Top 10 Video Games With The Best Waifus
![Top 10 Video Games With The Best Waifus](/uploads/blipthumbs/WM-VG-Top10-Games-Famous-For-Waifus_N9Q6P7-V1_480.webp)
Top 10 Games Famous For Waifus
Welcome to WatchMojo, and today, we’re taking a look at the Top 10 Games Famous For Waifus!
For this list, we’re observing games whose leading ladies often overshadow the main protagonists...or just about every other character and aspect of the game.
Be honest - who do you have the hots for? Did any of your favorite waifu-filled games make the list? Share with us in the comments below.
#10: “Resident Evil” series (1996-)
It isn’t uncommon to see a work of horror utilize a cast of attractive women, and the “Resident Evil” franchise is no exception. Just about everyone in this series is hot in some way, and things get incredibly debatable when deciding who is the most attractive woman. Some will go up to bat for Rebecca Chambers, Ashley Graham, or Claire Redfield, but the two most common names you’ll hear are Ada Wong and Jill Valentine. Admittedly, both ladies know how to kick butt while looking stylish, and that’s pretty much the only reason you need to fall for them. And lest we forget how the internet lost its mind over Lady Dimitrescu and her daughters.
#9: “Soulcalibur” series (1995-)
This weapon-based 3D fighter may have macho men like Siegfried and Astaroth, however when you think of “Soulcalibur”, it’s hard not to first think of the female cast due to their own popular fanbases. You have the cute and spunky Cassandra, her sister Sophitia, the sinister hula-hoop girl Tira, busty ninja girl Taki, and of course, Ivy Valentine, who is often regarded as one gaming’s sexiest characters ever. From the looks of it, there’s a waifu for everyone here whether you want someone with a personality or want to get stepped on. (Hey, we aren’t judging!)
#8: “The King of Fighters” series (1994-)
Look, we promise this list won’t be dominated by fighting games...completely. Still, we have to include “The King of Fighters” because of how the female cast manages to steal the spotlight. From grapplers like Blue Mary and Leona to femme fatales like Angel and Vanessa, there’s a large handful of ladies for us to simp for. Although, let’s be honest - the ultimate waifu here is Mai Shiranui, and it may or may not be for obvious reasons. “Smash Bros.” may be for good boys and girls, but “King of Fighters” doesn’t have to be!
#7: “Shin Megami Tensei” series (1992-)
When it comes to JRPGs, games can get rather overwhelming, especially when your franchise is known for its wide selection of romance options. Though, be prepared to fight for your wife when discussing which lady is the best in the “Shin Megami Tensei” series. Whether you’ve played the core series, the earlier games, or have stuck with the “Persona” spin-offs (XREF), everyone has chosen their woman by now and will not hesitate to have a heated debate with you on why their pick is the best. Wait a minute… Shouldn’t we be talking about character psyches and demons and stuff? Oh, well - just be ready to explain to everyone why Lady Ann is the best.
#6: “Final Fantasy” series (1987-)
Speaking of JRPGs, the “Final Fantasy” franchise is perhaps best known for its waifus more than any of the heroes and villains in the series. Sure, we all gush over Cloud and Sephiroth’s rivalry or our boy band from “Final Fantasy XV”, but how many times have we witnessed the “Aerith vs. Tifa” debates or seen folks gawking at Jesse’s refined look in “Final Fantasy VII” remake? Then, you have the few defenders of Lightning and Rydia, though they may be few and far between. Overall, the talk of “who is the best waifu in ‘Final Fantasy’” can turn into an online battlefield.
#5: “Senran Kagura” series (2011-)
Honestly, this is one of the bounciest and most scantily-clad waifu franchises you could possibly dive into these days. Part of what has made “Senran Kagura” so famous (or infamous, depending on who you ask) is its predominantly female cast. Really, you’d be pressed to find what few male characters there are, excluding the player. And given how they all have mystical powers and know an exceptional amount of martial arts, you could basically describe this as “Ninja Waifu: The Game”. What genre does it fall under? Who knows - the game has jumped from genre to genre so many times that the waifus steal the spotlight of the IP itself without much effort!
#4: “Danganronpa” series (2010-17)
Now, if you want to get serious about waifu debates and dive deep into personalities, then “Danganronpa” is worth your time. Yes, there is a solid story of mystery and suspense that offers up good puzzles and minigames, but things get dicey when you claim who is the best girl. Folks would die on their hills for characters like Ibuki, Kyoko, and especially series antagonist Junko Enoshima. But come on - where’s the love for Mahiru or Sayaka or Akane or Hina? What about Kaede or Peko or Kirumi or-- Sorry, sorry! ...See, this is what this franchise does to people!
#3: “Genshin Impact” (2020)
In comparison to the other entries on this list, “Genshin Impact” seems to have a fair balance in its guys to girls ratio. Still, that doesn’t mean you won’t find any die-hard fans of some of the waifus. Roughly how many of us were maining Amber or Lisa when the game first launched? Now, we’re gushing over ladies like Rosaria, Mona, and Beidou, and it’s all because of their sick moves and sense of fashion. We know part of the strategy is in switching between party members, but it’s hard to NOT stick with the waifu...or the backup waifu… Okay, they’re all great!!
#2: “Fire Emblem” series (1990-)
This is a fandom where one could become toxic in an instant if the wrong waifus are chosen. “Fire Emblem'' has been around for so long that it has managed to amass fanbases within the fanbase, primarily when talking about the best ladies to romance. It doesn’t matter if you chose Edelgard or Tharja or Camilla. Or anyone else for that matter! The waifus have become such a prominent part of the cast that you will always have chosen the wrong romance in someone’s eyes. Forget about permadeath runs and story - the dating sim aspect is clearly front and center in this franchise!
Before we reveal the most waifu-loaded game in all of waifu-dom, here are a few Honorable Mentions...
“Darkstalkers” series (1994-)
Morrigan and Felicia Have Basically Overtaken the Franchise’s Name
“Skullgirls” (2012)
How Can You Not Simp For Valentine, Parasoul, Or Ms. Fortune?
“Shantae” series (2000-)
Why Are They All So Spunky, Free-Spirited, and Cute?
#1: “Dead Or Alive” series (1996-)
I’m sorry, what’s a “Ninja Gaiden”? ...Ryu who? Ohhh, you must be talking about that ninja guy from “Dead Or Alive”! Don’t get it twisted - the guys in “Dead Or Alive” have their own fans and everything, but a few minutes on the internet will show hundreds upon hundreds of players showing their love for Kasumi, Ayane, Hitomi, Mila, Christie, Helena… Too many to name off! And with all of them having their own traits and costumes to show their personality and style, it’s hard convincing anyone why one particular character is better than their chosen waifu.