Top 10+10 Most Underrated And Best MCU Characters

Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for some of the best supporting characters in the MCU. Some minor plot spoilers may be ahead! Is there an underrated MCU character we missed? Let us know in the comments!
#10: John Walker
There’s a classic expression that goes “heavy is the head that wears the crown”. In regards to the MCU, you could probably also say that heavy is the arm that wields the shield. After all, when John Walker took on the mantle of Captain America, he was nobody’s favorite. Fans quickly rejected him, and eventually the Marvel universe themselves rejected him too. Despite the rocky start, it became clear that John didn’t necessarily deserve all of that hate. He was a skilled soldier with a genuine desire to do good. In fact, he’d later help Falcon and Winter Soldier turn the tides against the Flag Smashers. His stint as Captain America might not have gone as planned, but maybe he’ll get his due as the U.S. Agent.
#9: Erik Selvig
This astrophysicist is one of the brightest minds in the MCU. In fact, Loki possessed Erik during “The Avengers” so that he could make a portal for the Chitaurian army to use to invade Earth. Yeah we know, that’s not actually a good thing, but hey, if a literal god thinks you’re smart enough to pull that off, who are we to judge? And even though Erik fell under Loki’s mind control, he was eventually able to snap out of it long enough to help shut the portal down. Who knows how dire things could’ve gotten for Earth if he hadn’t done that. He might not have superpowers or fancy suits of armor, but Erik Selvig might be a hero in his own right.
#8: Scarlet Scarab
She might not be a character with a vast amount of lore, but that doesn’t mean we don’t want to see more of her in the MCU. Layla Abdallah El-Faouly is Marc Spector’s somewhat estranged wife, but she’s been doing just fine on her own. With the help of the Egyptian goddess Tawaret, Layla became her own hero known as the Scarlet Scarab. It’s not just the range of super cool powers she has that we want to see more of, her journey is also equally compelling. Despite currently only having appeared in “Moon Knight”, she’s become a very well-rounded character. We’re not sure where she may land next, but there’s got to be more room for Scarlet Scarab somewhere.
#7: Kraglin
Not many side characters have managed to undergo as much of a character arc as Kraglin has. When he started off in the MCU with the first “Guardians” movie, he was just a member of Yondu’s Ravager crew. But by the third “Guardians” movie, he essentially became part of the family. Who doesn’t love a good underdog story? He might not look like one of the galaxy’s most premiere protectors (especially with that mohawk) but he’s proven to be one nonetheless. We don’t know what’s in store for the future of the “Guardians of the Galaxy” corner of the MCU, but we really hope it can involve more Kraglin!
#6: Luis
This guy was the heart and soul of the first two “Ant-Man” movies, sorry, but you really can’t convince us otherwise. Luis was Scott Lang’s former cellmate and close friend. When Scott became Ant-Man, Luis would be a pivotal part of his crew. He may be mostly comic relief, but there is no shame in that, especially if you’re so good at it. This is a guy who could make anything sound interesting with his narration skills. We’re not going to say that Luis’ absence was the reason “Quantumania” flopped, but it definitely didn’t help! If the MCU really wants to get back on track, then we need that 6-episode “Marvel Spotlight” Luis spinoff. Ok maybe not, but just put him somewhere, pretty please?
#5: Talos
Talos might not look like a good guy at first, but once you get past his green exterior you see that he means well. This Skrull has been helping keep Earth safe for years. Nick Fury even trusted him enough to have him masquerade as him when he was off-world. Talos would unfortunately die during “Secret Invasion” fighting off the Skrull Resistance, but his efforts were not forgotten. Despite losing his home planet and being essentially forced into hiding, Talos never wished harm on humanity and actively protected it. And for that, the MCU owes a debt of gratitude to him.
#4: Okoye
Okoye is one of Wakanda’s best defenses against invaders, really only second to the Black Panther. There’s not many other people who are as loyal to Wakanda as her, and that unwavering devotion to the nation hasn’t gone unrecognized. As part of the highly skilled and highly deadly Dora Milaje, you know she only means business. Okoye hasn’t just stuck to Wakanda though, she’s ventured out on occasion to help out against bigger problems. This most notably includes assisting the Avengers in their fight against the evil Thanos. She’s shown her worth plenty of times already, but we hope we won’t have to wait long to see her being a badass warrior again.
#3: Happy Hogan
He’s the best bodyguard Tony Stark has ever had for a reason. Happy Hogan isn’t just any character. He’s someone who’s been around since the start of the MCU with the very first “Iron Man” movie. He’s aided Iron Man numerous times and has also stepped up in the wake of his death too. After “Endgame” he became an important part of Peter Parker’s life and helped him out of plenty of binds. Happy is someone who you can count on and that goes a long way in this universe. He might not be someone who could fight Thanos, but if you need something, Happy Hogan is always happy to help.
#2: Mantis
Mantis really only has a few very specific superpowers, but when she gets to work, she delivers amazing results. This Guardian of the Galaxy (who also happens to be Star-Lord’s half-sister) has faced all kinds of enormous threats. She’s helped stop the High Evolutionary, and also temporarily held back forces like Ego and Thanos. That’s right, the Avengers almost defeated Thanos in “Infinity War” thanks to Mantis using her powers to put him to sleep. If Mantis is able to keep the Mad Titan subdued (even temporarily) that’s a win on its own!
#1: Wong
Wong has reached many milestones throughout the MCU. Going from Doctor Strange’s unofficial sidekick, he’s now gotten bumped up to becoming the Sorcerer Supreme. If you ask us, that’s got to be the promotion of a lifetime. But while he’s gained that impressive accolade, fans can’t help but want more Wong. He’ll most likely be in the third Doctor Strange movie, but there’s no reason he can’t pop up in other places like how he did in “Shang Chi” and “She Hulk”. Benedict Wong himself has even expressed interest in the character getting his own spinoff series. It’s uncertain if something like that will ever be in the works but hopefully Marvel can work their magic sometime soon.