Top 10 Uncomfortable On Screen Kisses

#10: Andy Hawkins & Sue Ann “Ma” Ellington
“Ma” (2019)
Octavia Spencer, one of the greatest actresses of this century, has a gift for making audiences feel what they are meant to feel. And in the case of the 2019 horror film “Ma,” audiences are meant to feel incredibly uncomfortable. Spencer plays Sue Ann, a woman who befriends and terrorizes a group of teenagers who happen to be the children of her own high school tormentors. When she imprisons the kids in her basement, Andy, the son of her former crush, tries to seduce her as his girlfriend watches. After an awkward smooch, Sue Ann cuts off the seduction with a knife.
#9: Steve Rogers & Sharon Carter
“Captain America: Civil War” (2016)
Okay, Chris Evans is pretty much perfect, but even he couldn’t salvage this ridiculous scene. In “Civil War,” Steve attends the funeral of his former flame Peggy Carter and learns that Sharon is her great-niece. Later, they meet up under a bridge and kiss as Sam and Bucky watch from the car. The moment is awkward enough, but it’s even worse in retrospect. Since Steve does actually end up with Peggy through some time travel shenanigans in “Avengers: Endgame,” Sharon might be his alternate history relative. That definitely makes for a bizarre family reunion, but it’s far from the only instance of time-travel-related smooching gone wrong.
#8: Marty McFly & Lorraine Baines
“Back to the Future” (1985)
Speaking of time-traveling grossness, this kiss is absurdly uncomfortable for both us and Marty. When he travels back in time, McFly meets the teenage version of his mother Lorraine. She develops a strong crush on her future son, and since Marty can’t tell her he’s actually her offspring, she kisses him. Thankfully, Lorraine, like the audience, feels gross about it and stops the kiss before it can get very far. While Marty’s expression is hilarious, we can’t help but wonder how many times he had to brush his teeth afterward.
#7: Wade “Cry-Baby” Walker & Allison Vernon-Williams (& Others)
“Cry-Baby” (1990)
Writer-director John Waters is known for the grotesque, regularly peppering icky moments throughout his films, and kissing scenes are no exception. In this film, Cry-Baby (played by a young Johnny Depp) “teaches” his girlfriend Allison how to French kiss. The two end up looking more like they’re trying to eat each other’s faces. To make matters worse, the scene then shifts to show even more couples who are engaged in graphic displays of swapping spit and tongue fighting. This entire fiasco just makes us want to delete every dating app to avoid people who might have learned to kiss from this film.
#6: Freddy Krueger, Jesse Walsh & Lisa Webber
“A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge” (1985)
The horror in horror movies usually comes from suspense or gore, but this particular film introduced horrifying kissing to the mix. In this sequel, Lisa’s love interest Jesse is possessed by the murderous Freddy Krueger, and the possession causes his body to transform into the iconic villain. During the film’s climax, Lisa kisses Jesse-turned-Freddy in order to give Jesse the strength to fight back and destroy Freddy. This really was for the greater good, but seeing a teenage girl kiss a serial killer is still pretty gross. And Freddy comes back in the end anyway!
#5: Jacob Black & Bella Swan
“The Twilight Saga: Eclipse” (2010)
The central love triangle of the “Twilight” films is weird in a lot of ways, but Jacob’s pushiness with Bella makes it even worse. At this point in the franchise, Bella is pretty much set on living forever with Edward. While we don’t think that’s the healthiest relationship in the world, at least Bella makes the decision for herself. Jacob, however, thinks he can change her mind with an unwanted kiss, which Bella appropriately responds to with a punch. This entire situation is made even weirder when Jacob imprints on Bella’s baby later on.
#4: Lloyd Christmas & Mary Swanson
“Dumb and Dumber” (1994)
Jim Carrey is a master of facial manipulation, and that skill really comes in handy when trying to make audiences feel uncomfortable during smooching scenes. In this dream sequence, Lloyd Christmas fantasizes about kissing his crush in front of a romantic fireplace. In any other scenario, this would be lovely, but the bumbling Lloyd basically tries to swallow Mary’s face. It looks more like he’s trying to suck out her soul than make out with her. And Lloyd’s extraordinarily intense stare after the horrifying kiss manages to take the scene to another level of hilarious awkwardness.
#3: Ari & Captain Leo Davidson
“Planet of the Apes” (2001)
There was a similar unpleasant kissing scene in the 1968 original. But the 2001 version feels just a little bit more awkward. Maybe it’s the way Mark Wahlberg’s Leo grabs Helena Bonham Carter’s face, which is very obviously covered in thick layers of latex and makeup. Or maybe it’s the obvious lack of chemistry between the two. Whatever the reason, it just feels … really weird. We sure hope the ape uprising doesn’t happen any time soon, so we are not subjected to this awkwardness in real life.
#2: Howard the Duck & Beverly Switzler
“Howard the Duck” (1986)
We promise we dearly love Lea Thompson and are not trying to single her out by putting her on this list twice, but both of these kisses just really make us feel icky. Instead of kissing her son, this time around, Lea’s character Beverly is locking lips to beak with Howard the Duck, an extraterrestrial who’s accidentally landed on Earth. Thankfully, they’re interrupted before Beverly becomes too intimate with the finer points of drake anatomy. This film is actually the first live-action feature-length theatrical release based on a Marvel Comics publication. We really have come a long way.
#1: Luke Skywalker & Princess Leia Organa
“Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back” (1980)
The “Star Wars” saga has its fair share of awkward kisses. But this one definitely takes the cake. Princess Leia and love interest Han Solo have several spats before getting together. However, during this particular argument, Luke Skywalker gets caught in the crossfire when Leia kisses him to make a point. While Luke doesn’t seem to mind at the time, we can bet he and Leia feel quite differently about the kiss in the next film when they find out that they’re twins separated at birth. Looking back at “Empire,” we can’t help feeling horrified.