Top 10 Worst Anime Battles

For this list, we're going to be looking at the scenes in anime that featured some truly atrocious fights. Whether it's due to the nonsensical nature of the battles themselves, poor pacing or awful animation, every terrible skirmish is welcome here. As such, prepare for some disappointing spoilers down the line.
#10: Everybody Walk The Dinosaur
“Tekken: The Motion Picture” (1998)
Granted, this fighting game franchise has given us both a boxing kangaroo and a sentient tree, so our sense of disbelief was already sky high. That being said, when you trade out iconic characters for giant, invisible dinosaurs, then we have to stop and call bullshit. In order to prevent Kazuya from gong on to win the Tekken tournament, his jealous step-brother Lee decides to turn the whole place into Jurassic Park. Doesn't do him much good though, since Kazuya just ends up punching through them all anyway.
#9: Soul Eater Not As Good As Before
“Soul Eater Not!” (2014)
Remember when this show was a marvel of the supernatural action genre? Sure, we had issue with its conclusion, but at least it never had anything as poor as this. Bad enough we have to deal with a spin-off that features lacklustre replacements of the characters we had grown to know and love, but this scene drops the ball further by making a mockery of Maka's prowess as a fighter. In order to defeat the seemingly hypnotised Eternal Feather, Maka and Soul partner up once again and engage her in battle...via some really, really poor animation. Do they even make contact?!
#8: That's Not How You Pilot A Mobile Suit
“Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ” (1986-87)
You're so lucky you got your act together after this ZZ, because as far as first impressions go you were a far cry from the bleak majesty that was Zeta. In an attempt to stop Mashymyre from using a Zaku for his own ill-gotten gains, Judau manages to chase him down and tries to tackle him out of his cockpit... which results in an undignified scuffle. Throw in a laughable first attempt at a mecha battle afterwards, and you pretty much have one of the sorriest excuses for a giant robot battle in the franchise's history.
#7: The Stuff of Legends
“Musashi Gundoh” (2006)
Everything about this anime is abysmal. From its sound effects to its character designs and of course it's fight scenes. The worst offender by far is this little scuffle that can be found early in the series. What are we even looking at here? Did the entire team simultaneously have a stroke while animating this? It's an orgy of bad special effects of such low quality you'd expect to find them in a crappy RPG Maker game, including all the backgrounds ripped straight out of google images!
#6: Play the Game Instead
“Valkyria Chronicles” (2009)
While this was never going to match up to the cult classic of the tactical RPG, the anime adaptation could have at least done its duty and gone out with a bang via an awesome battle with the main antagonist. Alas, all this final confrontation amounted to was Welkin and Alicia talking non-stop while Maximillian kept firing lasers blasts at them, missing every shot in the process. The fact that the rest of the squad isn't here just leaves the whole thing feeling like a massive let-down.
#5: Super Saiyan Blur
“Dragon Ball Super” (2015-)
Come on Toei, would it have really been that hard just to repurpose the footage from Battle of Gods. This is just embarrassing. After agreeing to do battle on King Kai's planet, Goku unleashes the power of Super Saiyan 3, only to find himself effortlessly beaten by Beerus' divine strength. Not that you could really tell since the budget for the fight seemed to have shrivelled up worse than Yamcha's reason for existing. No wonder so many fans were cautious about the series during its early stages.
#4: One Shot Kill
“Digimon Adventure 02” (2000-01)
By far the greatest villain in the franchise, Myotismon's return as the final threat facing the next-gen Digidestined may have come a bit late to the game but was still a welcome sight. However, his second defeat turned out to be nowhere near as epic. Oh sure, he may have managed to tempt them with their greatest desires, but after Davis kicked that parlour trick to the curb, they pretty much managed to decimate him with ease. All it takes is the power of friendship and a really big gun.
#3: Can Love Bloom On A Battlefield?
“Robotech” (1985)
Bonus points if you watched this little exchange with the English dub, since the voice acting gives it a whole new dimension of terrible. Max and Miriya find themselves in the middle of a lover's quarrel of sorts, only for her to suddenly bust out a knife and try to slice his head off. After Max arms himself, the two engage in a stand-off that can only be described as two poorly animated mannequins engaging in a Zorro-esque duel, complete with flying sparks. The fact that he goes on to ask her to marry him seconds after she tries to butcher him is a whole other can of worms.
#2: Two Guys Are Not Better Than One
“Naruto Shippuden” (2007-17)
An anime-exclusive scene that should never have seen the light in the first place, it's bad enough that this "fight" is slow, jagged, underwhelming and a pale imitation of what the series is known for, but the biggest crime here is that this is meant to be a fight between two Might Guys! The man who prides himself on taijutsu, undying will and explosive displays of physical comedy! It's an insult to the character, to the original source material and is just a painful experience to get through. Someone Morning Peacock this scene back to the writer's room!
#1: CGI Abomination
“Forest Fairy Five ~Fairy Tale~” (2017)
Dear Berserk 2016, we humbly apologise for taking the piss out of your crappy animation. We did not know what truly awful 3D CGI looked like. And now we do. Can we even call this is a fight? It looks like scrapped character models from RWBY trying their best to make their game of patty-cake appear epic. Just because this is an anime aimed at kids doesn't give you the excuse to make something this lazy and uninspired. It may only be forty seconds long, but its forty seconds of your life you'll never get back.