Top 10 Wonder Woman Comics You Should Read

By Hera, with decades of Wonder Woman tales around, which ones are the most essential? Welcome to and today we're counting down the top 10 Wonder Woman comics you should read. For this list, we're looking at Wonder Woman adventures tales that are exceptionally well told and/or have an important place in the Amazon Princess' canon.
Special thanks to our users Godslayer79 for submitting the idea using our interactive suggestion tool at http://www.WatchMojo.comsuggest
#10: "Chronicles – Book One" (1940s)
Most of the major ingredients that make the modern Wonder Woman have their seeds in her original adventures back in the 1940s. This collection gathers the very earliest of the stories by creator William Moulton Marston. Diana’s creation, meeting American pilot Steve Trevor and her first encounters with Man’s World are all included. So too are such iconic elements as the invisible plane, Wonder Woman’s lasso and the bullets and bracelets game. Astute readers can also find examples of Marston’s interesting theories on male-female relationships.
#9: "Paradise Lost" (2001)
Phil Jiminez, J.M. DeMatteis and George Perez created a thrilling and intriguing story arc in which dissension between Diana and her mother is mirrored in external events. First, Ares provides the insane criminals of Gotham with powers from the Gods, necessitating a team-up with Batman. Then long-simmering differences between Amazon factions boils over into a full-blown Civil War on Themyscira, Diana’s beloved Paradise Island. The action sequences are stunning and the artwork is gorgeous, but it’s the glimpses into the characters that make this a classic.
#8: "Paradise Found" (2001)
Following up on the events in “Paradise Lost,” Diana finds herself in constant turmoil. A friend becomes an enemy, causing personal pain with worse is to come. The Amazon Princess must also fight the men of the Justice League, who have been bewitched by the evil sorceress Circe. Worst of all, Diana takes part in an intergalactic war which claims the life of her own mother. The high stakes of this intense story reflect the sense of drama and loss felt after the 9/11 attacks, adding a second layer of meaning to the work that deepens it significantly.
#7: "Spirit of Truth" (2001)
Idealism is key to the Wonder Woman mythos. Diana leaves her Amazon homeland to help show the Man’s World a better way to live. In this excellent Paul Dini story, beautifully rendered by the incredible Alex Ross, Wonder Woman questions her effectiveness. This graphic novel shows Diana taking a lower-key approach to solving problems, yet still inevitably needing to “step up” to a higher level. Dini and Ross reveal the essence of the Amazing Amazon: a kind and loving woman whose heart is in all she does.
#6: "Gods and Mortals" (1987)
Wonder Woman has been an icon for decades, but before George Perez rebooted her in 1987, she had been floundering for years. With writer Len Wein, Perez took her back to her origins, updating her backstory for the modern age and rooting her very deeply in the Greek mythic tradition. The result was not only one of the most intriguing and engaging versions of Diana but one of the most beautifully rendered. The loving attention Perez lavished on the artwork is as important as his reinvention of the character. For the first time in a long time, this Wonder Woman jumped forth from the page.
#5: "Challenge of the Gods" (1987-88)
The second major arc of the George Perez era saw a vivid and challenging re-creation of the Cheetah, the classic Wonder Woman foe. As if that isn’t enough, the Amazon finds she must spurn some unwanted sexual attention – from none other than Zeus. Not pleased with this, Zeus forces Diana to undergo a series of attacks from demons. Filled with thrills and excitement, “Challenge of the Gods” also served to demonstrate the innocent resilience that is so much a part of Diana’s nature.
#4: "The Circle" (2008)
Surprisingly, Diana’s adventures have been written by relatively few women. Gail Simone’s superior “Circle” saga is a class act all the way. Simone goes back to examine the time leading up to Diana’s birth and hits upon a fascinating idea: not all the Amazons thought a child was a good idea. In fact, for of them, who form the titular Circle, thought it would mean the Amazons’ doom. The story from there takes on everything from Nazis to talking gorillas, in a tale that is as surprising as it is captivating.
#3: "The Hiketeia" (2002)
Laws of duty and rules of vengeance form a major core of Greek mythology, and that comes to the forefront in this fascinating graphic novel. Greg Rucka tells the story of Danielle Wellys, a woman in trouble who asks for Diana’s protection under the ancient Greek rite of Hiketeia. The Amazon grants her this protection – and only then discovers that Danielle is being hunted by none other than Batman. Throw in some fighting mad Furies as well, and you’ve got as difficult a situation as any Amazon fan could wish for.
#2: "Eyes of the Gorgon" (2004-05)
Also known as “Stoned,” the “Eyes of the Gorgon” is another masterwork from Greg Rucka. Once again utilizing Diana’s Greek roots, this tale pits the Amazon Princess against none other than the mighty Medusa. In order to win, Diana has no choice but to blind herself – painfully. Even with no sight, Diana proves her mettle as a warrior and a strategist, eventually involving herself in a battle for control of the Gods’ home on Olympus. A serious and at times unnerving work that packs a terrific punch.
Before we reveal our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions:
"Down to Earth" (2003-04)
"The Twelve Labors" (1974-75)
"Wonder Woman: Blood" (2011-12)
“The Contest” (1994)
“Superman: Sacrifice: (2005-06)
#1: "JLA: League of One" (2000)
Christopher Moeller wrote and illustrated this incredible one-shot that perfectly illustrates just what a powerful character Diana is. When Wonder Woman learns through a prophecy that a dragon will destroy all of the Justice League, she takes matter into her own hands. She incapacitates all of the rest of the League, leaving only herself to do battle with it – even if it means her own destruction. Incredible artwork, dazzling action sequences, and the essence of both Diana’s selflessness and warrior spirit make this a book that cannot be beat.
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