Top 10 UNSOLVED Reddit Mysteries

#10: Hotel ZaZa
Name a better duo than the Internet and insane conspiracies based on creepy occurrences. When someone mentioned their friend's unnerving room at Hotel ZaZa, featuring absurdist art and with various skulls and chains adorning the walls, users automatically assumed the worst. The claims varied from marketing schemes to secret societies. Further looks on the hotel’s website showed that the room didn’t even exist in their database. The most alarming aspect came when the OP claimed to have been offered a bribe to drop the thread entirely. Right now, the most plausible explanation was that their friend was in a prototype of a themed room – but we’ll never know for sure, considering it’s been over a decade since the last update.
#9: Unfavorable Semicircle
What is it about odd videos that makes them so captivating? When a YouTube channel called “Unfavorable Semicircle” started publishing videos en masse in 2015, it caught Reddit’s attention. Thousands of clips were put up while they were active, ranging between five seconds and nine hours. Theories were created almost immediately. Some were more benign, like those suggesting it was an Alternative Reality Game or abstract art. Others felt the videos were coming from a more insidious place, and claimed they were the work of a cult. While the original account doesn’t exist anymore, the conundrum still lives on. There’s even a website dedicated to documenting the videos and their potential meaning. It’s a deep rabbit hole, and the answer may never be found.
#8: Mystery Rock Song
On r/tipofmytongue, a member posted a snippet of a song they heard from a now deleted video. They assumed that it had been recorded in the 1980s or 90s, but had no other information pertaining to its potential source. When played, a slightly muted soft rock song is heard. Although it sounded familiar, no one could pin down any verifiable details. Guesses ranged across decades and artists, with The Smiths and Squeeze being both popular yet controversial estimates. Googling the lyrics and using Shazam also didn’t help. After a year of arguments in the comments and no follow-up, the request was locked. To this day, it still hasn’t been found – although some believe it was recorded by a smaller band that never took off.
#7: “Sleep as Android” Recording
When recording yourself sleeping, you may catch a few noises, like a snore or a mumble. What’s less likely is hearing a series of clicks and deep voices. Hearing that prompted someone to present the clip to r/Ghosts, where they asked for confirmation of the spooky occurrence. The response was mixed. Some told them that it was a home invasion, while others doubled down on it being a spirit. Considering there was only one recording, there wasn’t a lot to go off of, besides the poster’s explanations. While she did upgrade her home security and didn’t hear any more voices, the clicking ended up being a semi-regular occurrence. Eventually, she and her son moved out entirely, leaving the mystery behind for good.
#6: Wi-Fi Beneath Concrete Pad
After moving to an urban farm, someone noticed something rather unsettling – a group of functioning Wi-Fi signals emanating from underneath a concrete pad. The curiosity got the better of them and they performed various experiments, including using a thermal camera and pouring water into drilled holes to gauge the depth. OP wasn’t the one paying for those routers, which means someone else was, and they couldn’t figure out why. They were completely convinced that they had stumbled across a trafficking ring, while others guessed it was a money laundering scheme. Both posts made about the topic didn’t get much traction, and there hasn’t been new information in over seven years. What’s underneath may never be found out – for better or for worse.
#5: Coffin in the Driveway
What would you do if you came home to a sealed casket? In this Redditor’s case, the answer was to upload it to r/WTF. It included a snapshot of the ominous box, which appeared to have been casually dropped off in the middle of their driveway. After being convinced to open it, they found a single key and a set of coordinates that led to a cemetery in western Europe. This is where people started to get skeptical. Some brushed it off as an attempted viral campaign, and decried it as fake. Others weren’t quite so convinced and encouraged OP to continue their investigation. Alas, nothing was ever found out, and after nine years, it appears it will unfortunately stay that way.
#4: The Bridge
Some things are better left unexplored. Over a decade ago, r/LetsNotMeet was hit with a terrifying post about a group of friends that explored an old bridge. While inside, they eventually came across an open space, consisting of several chilling items. There were eyeless images on the wall, a chair, and even a bloody contraceptive. They were able to get out safely, but OP ended up going back after their story took off. The sequel was just as menacing, with new discoveries and pictures to back up the claims. No other updates were made, leaving observers to put the pieces together. To this day, people are unsure if they stumbled upon an unhoused person’s shelter, or if the whole thing was well-written fiction.
#3: The Mystery Button
The website is known for their April Fool’s Day jokes, but this one was an anomaly. The Button had a simple concept: a timer would count down, and would restart whenever someone clicked it. It became a widespread Internet phenomena, with people coming from all over to take their turn. What started out as a fun game devolved into an odd caste system. Each user was given a colored flair based on their participation and when they pressed. Somehow, this devolved into a cult-like mentality, with leaders to go with it. It lasted months before finally ending. No one knows why they left the gag running for so long, as the button had accidentally hit zero multiple times, or why it was taken so seriously.
#2: The 432 Mystery
This may have started on 4Chan, but over time, Reddit took over the reins. It started with a sinister email stating that the receiver had been chosen, with a link to a mysterious site. They were only able to reach it by accessing The Dark Web. Over time, puzzles were uploaded and subsequently solved. Things took an alarming turn when the administrator started uploading the names and photos of people playing. Despite that, participants were still committed to finding out the truth behind the twisted game. One day, the owner went silent and stopped updating. While people still used r/432mystery to continue the search, the sub was eventually shut down. This means we may never know who started the project–and more importantly, why.
#1: The Box of Crazy
About a decade ago, a user came across a sealed briefcase. After getting it open, they discovered a variety of contents. On the calmer side were blueprints and a table of elements. Things devolved from there. Drawings of UFOs and multi-headed entities occupied the pages, getting more horrifying and detailed. It was clear that whoever had drawn these was dedicated to their beliefs to an extreme degree. Many commenters posited that it was most likely someone struggling with their mental health who had become obsessed with a Bible verse. However, others couldn’t help but feel that there’s something much deeper to this enigma, and they are still holding out for answers.
Which Reddit mystery puzzles you the most? Let us know in the comments below.