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Top 10 Times TV Villains Got What They Deserved

Top 10 Times TV Villains Got What They Deserved
VOICE OVER: Ryan Wild WRITTEN BY: Madison Russell
Crime never pays! For this list, we'll be looking at the most satisfying comeuppances for some of television's most infamous baddies. Since we'll be discussing the end of these characters' arcs, please beware of spoilers! Our countdown includes villains Agatha Harkness, Hiram Lodge, Negan and more!

Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’ll be counting down our picks for the Top Ten Times TV Villains Got What They Deserved. For this list, we’ll be looking at the most satisfying comeuppances for some of television’s most infamous baddies. Since we’ll be discussing the end of these characters’ arcs, please beware of spoilers! What’s your favorite villain karma moment? Tell us in the comments below!

#10: Agatha Harkness

“WandaVison” (2021)
Wanda Maximoff isn’t the only witch in town! Her nosy neighbor Agnes has been the power-hungry witch Agatha Harkness all along. And she’s been sabotaging Wanda’s perfect sitcom life in Westview! Her arc reaches a satisfying conclusion when Wanda robs her of her powers, and her memories. In the end, Agatha gets the role she chose: Westview’s very own well-meaning nosy neighbor. Talk about getting into character! We think it’s only fitting for this power-stealer to spend the rest of her life totally oblivious to the magic she used to possess (though the announced spin-off may of course change the fate she’s been given)!

#9: Jeremy Jamm

“Parks and Recreation” (2009-15)
Leslie Knope finds her narrative foil in local orthodontist and city council member Jeremy Jamm. Leslie is an empowered woman and dedicated city employee. Meanwhile, Jamm is a corrupt politician who belittles women and prioritizes making money over the betterment of Pawnee. Jamm finally gets what he deserves when he crashes Leslie and Ben’s wedding. He boos the happy couple, calls them names, and even throws stink bombs at the bride. The situation escalates when Leslie’s boss, the gruff and stoic Ron Swanson steps in and tries to convince him to leave. Jamm takes a few weak shots at Ron before getting knocked to the ground. Ron doesn’t even break a sweat, showing just how weak and pathetic Jamm really is.

#8: Hiram Lodge

“Riverdale” (2017-)
Much to everyone’s frustration, Hiram Lodge spent four seasons dodging the consequences of his actions. Each time Archie and the gang get close to exposing him for his crimes, this businessman with mafia ties wiggles his way out of trouble. All the while, he tightens his grip on Riverdale. The town is finally freed from his clutches when Veronica, working with her friends, is able to scare Hiram by threatening to go to the FBI with video evidence of his crimes. Hiram is exiled from the community he worked so hard to destroy by none other than his beloved daughter. Veronica’s betrayal, paired with Hiram running into the night with his tail between his legs, makes for a satisfying ending for this disgraced mayor!

#7: Slade Wilson [aka Deathstroke]

“Arrow” (2012-20)
Not everyone can have a mentor as patient and kind as Master Yoda! When Oliver Queen is stranded on the island of Lian Yu, a deadly mercenary takes him under his wing. Slade soon turns on him, with Star City’s fate teetering on an arrow’s tip as student and teacher face off. After his defeat, Deathstroke finds himself where it all began: back on Lian Yu, in a high security prison. The Green Arrow and Deathstroke’s relationship comes full circle. Oliver rejects Slade’s deadly teachings and spares his life, truly marking the end of his apprenticeship. Instead of giving Deathstroke the easy way out, he condemns him to a lifetime of isolation in purgatory. For an assassin, mercy can be a crueler punishment than death.

#6: Cassie Howard

“Euphoria” (2019-)
Love can make us do some foolish things–and at East Highland High School, there’s nobody more foolish than Cassie Howard. This sweet, well-loved cheerleader goes off the rails when she engages in a secret affair with her best friend Maddy’s ex boyfriend. Even the best-kept secrets come out eventually. In season two’s explosive finale, Cassie storms the stage during her sister Lexi’s play about their classmates. She outs herself as the villain of her own story, and even attacks one of the performers! Her outburst is quickly punished when Maddy takes matters into her own hands. She slaps Cassie in front of a laughing audience, and chases her off stage. Not that we condone real-life violence, but in the world of TV, revenge is a dish best served cold–and public humiliation is the cherry on top!

#5: Vecna

“Stranger Things” (2016-)
Siblings are prone to fights and fallouts. But have you ever gotten into a psychic battle with one of them and opened a portal to another dimension? We didn’t think so. A young and lonely Eleven bonds with a kind orderly at the Hawkins lab. He soon reveals his true identity: Subject One. He exacts his violent revenge on staff and test subjects - aka his“brothers and sisters” alike – and Eleven has no choice but to put him in his place. After four seasons, we finally understand why Eleven opened the first gate: to send One to the Upside Down. We loved watching a young El come into her own as a psychic powerhouse, and take down an adversary twice her size.

#4: The Joker

“Harley Quinn” (2019-)
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned! After falling in love with the Joker, Dr. Harleen Quinzel is reborn as Harley Quinn after falling into a vat of chemicals. And if she thought the chemicals were toxic, her relationship with the Joker is even worse! In her animated solo series, Harley decides she’s had enough of his mistreatment. When she tries to dump him, Gotham’s Clown Prince of Crime gives her an ultimatum: come crawling back, or die. If listening to Harley assert herself to her abuser wasn’t satisfying enough, watching her single-handedly destroy his army of goons definitely is! Harley not only liberates herself from the Joker, but leaves him scared and whimpering. You go, girl!

#3: High Commander George Winslow

“The Handmaid’s Tale” (2017-)
Although he only appears briefly throughout the show, Commander Winslow left a sour taste in our mouths. Like many of the Commanders in Gilead, Winslow believes that women are property for him to use however he wants. He learns his lesson the hard way when he makes a move on June. She rejects his violent advances and puts him in his place! By killing him, June ensures he’ll never lay a hand on another Handmaid again, and proves that women are not toys to be played with. Several Marthas help June dispose of his body–a show of solidarity among oppressed women. Even more satisfying is the fact that even Winslow’s actor Christopher Meloni was happy to see him go!

#2: Negan

“The Walking Dead” (2010-)
“The Walking Dead” is known for their memorable antagonists. One such iconic baddie is Negan Smith, a bat wielding totalitarian who terrorizes Rick and his crew. He enjoys exerting his power over people weaker than him. Olivia, a survivor in the Alexandria Safe-Zone, seems like an easy target. His brutal comments about her weight bring Olivia to tears. Then, he has the audacity to offer to sleep with her as his way of saying sorry. Even in the apocalypse, misogyny doesn’t take a break! He earns a slap across the face for his arrogance, and Olivia earns his respect. We loved seeing him get shut down by someone he presumed would roll over easily!

#1: Ramsay Bolton

“Game of Thrones” (2011-19)
“Game of Thrones” is known for its brutal, hateable villains–and their satisfying ends. We thought nothing would be more satisfying than King Joffrey’s death in season four, but we were wrong! Evil takes a new form in Ramsay Bolton: Sansa’s toxic, sadistic husband. And she gives him exactly what he deserves! Like his wife, Ramsay believes his dogs will always obey him. But it turns out, he’s no match for empowered women and hungry hounds! Sansa unleashes his dogs on him, and watches as they tear him to shreds. Gruesome? Yes. Satisfying? Absolutely! With Ramsay’s death, Sansa takes back control of the North–and her own body. It’s only fitting that she’s the one to put this monster down once and for all!
