Top 10 Ways F9 Set Up The Rest Of The Fast & Furious Saga

#10: Project Ares Is still around
During “F9”, the crew had to stop Jacob from completing a doomsday device that was more dangerous than the nuclear submarine from “The Fate of the Furious”. The technology basically allowed bad guys to control weapons systems like they were a human version of Skynet. Although the heroes managed to blow the sub up, the pieces of project Ares are still out there. And we know at least one villain that’s fully aware of that fact. Admittedly, it does take a lot of effort and a satellite to put project Ares together. But we've seen people like Cipher take doomsday devices from previous movies and use them again. The crew better make sure not to leave a single part of Project Ares unprotected.
#9: A Full Shaw Family Reunion
Over the last few movies, every member of the Shaw family we know of has pulled off at least one good deed for the crew. Magdalene helped Dom make secret plans, Owen and Deckard rescued little Brian and Hattie kind of saved the entire world. “F9” continued the trend by having Magdalene and Dom become tighter. Now that the entire Shaw clan has been introduced and they’re on okay terms with the heroes, the full family could show up to back up the crew. They could reunite to take on a new enemy, settle the score with Cipher or maybe bring a nice pastry to the BBQ. The timing has never been better for a Shaw family reunion.
#8: Sean Fully Drifts Into the Crew
After the talented drift racer Sean Boswell was introduced in “Tokyo Drift”, he finally returned for a short scene in “Furious 7”. And while he played a vital role by helping Tej and Roman build a rocket car in “F9”, there’s still room for him to do more. Sean was able to master drifting and beat one of the best racers in Tokyo in an extremely short amount of time. And there were more than a few occasions where his skills would’ve come in handy in previous missions. Now that the whole team is familiar with Sean, they’d probably feel comfortable driving alongside him. The last two movies could easily see him drift into the driver’s seat as a fully fledged member of the crew.
#7: How They’ll Go Beyond Outer Space
“F9” fulfilled every fan’s dream when they finally sent Tej and Roman into space. Now that they’ve reached the final frontier, we’re wondering where they’ll put a car next. We’ve seen vehicles fall from the sky, drive across ice and get completely engulfed in flames. They could easily continue the elemental theme and put the crew near a volcano. Can you imagine how cool it would be to see Dom and the crew try to drive while lava rains down on their heads? Since the franchise is constantly doing bigger stunts, a volcano actually doesn’t seem that far fetched. Maybe they’ll top outer space by sticking close to the Earth.
#6: Solving the Mystery of Mr. Nobody
The charismatic and mysterious Mr. Nobody has been a reliable Ally for the team for the last two installments. But after his plane crashes at the beginning of the film, we don't see or hear from him outside of flashbacks for the rest of the movie. We highly doubt that he’s gone for good. The “Fast Saga” has taught us many times to never believe a character is gone until someone else confirms they’re in the ground. But if Mr. Nobody didn’t meet a gruesome end, what was he up to while the heroes were trying to save the world? The next two “Fast” movies should definitely provide an answer to that question.
#5: Cipher Could Use Numbers to Exact Her Revenge
Cipher’s had to watch in horror as the Dom and his crew dashed her plans for world domination twice now. Unfortunately for the heroes, she walked away from the prison she was trapped in during “F9” angrier than ever at Dom. Since Cipher’s not the type to let things go, we know she’ll try to get revenge before the saga ends. And we don’t think she’ll do it alone. During “Fate of the Furious” we learned that Cipher hired other franchise villains to do her dirty work. And there’s still a few bad guys around that would love to take a shot at Dom and his crew. Cipher may use her network of criminal contacts to assemble an evil team to threaten the heroes.
#4: Getting More of Han’s Backstory
Although fans believed Han was long gone, he made a triumphant return in “F9”. He revealed that he faked his demise with Mr. Nobody’s assistance. Han did all of this to protect a girl he had grown to care for. While his explanation filled in some of the gaps of his story, there’s still plenty we don’t know about his life. Given Han’s status as a fan favorite character, we could easily see the franchise taking more time to explore his backstory in the last two movies. They could also have a portion of his past connect to the final pieces of the “Fast Saga”. The ambiguous nature of Han’s cloudy past could finally be cleared up before the series ends.
#3: Jacob Joins the Crew
When Jacob Toretto’s private army turned on him, his brother Dom decided to help his sibling. At the end of the movie, Dom gives his estranged sibling a car and a second chance. This gesture of kindness opened up the door for Jacob to return as a member of the crew. Although he was a full-fledged villain in “F9”, he didn’t really do any serious damage to the crew. And if Deckard Shaw can go from shooting bullets at heroes to holding Dom’s baby, we think Jacob can be accepted into the family too. Jacob could easily slide into the role that Hobbs occupied in the last few movies. The crew could always use another hulking driver on their side.
#2: The Women of the Franchise Will All Team Up
There’s been talk of a female-focused “Fast” film for years. “F9” gave us an excellent example of what that would look like when Mia, Letty and new character Elle fought side by side. Throughout the main saga we’ve also met Devon Aoki’s Suki, Eva Mendes’ Monica and of course the Hacker Ramsey. The “Hobbs and Shaw” spinoff also introduced Hattie and a crew of badass women led by Eiza Gonzalez’ Margarita. All of these fantastic female characters should unite to complete a mission before the franchise ends. They could all be brought together by the organized Margarita, Cardi B’s crew or Hattie to topple a big bad. The franchise has introduced way too many wonderful women to not have them team up soon.
#1: Han Gets Justice With Shaw
In the post credits scene of “Fast and Furious 6”, we saw that Deckard Shaw caused the car crash that appeared to take Han’s life. That’s why it was fitting that the two reunited after the credits rolled on “F9”. But where do they go from here? Since we know Han always wanted to go underground, he might not have appeared at Shaw’s doorstep for a violent confrontation. Maybe he was there to pull the former villain into a mission. Seeing them team up would be a great way to bring the relationship full circle. Whether they work together in a main franchise film or do a triple threat team up in a “Hobbs and Shaw” spinoff, one thing certain: Han will get justice.