightmares” But the proprietors of Amy’s Baking Company stood out as two of the most problematic people to appear on his show. Not only do Amy and Samy Bouzaglo serve low-quality food, but they also treat their customers and staff terribly. One of the worst things we saw them do was pocket tips that were supposed to go to servers. When Ramsay confronts Samy about it, the owner defends his heinous actions. But before the master chef leaves, he makes sure to give a worker a well deserved tip. It’s a shame that she had to work in such a toxic environment. We hope Ramsey’s tip helped get her through that rough day.
#3: Momma Cherri's Soul Food Shack
“Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares” (2004-14)
The original British version of “Kitchen Nightmares” is generally less explosive than the American edition. But that doesn’t mean the stories are any less compelling. In one episode, Ramsay travels to a restaurant called Momma Cherri’s Soul Food Shack. When he meets Charita Jones, he learns that she serves hearty food with plenty of love herself. Ramsay is so impressed by her cooking that he completely cleans his plate. While he has some constructive criticism about the management, his time there was an absolute dream. Momma Cherri’s sadly closed down after the episode was filmed. But Jones has kept cooking and will always know that she had Ramsay’s support.
#2: Julia’s Education
“Hell’s Kitchen” (2005-)
Contestant Julia Williams came into “Hell’s Kitchen” lacking fine dining experience. However, she still excelled throughout the competition. But Julia’s hard work couldn’t keep her from being eliminated near the end of the competition. Before she left, Ramsay made her an extraordinary offer. (Insert broll for “I’m going to personally send you to culinary school,”) Seeing him go above and beyond to help Julia take her culinary skills to the next level made for a beautiful moment. And when Ramsay tells her that he’d like to see her compete again and win, we completely believe he’s being earnest. Julia’s elimination was undoubtedly sad. But the fantastic offer Ramsay made to her greatly softened the blow.
#1: Christine’s Apple Pie
“MasterChef” (2010-)
During “MasterChef” season 3, it was evident that a contestant who happened to be blind named Christine Hà was full of talent. However, her skill didn’t stop her from getting flustered while she got an apple pie ready for the judges. Ramsay even remarks on the struggles Christine had during the cooking process when she presents the final product. When he asks her what she thinks the pie looks like, she believes it looks awful. But Ramsay heaps a ton of praise on her final product. His words encourage her to believe in her talents. While this exchange between Ramsay and Christine was heartwarming on its own, this scene became sweeter in retrospect when she won the competition.