Top 10 Unhinged Ryan Gosling Quotes About Playing Ken

#10: The Untold Story of Ken
The thought of a human Ken doll conjures up images of Hollywood’s most attractive people. Luckily for us, Greta Gerwig knew Ryan Gosling was perfect for Barbie’s plastic partner. Gosling had to give it some thought at first. But when the actor came upon a discarded Ken doll in his own backyard, he realized that Ken’s plight was a tale waiting to be shared with the world. And he’s continued to reference Backyard Ken when talking about his filming experience. As we’ve seen, Gosling has gone all in, embracing Ken on a level none of us were ready for. He’s admitted it wasn’t a role he previously considered, telling Vogue it was never on his non-existent bucket list.
#9: Supporting Barbie
One of Ken’s main functions is to support Barbie in all her endeavors and basically be her number one hype man. That, and to never take attention away from her. In a hilarious yet informative interview with GQ, Ryan Gosling shared some Ken-sentials. Unsurprisingly, many items benefit Barbie in some way, like multiple sunglasses to protect her eyes from seeing Ken in his feelings, while also providing a mirror. Gosling went on to encourage fellow Kens to accept their place in the background. If they’re lucky, Barbie will drop something, which is a setup for a perfect day. Ken’s job may officially be “beach,” but it sounds like the real work is focusing on Barbie at all times.
#8: Ken’s Ballad
Ask anyone what one of their favorite “Barbie” movie moments is and they’re liable to name “I’m Just Ken”. It’s the perfect power ballad/rock anthem that encapsulates all of Ken’s insecurities and his desire to be seen. We knew Ryan Gosling could sing and the seasoned performer knocked it out of the park, or beach. But he gives all the credit to Ken, telling the LA Times, “Ken sang that song. I never sang like that in my life. I don’t know why or how that happened.” Gosling spent much of his childhood singing and dancing, both on and off screen, so the star also looked to little Ryan for help playing Ken and belting out this instant banger. We love a humble king.
#7: Coming for the Ken Haters
In his preparation, Ryan Gosling seemingly developed a deep understanding of Ken’s history and cultural significance – or lack thereof. So, when internet users began discussing if the actor was right for the role, Gosling was ready to fire back with decades of receipts. He knows that Ken is an afterthought with the comically vague job of “beach” and no established home to speak of. He found the “
#NotMyKen” movement to be more amusing than upsetting, and reminded everyone that there are options. He told GQ, “If people don’t want to play with my Ken, there are many other Kens to play with”. We love to see it.
#6: He’s Got Kenergy
It’s hard to remember a time when Kenergy wasn’t a part of our everyday vernacular, and we have Ryan Gosling to thank for that. The first time most people heard the word was during a July 2022 interview he did with “Entertainment Tonight”. At the time, he was promoting his action film “The Gray Man,” but naturally, “Barbie” questions kept popping up. Gosling gave us the basic details of “that Ken life” which is a life of humble means. But this was just the beginning of his Kenergy, a chaotic concept that he’d go on to mention throughout the press tour. Little did we know that the Kenaissance was approaching.
#5: Kenning Hard
Ryan Gosling has proven himself to be a rare example of positive method acting, which is why he’s allowed to use Ken as a verb to describe the acts of being a Ken. We’ve noticed he sometimes struggles to keep a straight face, especially when what he’s saying sounds like a euphemism. But Gosling’s sincerity isn’t in question. In one interview, he praised the other actors’ dedication to Kenning at the maximum level. He’s also looking out for his fellow Kens, revealing what would happen if a Ken wasn’t Kenning hard. Honestly, is there any other way to Ken? Well, now it’s a verb for us, too.
#4: “You Are Kenough”
The “Barbie” movie has several inspirational characters and quotes, and its overall message of being true to yourself is one that everyone can embrace. Of course, Ryan Gosling champions everything the flick stands for, but he’s also taken it to the next level with his own affirmation for his Kens. At a Toronto, “Kenada” (get it? Canada!) press event, he assured a reporter that he was “Kenough.” Gosling always loves to spread humor and positivity, and now that there’s a growing Ken-munity of Kens, he basically encourages them every chance he gets. We like to believe that we’re all Kenough – Barbies, Kens, Humans, and yes, Allans too.
#3: Just Along for the Ride
Leading up to Greta Gerwig’s highly anticipated “Barbie,” we kept hearing from the cast that audiences should expect the unexpected. It was an intriguing teaser that turned out to be accurate, since many moviegoers would describe the film as surprising in one way or another. Well, it was apparently a wild journey behind the scenes, too. In an interview with the New York Times, Ryan Gosling provided a rather detailed amusement park analogy. “I went on the ride and I’m still going on it. I don’t want to leave the park. They are kicking me out. ‘The park is closing, sir.’ But I ordered churros and they are coming, I swear.” He really paints a picture with this quote, so we won’t overanalyze it.
#2: Kenergetic Research
He introduced us to the idea of Kenergy, but Ryan Gosling doesn’t know exactly what it means, though he has described it as involving a “pink fever.” We all want to understand what this mysterious, intoxicating vibe entails, but as Gosling has hilariously pointed out, there’s no money being invested to study it! While there may not be any official research underway, plenty of fans, news outlets, and actual experts in psychology have done their own deep dives into the phenomenon. One loose definition that you could apply would be a lovable person who loves to support their partner, and proudly wears pink and faux mink. We’ll happily donate to this Kenergetic good cause.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Ken’s Rule of Three
If You’re Not Being Extra, Are You Even a Ken?
“We Don’t Talk About Ken”
Ironically, We’ve Been Talking About Ken a LOT!
Rocking the Faux Mink
Apparently One of Gosling’s Favorite Ken-sentials…Along with the Sick Headband
No Ken-Splaining
Ryan Gosling “Wouldn’t Dare Ken-Splain the Barbie Movie”
Being a Barbie Dad
Gosling’s Daughters Aren’t Big Ken Fans
#1: Making Ken Cinnabons
With all the quips and Kenisms it brought, the BuzzFeed Puppy Interview was peak Ryan Gosling Kenergy. Everything about the video has been a gift, including watching him and his brilliant co-star Margot Robbie have some fun with too-cute canines. Once Gosling pulled out this confectionary analogy, it’s all we could think about. He compared his experience trying to part with Ken to the overwhelming, sometimes messy, act of Cinnabon dough spilling out of a canister. That stuff isn’t going back in, so all you can do is pop them in the oven and enjoy the treat. It may not make total sense to some, but we’re loving it anyway. Now please tell us Pillsbury will actually make Ken-inspired cinnamon roll mix…Kennabons, if you will.