Top 10 TV Characters Who DIED Too SOON

#10: Siggi Wilzig
“Fallout” (2024-)
Siggi Wilzig is a major person of interest in the “Fallout” series. Since he injects himself with a device capable of producing cold fusion, the scientist has a huge target on him. But sadly, he dies after secretly ingesting a tasty banana-flavored cyanide pill near the end of episode two. His decapitated head soon becomes a macguffin everyone’s after, so the character is still a pivotal part of the season. But it’s not great that he was killed off in the same episode he debuts. He could’ve made the show even more worthwhile if he were able to stay alive just a little longer. Besides, who doesn’t want more of Michael Emerson limping across the apocalypse? It’s safe to say that we were robbed.
#9: Nicholas Brody
“Homeland” (2011-20)
Being a popular character and even having the show’s plot largely center around him wasn’t enough to stop Nicholas Brody from getting axed. Tried for treason while in Iran, Brody is set to be publicly hanged. His team tries rescuing him but Brody’s fate is effectively sealed. Sadly, the major storylines after this suffered and the series was never really able to reach the heights of his dramatic storyline. His was an interesting sendoff, but many wish the character could’ve been kept around longer, especially since “Homeland” went on for five more seasons after this.
#8: Tasha Yar
“Star Trek: The Next Generation” (1987-94)
When actress Denise Crosby decided to depart “The Next Generation” after its first season, her character Tasha Yar received an abrupt and brutal death. Blindsided by a sentient goop called Armus, Tasha was killed pretty much immediately. It was clear that this was a character who could’ve had much more to do, but unfortunately she’d never get those opportunities. Tasha’s death was so out of left field that it was universally hated by fans. For a character who was around since the pilot episode, this was not a great farewell for her.
#7: Eddie Munson
“Stranger Things” (2016-)
While many characters have died on “Stranger Things,” one of the most memorable deaths is Eddie’s. Similar to Bob Newby, who was mauled by demodogs, Eddie got mauled by hordes of demobats. Although only introduced in season four, he made quite the impression before his death. His charismatic personality and eccentricities made him someone viewers loved. So the fact that he only lasted one season is especially heartbreaking. The rebellious metalhead has already left behind a legacy, but there’s still so much we wish we could’ve seen. Maybe we’ll spot him again in some capacity, but for now it’s unlikely that he’ll be back in the land of the living.
#6: Merle Dixon
“The Walking Dead” (2010-22)
Daryl Dixon’s loudmouthed bigoted brother was hardly a saint, but over time Merle began to slowly shed his old skin and improve himself. If given more time, he probably could’ve changed his ways for good, Emphasis on the “if” though. He didn’t get a chance to further redeem himself since he was shot by the Governor, turned into a walker, and then put down by Daryl. Like the fan-favorite Shane Walsh (who was also taken too soon), Merle was a loose cannon. But he became such a compelling one through the character development he got that it made us wish he could’ve avoided this gruesome fate in the end.
#5: Tara Maclay
“Buffy the Vampire Slayer” (1997-2003)
When Willow Rosenberg’s girlfriend Tara was killed by a gunshot, her sudden death sent Willow into a frenzy. But it wasn’t just the characters who were upset, so were the fans. Many took aim with the show’s decision to kill off a prominent lesbian character and in such an abrupt way. Considering the nature of the supernatural show, there could’ve been many ways to bring her back. So the fact that she was never revived or had her death retconned made her absence a prominent one and a wound that ran deep within the show.
#4: Matthew Crawley
“Downton Abbey” (2010-15)
Nobody could expect that this would be how we all said goodbye to Matthew Crawley, heir of Downton. Involved in a terrible car accident, Matthew was killed off during season three. It’s a heartbreaking loss not only since he was one of the most interesting characters but also since he became a new dad. Oh, and this all happened on the show’s Christmas special. The reason for the character’s death was because Dan Stevens wanted to exit from “Downton Abbey.” And while we understand that, not letting the viewers get to see Matthew raise his son across numerous seasons felt like torture.
#3: Stringer Bell
“The Wire” (2002-08)
Idris Elba’s Stringer is a man with ambition, and in “The Wire,” that makes him incredibly dangerous. But despite how smart, ruthless, and methodical he is, the bell tolls for him in season three. As his plan to usurp Avon Barksdale’s criminal empire fails, Stringer is killed by Brother Mouzone and Omar. While his death was exceptionally well done, the tragic conclusion to the character was one many fans had trouble accepting. In fact, even Idris himself didn’t want to leave! Though the killing hardly derailed the show’s momentum, it left a small bell-shaped hole in our hearts.
#2: Ned Stark
“Game of Thrones” (2011-19)
An argument can certainly be made for Ned Stark having to die in “Game of Thrones.” The death acted as the catalyst for the War of the Five Kings. But with that being said, we selfishly wish he could’ve had his death postponed (at least for a few more seasons)! Ned was a compelling personality, and in the beginning, we pretty much thought he was the main character. Sure his death was an inevitability, but we can’t help but entertain the “what if” scenario of him sticking around longer than he did. We know it’s an out-there concept, but hey it’s not like it can be any more disastrous than the final season.
#1: Zoe Barnes
“House of Cards” (2013-18)
The dynamic between shady politician Frank Underwood and Zoe Barnes, the reporter who’s well aware of his corruption, made “House of Cards” thrilling to watch. She was a real threat, and Frank knew that. But while we expected him to try and take her down, we didn’t necessarily imagine him doing it by throwing her in front of a moving train. It solved a lot of his problems, but getting rid of her at the start of season two also took away a lot of suspense. There was just so much potential there for Zoe to become a bigger thorn in his side, but those prospects ultimately wouldn’t come to pass.
Is there a character’s premature death that we missed? Make sure to pay your respects in the comments.