Top 10 Times We're Shocked Cast Members Didn't Break on SNL

Welcome to MsMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the most memorable “SNL” sketches that surprisingly didn’t break anybody. Did we forget another sketch that should’ve made everyone break? Let us know in the comments below.
#10: “The Killer Bees: Home Invasion”
In the earlier days of “Saturday Night Live,” some of the sketches were completely different than they are today. This skit is one example of the experimental ideas from the first season that could make people crack. A group of bees enter a home to steal pollen, but everybody plays it completely straight. The funny outfits, questionable accents, and extended runtime make this whole scene a tightrope walk. There are so many details that it’s nearly impossible to accomplish without complete professionals. Even as the premise turns meta and goes into the control room, the acting troupe doesn’t miss a beat.
#9: “Colonel Angus Comes Home”
Playing a Civil War officer, Christopher Walken puts on his best Southern accent for this raunchy sketch. It’s basically one long joke about the name “Colonel Angus,” but it manages to be funny all the way to the finish. Through each new turn of phrase and clever innuendo, the cast holds steady as the references become almost too much to bear. Amy Poehler and Rachel Dratch have a few knockout lines that really could’ve brought everyone to their knees. Walken’s performance also brings with it some unique line deliveries, helping to make this scene another “SNL” classic.
#8: “Massive Head Wound Harry”
Playing the party guest that nobody wants, Dana Carvey’s character stumbles into a gathering with a serious injury. He ends up putting his head everywhere and even attracting a dog. What follows is one of the funnier wardrobe mishaps ever, with the pet chewing on Carvey’s headpiece in a moment that could’ve broken anybody. The performer keeps his composure through the hilarious struggle. Even with everyone standing around watching and the audience loving it, the co-stars remain calm in the face of comedy gold. The golden retriever isn’t able to tear away all of the prosthetics either. If it had been another era of “SNL,” there’s no telling what the reaction would have been from a different lineup of comedians.
#7: “Surprise Party”
With people gathered around him, Christopher Walken’s character plans a surprise party for his granddaughter. Everybody is on board, but Kristen Wiig’s Sue can’t contain her excitement. Wiig’s tour-de-force performance makes this scene complete and that much harder to hold back laughter. The comedian really goes for broke with her physical comedy skills, smashing things against her head and crashing through a window. Her co-stars don’t flinch as she goes completely crazy in the segment. You’ve got to hand it to the comedian for going all out no matter what happens. Somehow even Bill Hader can hide a smile for the duration of this skit, making this a rare “SNL” moment.
#6: “The Lawrence Welk Show: Introducing The Maharelle Sisters”
On a very special episode of “The Lawrence Welk Show,” a singing act features the unexpected talents of Dooneese. Kristen Wiig’s character appears to be the black sheep of the family. With some exaggerated makeup, the performer brings an outrageous presence to this segment. It’s so crazy at times that you’d expect somebody else to start laughing. Wiig even has baby-doll hands to use, but the likes of Anne Hathaway keep their cool throughout. Every verse sets up another hilarious moment for the odd-woman-out to shine. The ending even has her popping bubbles in a funny finale, all while Fred Armisen keeps a straight face.
#5: “Weekend Update: Sarah Palin Rap”
On this segment for the “SNL” news program, a surprise cameo inspires Amy Poehler to perform an absurd rap. She uses Sarah Palin’s life as a focal point for some wild lyrics. With the governor watching, Poehler unleashes a performance with absolute perfection. The chaos of backup singers and Jason Sudeikis dancing can’t even slow her down. Daring to be different, the sketch also includes a glorious and silly attack on a moose. It’s a star-studded moment that finds even the most unlikely guest keeping a straight face. If it was us, we couldn’t make the same promise about holding back our laughter.
#4: “Haunted Elevator (ft. David S. Pumpkins)”
From a humble sketch to a viral sensation, “Haunted Elevator” lives on due to the wacky writing and work of Tom Hanks. This holiday ride gets hijacked by a crazy character that could’ve easily gotten anybody to laugh. With each appearance, David Pumpkins becomes wilder with every line and dance move. He’s practically a walking time-bomb for the other performers in the sketch. Not for nothing, it’s also difficult to look at Hanks with his costume and not giggle. After all of that, Kate McKinnon and Beck Bennett also survive the funny surprise waiting for them at the end.
#3: “NPR’s Delicious Dish: Schweddy Balls”
Using the premise of a radio show, “SNL” does a parody of an NPR show that covers special recipes. This particular segment features some accurate vocal impressions of the network’s presenters and a stellar appearance from Alec Baldwin. Baldwin’s character Pete Schweddy comes with his dish and a ton of double entendres. While it’s a simple joke, it’s still an effective one that gets the audience laughing without cracking up any of the performers. Ana Gasteyer and Molly Shannon are absolutely hilarious with their responses to the unfortunately-titled food. All these years later, the entire sketch has since become iconic for the incredible and self-assured line deliveries.
#2: “Celebrity Jeopardy!: French Stewart, Burt Reynolds, & Sean Connery”
Any edition of “Celebrity Jeopardy!” has its fair share of funny moments, including this version that features impressions of Burt Reynolds and Sean Connery. Will Ferrell has to hold all of them together as Alex Trebek, doing it all without laughing for one second. Everyone absolutely becomes their character with such dedication that all of the actors follow Ferrell’s lead. This includes Norm Macdonald’s amazing work as the gum-chewing Reynolds. The chaos of Darrell Hammond’s Connery only makes it harder to stay serious, but the cast survives despite the amazing lines and increasingly absurd behavior.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
“Dateline: The Mystery of the Chopped Up Guy”
Bill Hader’s Keith Morrison Impression Tests the Limits of His Co-Star’s Composure
Rami Malek Takes the Stage as the Elusive Todd While Daniel Craig Helps Out
“Potato Chip”
Jason Sudeikis & Will Forte Employ Outrageous Accents & Talk Chips
“Ladies’ Bowling”
Two Sportscasters Advertise Personal Products & Try to Make Sense of Their Surroundings
“Super Bass-O-Matic ‘76”
Dan Aykroyd Provides an Energetic Performance & Keeps His Cool in This Slick Ad
#1: “Chippendales Audition”
In one of his most iconic moments on the show, Chris Farley went all out in this sketch. It’s even more amazing that nobody cracked during this routine. He plays opposite host Patrick Swayze as a wannabe “Chippendales” dancer. As the moves get crazier, every reaction shot seems to show a stoic co-star. Kevin Nealon, Jan Hooks, and Mike Myers remain deep in character as their scene partner gives a career-defining performance. It all works to allow Farley more of the spotlight, with even Swayze being able to hold it together next to a comedy legend.