Top 10 Video Game Leaks For 2022 and Beyond

If any of these video game leaks are true, then 2022 is going to be a great year. For this list, we’ll be looking at the rumors and teases about some of the biggest upcoming games. Ourcountdown includes a new "Donkey Kong" game, a "Gears of War 6" announcement, a "Metroid Prime" remake, and more! Which of these leaks do you hope is true? Sound off in those comments!
#10: “Mario Kart 9” Nears the End of Development
As a mainstay on nearly every Nintendo console since its inception, it should come as no surprise that a reliable leaker has claimed that a ninth title in the cart-racing series is nearing its final stages of development. The five years since “Deluxe” launched ties the longest gap ever between mainline installments, and since that was just a rerelease of the Wii U version, we think the Switch is long overdue for a new title. While there’s never been more than a single mainline “Kart” game on one console before, those worried about oversaturation can rest easy knowing the rumored sequel reportedly comes with a fresh twist on its well-trodden racing gameplay.
#9: "Gears of War 6" Announcement
A new title in this acclaimed third-person shooter series hasn’t even been officially announced, but there’s already plenty of rumors about its eventual release. While it's only been a short three years since “Gears 5,” a Nvidia GeForce Now leak sets the hotly-anticipated followup for a November 10th, 2022 launch. Three years is actually right in line with the franchise's usual release pattern, even among developer shufflings. Don’t be setting aside funds just yet, though; a trusted source claims that due to development shifting to next-gen hardware, we may not get our hands on the new title for a few more years, after all.
#8: Amazon "Lord of the Rings" MMO
Middle-Earth fans rejoice, there’s apparently a new game on the horizon - and no, it’s not that Gollum one. Despite a niche but stable audience for the still-running “Lord of the Rings Online,” Amazon is allegedly doubling down on the franchise with a new MMO to presumably go with their upcoming live action series. If all that sounds familiar, that’s because it was originally announced in 2019, only to be canceled last April due to agreement issues with the developer. However, legal documents from a merger as recent as July of 2021 point to the title being back on track, with a beta on PC set for September of this year.
#7: New "Donkey Kong" Game
If his consistent appearances in a number of spinoffs and crossovers are anything to go by, gamers are absolutely bananas for this tie-wearing ape. With all that brand recognition, it may be hard to believe that he hasn’t shouldered a solo title since “Tropical Freeze” in 2014. The Switch is home to plenty of DK ports, but it seems the wait for something fresh may finally be over. A reliable leaker recently divulged that the franchise’s grand return has been in the works for several years now, and if that timeline’s to be believed, an announcement is sure to come sooner rather than later.
#6: "Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order 2" Title
Following the multiplayer-focused “Battlefront” series, the galaxy far, far away took a refreshing new direction in 2019 by offering an engaging single player campaign. It paid dividends to the tune of strong sales and good reviews, leaving many fans hungry for the teased followup. While details on the sequel have been hard to come by, a few tidbits have begun to surface - like, apparently, it will drop the “Fallen Order” subtitle entirely instead of going with a numbered naming scheme like other “Star Wars” games. Given its recent official announcement and a rumored 2022 release, it seems fans won’t have to wait much longer for the next chapter in this saga.
#5: "Fable 4" Release Date
After years of radio silence, the long-awaited next installment in this acclaimed fantasy series was finally revealed at the Xbox Game Showcase in 2020 - only for the franchise to go dark again soon after. That is, until the Nvidia GeForce Now leak put the title at a tentative 2023 release. A lead engineer also let slip that production has been underway for several years, adding credence to the idea that it’s closer to release than it may seem. While it’s impossible to predict the development cycle of a game this large, especially given the continued constraints of a certain global pandemic, it seems a 2023 launch isn’t just a pipe dream anymore.
#4: "Xenoblade Chronicles 3" Announcement
After the last entry became the best-selling in the “Xeno” series, a sequel feels all but assured. Adding fuel to the fire is the fact developer Monolith Soft initially dropped new content in the form of DLC and a definitive edition before mysteriously going quiet the past two years. But don’t just take our word for it - in a Youtube interview, Melia’s voice actor, Jenna Coleman, revealed that she thinks they’re working on the sequel. While this could just be an educated guess on her part, amid the mountain of other evidence, we’d put good money on a reveal coming soon.
#3: “Grand Theft Auto VI” Rumors
You’d think as one of the most widely anticipated titles in the whole gaming industry, we’d know a bit more about the status of “GTA 6.” While plenty of ports, remasters, and DLC have kept fans appeased, those hungry for the next installment have been tormented by nearly a decade of fake rumors and false hopes. Reportedly, development has been scrapped and restarted several times, but take that with a grain of salt since previous leaks about a 2021 reveal and Miami setting proved untrue. Basically, all we know for sure is that Rockstar has been hard at work trying to live up to the unreal hype, and the rest we’ll have to just wait and see.
#2: "Metroid Prime" Remake
Hot off the heels of the successful launch of “Metroid Dread” in 2021, Nintendo doesn’t seem to be taking Samus out of the limelight just yet. While this franchise is no stranger to long-gestating rumors of ports and remasters, none have been as prevalent as the alleged remake of the first “Metroid Prime.” Fans have been burned on fake leaks before, but there is a precedent since it’s been ported to other Nintendo consoles before. Furthermore, this year would mark the game’s 20th anniversary, and since the brand is back in its prime (pun fully intended), the stars seem to be aligning for this legendary title to finally make its debut on the Switch.
#1: “Bioshock 4” Location & Title
Issues with developers have placed the upcoming fourth game in this shooter series on the perennial backburner, resulting in a break between new entries three times longer than anything the franchise has seen yet. However, it seems good things do come to those who wait, since the first leaks are beginning to materialize, and they’re pretty sizable if they turn out to be true. A reputable reporter revealed that the fourth game will be titled “Bioshock: Immortal” and take place in 1960s Antarctica. It’s also allegedly aiming for a 2022 launch, but even if it doesn’t make that date, we’re just glad to hear that “Bioshock” is finally back on track.