Top 10 WatchMojo Top 10s of 2014

Special thanks to all our fans who have suggested this idea to us over the years, and to our users Aiden Edwards, Lucas Emilio Ramos, tbluezebra, KWFlawless, Kate Edwards and GLM for submitting the idea on our Suggestions Page at WatchMojo.comsuggest
#10: Top 10 That Got RT’d by a List Entry
“Top 10 Famous Douchebags”
You guys love when we rip on celebrities, and this one did not disappoint. What’s worse: the guy who allegedly beat his girlfriend? Political pundits who can’t get their feet outta their mouths? Serial twerkers? It was a tough list to rank, but if the almost 16,000 likes were any clue; we got it right. There was some butt-hurt in the comments, with people calling us left-wing nuts, but if we gave in to all the trolls we’d be in trouble. The icing on the cake? Honorable mention Dane Cook retweeted the video. Good sport!
#9: Top 10 That Proved You Can’t Please Everyone
“Top 10 Modern Video Game Soundtracks”
Videogame fanatics are an exacting bunch, and – perhaps even more than movie fans – you guys expect to see your favorites on our lists. Unfortunately, we can’t always oblige. The comments section of Top 10 Modern Video Game Soundtracks was flooded with message after message complaining that favorites had been missed. There was a similar shit-storm when we released Top 10 First Person Shooters: the day we uploaded that one was the only day in 2014 when we lost more fans than we gained. Well, you can’t win ‘em all.
#8: Top 10 That Got the Most Views
“Top 10 Unsportsmanlike Moments in Pro Sports”
With other releases like Top 10 Sexy Movie Underwear Scenes or Hilarious Movie Masturbation Scenes, we bet you wouldn’t have guessed that this sports clip was our most-viewed video of 2014. Sure, it was uploaded in mid-February so it’s had all year to accumulate views, but as of December it had crossed the 15M mark. All it took was a little fighting, biting and head butting to rake in the views!
#7: Top 10(s) That Confirmed We Should Do More Shows
“TopX” & “WMNews”
2014 was the year of the WatchMojo series, and aside from the continuation of What’s Your Mojo? and its spinoff WMFAQ, we launched two new shows that were a smash success: WMNews and TopX. The news series was designed to help give context to ongoing stories that you might be hearing about, while TopX aimed to help you guys discover great new YouTube content – and to give Dan more face time. Both got rave reviews online, and gave us the incentive to create new shows in the future – so stay tuned because there’s more to come!
#6: Top 10 That Caused the Most Unexpected Shit Storm
“Top 10 Worst Adam Sandler Movies”
Fun fact #1: We at WatchMojo are actually fans of some of Sandler’s work. Fun fact #2: Mojoholics are way bigger Sandler fans than we anticipated. Lists of the Top 10 Worst somethings almost always get more love than the Top 10 Best somethings. Which is why this clip was unexpectedly controversial. This is one of the few WatchMojo videos that actually has more thumbs down than thumbs up – although it’s almost even. All in all, the list was meant in good fun and to be a sort of a roast, but we admit we missed the mark. *Shrug*
#5: Top 10 That Received the Most Likes
“Top 10 Most Hated Songs”
You know how we said that negative lists get the most action? Well, never was that more true than with Top 10 Most Hated Songs. That’s the 2014 WatchMojo video that got the Mojoholics talking, with the most comments of any video we released this year. It also had the most likes, with almost 70,000 and counting. Hey, Miley Cyrus was the thumbnail: we knew you guys would be on board.
#4: Top 10 That Made Us Accidentally Look Like Nazi Sympathizers
“Top 10 National Anthems”
When we first decided to do Top 10 National Anthems, we knew it’d be controversial. Something we did not anticipate, however, was what happened: As our CEO Ashkan Karbasfrooshan explained on WMFAQ10, there’s one verse of the German national that’s closely tied to the Nazi party. Since we’re not actually Nazi sympathizers and didn’t pick up on the nuance, we accidentally used that verse to showcase the song. This was such an epic – and potentially offensive – fail on our part, we exceptionally decided to take the video down, re-edit it and re-upload it. We also messed up in our Top 10 Mini-Series video by showing the new version of “V” while discussing the old one, but hey we all make mistakes. Speaking of which…
#3: Top 10 That Proved We Can Make Stupid Mistakes
“Top 10 Hated Disney Animated Shows”
Now while we wouldn’t call these mistakes – just possibly bad decisions in hindsight – a lot of Mojoholics would categorize this as the biggest mistake WatchMojo made in 2014. But there were actually two issues with Hated Disney Shows: to start, we included “Monster High,” which happens to be distributed on Disney’s online properties around the world but technically is made by Nickelodeon. We actually thought that would get the most hate, but… we were wrong. No, our biggest sin was including the VERY popular “Gravity Falls” on the list, which, in our defense had received a lot of votes to make the list, but had also received a lot of objections on the suggest list. All we can say is: always vote on the suggest page to make sure your favorite show isn’t put on a “hated” list. Btw, we’ve since modified our methodology to reflect net votes.
#2: Top 10 That Was the Year’s Most Popular Video
“Top 10 Funniest Movie Insults”
How do we calculate the most popular video of 2014? Well, in the case of Top 10 Funniest Movie Insults, it got users engaged and commenting, gained us the most subscribers of any video we released with 10,000, and earned us over 11M views and 66 million minutes watched. But all that is just tech talk for: y’all loved it. And why not? Who wouldn’t wanna listen to a few choice insults, and maybe pick up a few as well? You smelly pirate hookers.
Before we unveil our number one pick, here are a few honorable mentions:
- Top 10 That Made Us Realize People Miss Vanilla Ice
“Top 10 Rip-Off Songs”
(Everyone wondered “Where’s ‘Ice Ice Baby’?”)
(Answer: We excluded samples.)
- Top 10 That Was So Popular It Inspired ANOTHER List
“Top 10 Horror Movies Inspired by True Events”
(This one was so popular, we made ANOTHER Top 10 Horror Movies Inspired by True Events four months later)
- Top 10 That Was the Toughest to Edit
“Top 10 Continuous Shots in Movies”
(How do you cram hours and hours of continuous footage in a 10-min clip? You fast-forward the footage!)
- Top 10 That Blew the Most Minds
“Top 10 Mind Blowing Fan Theories in Movies”
(What IS in the briefcase in “Pulp Fiction”???)
#1: Top 10(s) That Were Most Worth the Effort
“Top 10 Movies of All Time” series
We’ve already said that 2014 was the year of the WatchMojo series, and this one was the king. An undertaking that involved a total of 10 videos and tons of manpower, the Top 10 Movies of All Time series took a lot of work – but if the Mojoholics’ reaction was any indication, it was worth it. With some fans saying that they learned a lot and that it was our best series yet, this one was the first of our Decade Defining series that inspired us to keep going with our Decade Defining Songs videos and our Video Games Per Generation lists.
So what does this all prove? Just cause you’re good doesn’t mean you're perfect. But if there’s one guarantee, it’s that each video we produce will be better than the last.
Do you agree with our list? What do you think is WatchMojo’s most memorable top 10? And… What other WatchMojo-related Top 10 would you like to see? For more top 10s published every day, be sure to subscribe to