Top 10 Times Joe Rogan Discussed Aliens
![Top 10 Times Joe Rogan Discussed Aliens](/uploads/blipthumbs/WM-Pop-Top10-Times-Joe-Rogan-Discussed-Aliens_L0E1K4-4F_480.webp)
#10: Former CIA Agent Mike Baker on UFOs
It’s always riveting hearing from someone with state secrets in their pocket. If that’s up your alley, Mike Baker is a reason to tune into the podcast. As a covert field operations officer, Baker worked in counterterrorism and counternarcotics, before leaving the CIA for the private sector over 20 years ago. So naturally, Rogan demanded answers about … UFOs! In a rambling reply, Baker mentioned that some might be experimental craft, while others are harder to explain. Either he doesn’t actually know if there are aliens out there, or, as many fans claimed, he’s just using CIA mind-tricks on us.
#9: Neil deGrasse Tyson on Stephen Hawking’s Warning
When astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson and Joe talk about aliens, the discussions are always fascinating. In one such meeting, they discussed Stephen Hawking’s warning that any alien visitors might have ill intentions. Tyson analyzed this fear in terms of Earth’s own history of colonialism, but also expressed his hope that extraterrestrials might not be like us. It could be, Tyson hypothesized, that an oppressive, aggressive civilization would be unable to colonize the galaxy, as their methods would invite hostility and violence. It helps that Neil can speak quite dramatically, making whatever topic he talks about more entertaining to listen to.
#8: Physicist Brian Cox Talks About Alien Biology
This professor of particle physics is the kind of guy you wish were your science teacher in high school. Brian Cox is somewhat of a rare breed, as he can articulate complex ideas and condense them into easily digestible chunks. He breaks down how life in space could work, from actual creatures down to bacteria and organisms on asteroids. He’s incredibly patient as Joe launches some admittedly ridiculous questions at him. [play finding a frog on the moon clip] We hope that Joe brings him back so we can dissect his brain some more soon.
#7: George Knapp & Jeremy Corbell on Area 51
Area 51 has long had a special place in the American imagination. The US Air Force base is involved in the development of experimental aircraft, but many people believe that it’s also hiding aliens and UFOs deep underground. Joe Rogan sat down with UFO enthusiast Jeremy Corbell and journalist George Knapp to discuss the conspiracy theories. Knapp was the journalist who first reported Bob Lazar’s claim to have worked on alien tech at Area 51. Corbell and Knapp are unable to verify any of their claims, but it’s fascinating to watch them tell their stories. They also complain about people who just make things up ...
#6: Physicist Avi Loeb Talks About Interstellar Objects
Theoretical physicist Avi Loeb is a respected researcher and the chair of Harvard's astronomy department. So when in December 2017 he suggested that the interstellar object ʻOumuamua might have an artificial, extraterrestrial origin, people listened. While most astronomers believe it’s a natural object, Loeb thinks it might be a light sail, constructed by an alien civilization. Discussing this idea with Rogan, his passion and enthusiasm is absolutely infectious. It’s also amazing that Joe remains quiet for most of when his guest is talking, which means one of two things. Either he completely believes him, or has no idea what he’s saying. That itself should be a sign that the interview is worth a listen.
#5: James Fox & Jacques Vallée on a UFO Sighting in Zimbabwe
There are a lot of stories out there about UFOs, and you have to wade your way through to find the good stuff. That’s where director James Fox comes in. During his appearance on the podcast alongside UFOlogist Jacques Vallée, he talked about a 1994 UFO sighting at a school in Zimbabwe, a story that features in his documentary “The Phenomenon”. Dozens of children reported seeing the UFO and aliens with big eyes. The children even drew what they saw. What’s so intriguing about this story is how everyone on set makes sense of the event. It does make you wonder.
#4: Bob Lazar & Jeremy Corbell Discuss Alien Tech & Human History
If you want to go down a government UFO rabbit hole, Bob Lazar is the man to look into. He claims that he was hired to work at Area 51 to reverse engineer extra-terrestrial technology. He’s a controversial figure, because his supposed universities and workplaces have said they’ve never heard of him. Despite this, he’s amassed a lot of support from conspiracy theorists with his claims about antimatter, force fields, anti-gravity waves, and alien involvement in history. There isn’t a dull moment in this podcast, and it’s a must-listen for anyone interested in life from outer space.
#3: David Fravor & Jeremy Corbell on Military Alien Encounters
Ever since the Pentagon released footage confirming military encounters with UFOs, the internet exploded. So imagine having a navy pilot come on the show and confirm this isn’t an uncommon occurrence. Commander David Fravor dives deep into a wide variety of strange happenings, including underwater UFO sightings, the Tic Tac UFO encounter, aliens in paintings, and even misinformation within the communities exploring these strange phenomena. Joe hits David with question after question, making for one of the most stimulating and clipped episodes on the show.
#2: Travis Walton on His Alien Abduction
Travis Walton’s story of being abducted in 1975 while working as a lumberjack created a media sensation, even leading to the 1993 movie “Fire in the Sky”. He claims that he awoke to short, bald creatures watching him, before human accomplices led him away, put a mask over his face and knocked him out. Whether you believe him or not, it’s fascinating to watch him tell his story, which is certainly one of the most vivid and fantastic out there. He really breaks the tale down, giving a play by play account of events. There isn’t another interview like it on the Joe Rogan Experience, and it’s something you just have to listen to yourself.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Brian Greene on Why Aliens Haven’t Visited Us
This Physicist Has an Interesting Theory as to Why Aliens Wouldn’t Drop By
Tim Pool Going Deep on UFOs
Tim & Joe Get Funny While They Discuss UFO Facts
Alex Jones on Aliens & Nazis
Some of These Theories Are Better Than the Craziest Sci-FI Movies
Joey Diaz on the New Jersey UFO Phenomenon
Rogan & Diaz Could Talk About Anything & Make It Entertaining
Tom Delonge Explains His UFO Obsession
The Blink-182 Singer Gives His Thoughts on UFOs
#1: Christopher Mellon on UFOs
This interview wasn’t just exciting, it was important. As the former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence in the late 90s and early 2000s, Christopher Mellon once had access to a lot of information. In James Fox’s aforementioned documentary “The Phenomenon”, he claimed that he was the source who leaked the three infamous Pentagon UFO videos to the New York Times in 2017. He’s someone who held a position of power, but is keen to bring more information to the public. If you’re at all curious about aliens, this is a podcast episode you can’t miss.