Top 10 Unforgettable Sense8 Moments

The are the 10 best moments from Netflix's hit show “Sense8” For this list, we're looking at scenes from the show that brought us to tears, made us laugh, or just straight up blew our minds. We've included moments like Saving Nomi, when Nomi's father defends her, the ending of season 2, São Paolo Pride, the orgy and more ! What's your favourite moment?
#10: What’s Up
“What’s Going On?”
In a show about a group of telepathically connected people, there’s a lot of drama, but as this scene reminds us, that special link can be a lot of fun too. When Riley puts on the song “What’s Up” by 4 Non Blondes, the entire cluster feels it and starts singing or nodding along. From Sun in the shower and Wolfgang at karaoke, to Capheus in his matatu, everyone gets in on the experience, and we, the audience, can’t help but feel like we’re a part of this special moment. It’s become somewhat of an anthem for the show and its fans, and was even brought back later in the series.
#9: Birthday Celebration
"Happy F*cking New Year"
Season one might have left us in a dark place, but the Christmas special brought some light back to the series and its fans via epic music choices and heartwarming montages - just in time for the holidays. Despite being separated by continents, all eight of the cluster know how to party together, and their birthday celebration is a dose of unbridled joy. It’s fantastic to see the whole cluster having fun together, even though distance and tragedy divides them. Of course, credit also needs to be given to the editing team for crafting this heartwarming montage. Damn... has the cluster got some moves or what?
#8: Saving Nomi
"We Will All Be Judged by the Courage of Our Hearts”
Life for Nomi Marks hasn’t been easy. A transgender woman, she’s had to face the challenges of transitioning and lack of acceptance from her family. As if that isn’t enough, she’s also hunted by BPO, the Biologic Preservation Organization, which is out to capture or destroy the sensates. Though it’s an experience Nomi surely would’ve rather skipped, this close call with the BPO was thrilling for fans. Despite the fact that Will and Sun have never met before, and that none of them really understand what’s happening, they come together as a team to save Nomi. It shows that whatever the odds, her cluster family will always have her back.
#7: Nomi’s Father Defends Her
"What Family Actually Means”
When Nomi’s sister gets married, Nomi is hesitant to attend the ceremony. After years of her family not accepting her for who she is, and insisting on calling her Michael, her uncertainty is understandable. When Federal Agents burst in mid-ceremony, looking to arrest Nomi, they get the shock of their lives to find that there is no longer a warrant for her arrest. In the end, Nomi’s father steps up, telling them to back down, and, in doing so, brings a real truth to the title of the episode. As viewers, it was hard not tear up as Nomi realises that, for the first time, her father is genuinely accepting of her identity.
#6: “Who Am I?” Speech
"Who Am I?”
Throughout the series, we’ve followed the ups and downs of Lito’s career as a closeted, and now outed film star. With the reveal of his sexual orientation made public, things changed. Forced into the spotlight, he is scrutinised and interrogated, but in this speech on the red carpet, the cluster step in to help him out. Meanwhile Capheus is being interviewed, and what follows is a glorious montage of shots that draws upon past scenes from the series, with each of the cluster coming together to ponder the existentialist question: “who am I?” The answer? Nobody is one thing, because each of us is many.
#5: Season 2 Ending
"You Want a War?"
Over the course of two seasons, Sense8 delivered great character development paired with truly inspired action. And in the season two finale, that all culminated in some seriously badass cluster mayhem. BPO and the terrifying Whispers get their due, and we get the moment we’ve been waiting for: seeing the cluster finally team up in person. Though seeing them communicate with one another from across the globe was part of this show’s appeal, it was an entirely different type of thrilling to see them working together in the flesh. With excellent planning and the element of surprise on their side, they manage to have their moment of triumph - one we all relished (cliffhanger aside).
#4: São Paolo Pride
"Isolated Above, Connected Below”
This isn’t the first time “Sense8” has featured a Pride Festival, but it is the first time we get to see the entire cluster having fun at one. After the catastrophe that was Lito being outed, then being dropped by his agents, he needed something bright to look forward to. And there’s nothing brighter than a Pride Parade. Though it was reportedly a logistical nightmare to arrange, the show somehow managed to film at this massive celebration, and the end result is this now-iconic episode. Though the party itself is a phenomenal moment, Lito’s heartfelt speech about coming to terms with who he is makes it even better.
#3: Orgy
It would be a shame and waste of an opportunity if a show about a group of telepathically linked people didn’t have a sex scene involving all of them, and it happens not once, but twice! The show definitely doesn’t shy away from sex. In a feat of brilliant editing, the actors bring a great sense of sensuality to the scene, making it a true work of cinematic art. It snowballs until all of the cluster are involved - including Will in the middle of a session at the gym. Even though they are all separated by vast distances, they are, in that moment, together, their cluster complete and enthralled in a shared sense of pleasure.
#2: Cluster vs Cluster
"All I Want Right Now Is One More Bullet”
From the moment we were introduced to the cluster, we wondered whether there were other sensates, and in season 2, we got our answer.. But what we learn is that it’s every cluster for itself, and that some of them don’t like being linked to others. In what is one of the most epic showdowns in the show’s history, two clusters fight it out in the middle of a crowded restaurant. Wolfgang, led into a trap by the femme fatale Lila, is faced with a sudden firefight, and his cluster step up to the plate to help until there’s nothing left of the restaurant but rubble.
Before we unveil our top picks, here are some honorable mentions:
Birth Scene
"What is Human?”
Lito Coming Out to his Mother
"Happy F*cking New Year”
#1: The Simultaneous Proposal
After all the darkness in season 2, you need something light to end on, and nothing says light like a marriage proposal. We knew Nomi and Amanita were in it for the long haul from the moment we first met them. Proving that trans women and women who love women deserve happiness, this scene is a blessing for the queer community, as it has both Amanita and Nomi proposing to each other at the same time. It’s one of the most romantic and heartfelt scenes in recent memory and perfectly encapsulates their relationship. It’s also a landmark moment in television history for queer representation - one that fans won’t soon forget.