Top 10 Worst Things Homelander Has Done on The Boys

Homelander has done some pretty vile things on "The Boys," so narrowing down the worst was pretty tough. For this list, we’ll be looking at the most despicable instances when this corrupt hero decided to be less than super. Heads up, there are some high-flying spoilers up ahead. Our countdown includes Madelyn's End, how he "taught" Ryan about flying, his handling of Flight 37, and more! Which of Homelander’s malicious acts shocked you the most? Let us know in the comments!
#10: “Suped” Up Extremists
You get a superpower! And YOU get a superpower! With the government debating the continued role of “Supes” in national defense, Homelander took it upon himself to remind them of his worth. While it’s natural that even all-powerful heroes struggle with self-doubt, creating a legion of dangerous supervillains that only The Seven could possibly defeat isn’t the healthiest form of therapy. We don’t know what’s scarier - that he gave an extremist organization superpowers just to further his own ambitions, or that he still managed to defeat them all without breaking a sweat. He certainly proved his value, even if he was just cleaning up his own mess.
#9: Into the Storm(front)
Everyone enters a new relationship with some baggage, but the narcissistic face of Vought International brings a light carry-on compared to what Stormfront’s packing. However, when Homelander learns that The Seven’s newest member is far from a humanitarian, he doesn’t just weather the storm, he embraces it. Her declaration in support of supremacy and prejudice puts up about as many red flags as possible, but if anything, their romance is even stronger after the fact. Homelander’s never been a friendly-neighborhood-hero, but wanting a literal Nazi to help raise your son is a whole other level of wrong. Although, in a weird way, they’re both so despicable that they're kind of perfect for one another.
#8: Like Father, Not Quite Like Son
Homelander wasn’t going to be winning any Dad-of-the-year awards even before he decided to take these flying lessons a step too far. Apparently, swooping in after eight years and pressuring your estranged son to manifest his powers only makes him intimately familiar with the ground. Homelander’s nature over nurture approach makes it clear he doesn’t really care about Ryan at all beyond his powers, especially since he doesn’t even offer his son a hand after figuratively and literally throwing him from the nest. Instead of taking any shred of responsibility, Homelander decides to point the finger at Becca’s parenting. Clearly, not wanting your kid to be shoved off roofs is too “soft” nowadays.
#7: Out of Line Outing
They say all’s fair in love and war, but this is a line even Homelander shouldn’t have crossed. When Queen Maeve dares to have her own opinion, he decides to reiterate his dominance by outing her on live television. Not only is it a gross breach of personal privacy, but it hurts even more given how desperately Maeve tried to keep her girlfriend a secret from him. This twist of the knife made it clear Homelander was still in control, and her love-life only existed because he allowed it. With this kind of toxic behavior, it’s no wonder these two didn’t work out.
#6: A Major Blindspot
For a superhero team that’s more into brand-recognition than crime-fighting, adding a caper with a disability to the roster seems like a sure PR win. Even more, Blindspot gets serious bonus points for his genuinely impressive combat capabilities, not that it did him much good in Homelander’s eyes. The Seven’s leader plays it coy just long enough to make you think there’s a heart buried really, really deep in that uniform, before deafening the recruit with a single strike. He isn’t just needlessly cruel, he’s genuinely offended at the thought of anyone like Blindspot joining the team. If this is any indicator of how the other tryouts went, it’s no surprise that someone like Stormfront made the cut.
#5: Madelyn’s End
Strapped with explosives and face-to-face with a psycho Supe and a bloodthirsty vigilante, it’s safe to say this Hero Management VP has had better days. Madelyn was the closest thing Homelander ever had to a real friend, but that’s not enough to save her when he realizes she’s been keeping Becca’s whereabouts a secret. Nothing is as heartless as permanently tearing a mother away from their crying child, and it’s all the more telling that she doesn’t lose her life to Butcher’s explosions, but instead Homelander’s rage. It set a chilling precedent that anyone who doesn’t give him what he wants - even those he loves - aren’t safe when he has a temper-tantrum.
#4: A Mayor’s Fall From Grace
As early as the very first episode of the series, it became incredibly clear that despite the visual similarities, Homelander isn’t quite as virtuous as the first son of Krypton. When the Mayor of Baltimore justly considers exposing the truth about Compound V, this supposed hero shows his true colors by doing a quick drop-in to voice his concerns. With a quick yet brutal display of his staggering strength, Homelander proved that despite what the cameras say, he didn’t just target supervillains. Man or child, hero or criminal, anyone who stood in his way would be given a first-class seat to his laser-eyes.
#3: A Rocky Relationship
This reprehensible caped-celebrity didn’t just ruin Becca’s life once, he did it twice. After his despicable acts leave her pregnant with his superpowered child, she’s forced to fake her own demise to hide the newborn from him. But, despite abandoning everything she knew and loved, he finds her and is still hellbent on taking Ryan under his cape. Parenting is tough enough as it is, let alone when the father of your child is a petty psychopath that can beam anyone who tells him no. It wasn’t enough for him to completely uproot her life; now, he’s aiming for her legacy by turning Ryan into the thing she hates most: him.
#2: A Tantrum to Die For
The only thing scarier than a superpowered sociopath is one without full control of his powers, and that’s exactly what this animated spin off shined a starlight on. Rescuing hostages from gunned mercenaries seems like child’s play for someone with Homelander’s powers, but his utter disregard for human life only further escalates the situation. He snaps as soon as things go wrong, and not even the innocent lives he was sent to save are free from the rampage. For a supposed hero, he only succeeded in making the situation worse. Of course, Homelander also doesn't take any responsibility for his actions, and somehow finds a way to blame everyone but himself. Guess they don’t test for maturity in “The Seven” tryouts.
#1: Flight 37
A hijacked plane should be an afternoon warmup for these heroes - or, it would be, if Homelander’s goal was saving lives. When his eye beams send the aircraft into a free-fall, the Seven’s supposedly heroic leader decides to forsake all the innocent civilians aboard to further his own political agenda. It’s downright horrifying to see him refuse to save even a child, and then turn to the cameras and pretend the tragedy was because of governmental regulation on superheros. Homelander unforgivably weaponizes the deaths he caused, and makes it clear that the commandeered plane would have been better off had the “heroes” never showed up in the first place.