Top 10 Times Movie Characters Went Beast Mode

#10: Superman Deals with Zod Once & For All
“Man of Steel” (2013)
The final battle of Zach Snyder’s Superman film might just be the most controversial beast mode scene in recent memory. After levelling several city blocks in the course of his fight with Zod, Superman tries to take the fight out of harm’s way . When Zod makes this impossible, he realises that the only way to avoid more innocent lives being lost is to take Zod out for good, brutally snapping his neck. This shocking moment divided fans, who were horrified to see the Big Blue Boy Scout acting so viciously, while others argued that it was only by going this far that he could keep people safe. Whatever your opinion, seeing the goody-two-shoes of the superhero world break bad was pretty unforgettable.
#9: Jean Gray Turns into Dark Phoenix
“X-Men: The Last Stand” (2006)
The idea of losing control and unleashing our full potential can be as frightening as it is fearsome, as Jean Gray well knows. She begins the X-Men movies scared of how extreme her abilities might be and works tirelessly to keep them in check. However, at the end of X2, viewers got a glimpse of her true power as she went full Phoenix to rescue the rest of the team - seemingly sacrificing herself in the process. When she returns in the third film, it is as the awesome, awful Dark Phoenix. With almost all traces of their beloved Jean Gray gone, the remaining X-Men have no choice but to take her down.
#8: STEM Takes Over
“Upgrade” (2018)
After a group of thugs kill his wife and leave him wheelchair-bound, Grey is offered a second-chance by an eccentric tech-billionaire. With a little help from a microchip and an AI named STEM, Grey regains full control of his body and is able to set out on a quest to avenge his wife. When that puts him in grave danger, Grey has no choice but to hand full control of his body over to STEM. What follows is one of the most inventive and exhilarating fight scenes in recent years, with STEM using Grey’s body like a marionette to devastating effect. As with Jean Grey though, his decision to give up control is the first step down a dark path.
#7: Morpheus Breaks Free
“The Matrix” (1999)
The Matrix is all about becoming who you really are and realising your full potential. After teaching him that the world he knows is nothing but a computer programme, Morpheus tries to show Neo the incredible things he’ll be capable of if he stops giving in to fear. The good news is, it works! By the end of the movie, Neo has become all but unstoppable, literally taking on Agents with one hand behind his back. In a classic example of the student becoming the teacher, Neo ultimately needs Morpheus to take his own advice and push beyond his perceived limitations. Summoning all his strength, Morpheus proceeds to Hulk out in incredible fashion.
#6: This Is Sparta
“300” (2006)
Hollywood loves an iconic battle-cry – just look at Gladiator’s “Are you not entertained?”. Or Braveheart’s “They can never take our freedom!”. Zach Snyder’s 2006 story about a group of oiled-up Spartans going toe-to-toe with the Persian Empire added another entry into the collection thanks to Gerard Butler’s guttural roar. After a Persian messenger arrives demanding a tribute to the God-King Xerxes, Leonidas takes a moment to consider his request before offering a pretty firm “no”. The famous freak-out is so effective that it’s regularly used to pump up the crowds before sporting events. It’s also been constantly parodied ever since.
#5: Obi Wan vs. Darth Maul
“Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace” (1999)
A running theme in the Star Wars series is refusing to give into negative emotions. As Yoda sagely explains, these feelings can quickly lead us to a dark place. Buuut that’s easier said than done. While Qui-Gon Jinn manages to remain calm as he duels Darth Maul, his defeat leaves a young Obi-Wan full of grief and anger. When the barrier comes down and Obi-Wan is able to rejoin the fight, he unleashes the kind of righteous fury that even Maul struggles to counter. Is he calm and in control? No, but that’s what makes the moment so powerful.
#4: The Church
“Kingsman: The Secret Service” (2014)
“Manners maketh man”, as Harry Hart explains to his young secret service protégé, Eggsy. Taking him under his wing, Harry promises not only to teach him about umbrella-based martial arts and the nuances of spycraft, but also how to conduct himself with the poise and dignity of a true gentleman. However, even the most dignified gents have to occasionally get their perfectly polished brogues dirty … Having tracked the sinister signals of an internet billionaire down to a hate group in Kentucky, Harry is set upon by an entire congregation of brainwashed parishioners. Affected by the signals himself, his only way out is to hack, slash and blast his way through the increasingly blood-drenched crowd.
#3: Rambo Time
“Rambo: First Blood Part II” (1985)
Few characters have undergone a more extreme transformation between films than John Rambo did between First Blood parts one and two. In the original movie, Rambo is a Vietnam vet just trying to find his way in the civilian world until sadistic cops push him over the edge. By part two, Rambo has become the shirtless, machine-gun-toting killing machine that he’s now remembered as. Nowhere is this clearer than in the film’s finale, when he confronts pencil-pushing bureaucrat Marshall Murdock - literally shooting up the latter’s paperwork. This is the iconic image of Sly Stallone’s famous character – nothing but muscles, bullets, a red headband, and a look that lets you know anyone who stands in his way wont be standing for long.
#2: Going Out with a Bang
“Scarface” (1983)
Tony Montana’s final showdown is the ultimate ‘blaze of glory’ ending. On his quest to become the biggest drug kingpin in Miami, Tony is determined to have it all. And, unlike so many aspiring gangsters with dreams of grandeur, he actually makes it all the way to the top. But, as his fortune grows out of control, so too does his ego, his paranoia, and his addiction. When his enemies come knocking, there’s nothing left to do but offer them a warm welcome. Fuelled by rage, and his own, well, “supply”, he manages to hold his own against overwhelming odds … at least, for a while.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are some honorable mentions:
Road Rage
“Punch Drunk Love” (2002)
Pistol Shrimp Powers
“Project Power” (2020)
Brandon’s Rampage
“Brightburn” (2019)
Two Action Icons Letting Loose!
“Universal Soldier” (1992)
Going Full Vampire
“Blade” (1998)
#1: Bruce Banner Transforms into the Hulk
“The Avengers” (2012)
If there’s anyone in the world you don’t want to see lose his cool, it’s Bruce Banner. The Jekyll and Hyde of the Marvel universe, ticking Banner off causes him to transform into a rampaging mass of green muscles and bad temper. Getting the big guy off the page and on to the big screen was an on-going challenge for a while. There was Ang Lee’s highly experimental take back in 2003, followed by Edward Norton’s Incredible attempt five years later. But it wasn’t until Mark Ruffalo’s moment at the end of 2012’s Avengers that the Hulk TRULY arrived. What follows is one of the greatest temper tantrums in cinematic history. We see your Leviathans, Chitauri, and we raise you one HULK!