Top 10 Voice Actors in Film and TV

#10: Kevin Conroy
Kicking off our list is the caped crusader in multiple forms, First taking on the role of Batman in the Animated series which aired in 1992, soon reprising his role in multiple spinoffs. He’s most likely the Batman you heard as a child, and though he technically did carry on as Batman in the Arkham games, it’s his roots on the small screen which get him on the list. And without making Batman sound like a smoking Scooby Doo. “Grahh, I’m batman”
#9: Hank Azaria
No voice actor list would be complete without representation from the longest running animated series. While the main Simpsons family cast is memorable, we have to give this title to the actor who carries the voices for over 35 different characters. These roles include Moe, Apu, Dr. Nick, Chief Wiggum and the Comic Book Guy.
#8: Billy West
You might know him best in his multiple roles from Futurama, which include Fry, Prof. Farnsworth, Zapp Brannigan and Dr. Zoidberg. But Billy’s resume is more far reaching with roles including Stimpy 2 of the main characters from Horrible Histories, as well as a solid recreation of the Great Mel Blanc’s Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fudd’s voices in multiple Looney Toons movies.
#7: Rob Paulson
Ninja turtles fans would most likely recognize him as the voice of Raphael in the 80’s cartoon, then later as Donatello in the 2012 CGI version. Though arguably some of his finest comes in the form of Pinky and Yakko Warner from Animaniac’s for those catchy songs, including singing all the words in the English language … We’ll get back to him.
#6: Peter Cullen
Time to transform and rollout with a true voice of authority. Best known as the voice of Optimus Prime spanning multiple incarnations of the franchise, as early as the 80’s cartoon to the Michael Bay trilogy and hopefully all future Transformers spinoffs after that. Oh and he also does the voice of our favourite depressed donkey. Lets quickly check back on Yakko and see how he’s doing … oh boy.
#5: Tress Mac Neille
Best known as the voice of the mother you can’t move away from and the Mother hell bent on world domination. Tress is also well known as both Chip and Gadget from Chip ‘n Dale Rescue Rangers, and as the little sister of that guy who’s STILL singing the English Dictionary…
#4: Jim Cummings
He is the terror, that flaps in the night. He is the terrifying voice of the biggest hedgehog hater, he IIISSSSS … Winnie the Poo? and Tigger too? Yep that’s how versatile Jim Cummings is, He also has some notable movie roles under his belt. Oh and just quickly, Tress, see how’s Rob doing….
#3: Tara Strong
A talented voice actress who’s first role came with Hello Kitty at the age of 13, Tara’s career has seen many fan favourite characters, most notably the ever adorable Bubbles from The Powerpuff girls Jimmy from Fairly Odd Parents, and Ben from Ben 10. And of course the Bronies would know her as the magical unicorn known as Twilight Sparkle.
#2: Mel Blanc
The man, the myth the legend. When it comes to voice actors Mel is the one that that became an icon. Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Tweety, Sylvester, Porky Pig, Marvin the Martian, Yosemite Sam, you name the, Looney Toon he gave birth to that character. While he may longer be with us, his legacy will live on for generations to come.
Before we get to our number #1 pick, lets quickly check on … Nope he’s still busy. So lets take a look at some honorable mentions.
#1: Frank Welker
Taking the top spot on our list, is the voice actor who’s range knows no limits. You may know him best as the man behind Freddy from Scooby Doo, Megatron, and the terrifying voice of Dr. Claw from Inspector Gadget. If that wasn’t amazing enough, he’s even done high range gibberish voices like Slimer from Ghostbusters and Abu from Aladdin. You have to see this guys resume, there’s just far too many roles to list.
So that’s our list for Voice Actors, now we want to hear from you. Head on over to our suggestions page and let us know what your favourite voice acting performances are. And for more amazing top 10 lists published ever day … err almost amazing, be sure to Subscribe to