Top 10 Worst Things Mario Has Done

#10: Cheating at Go Fish
“Mario’s Game Gallery” (1995)
On the surface, “Mario’s Game Gallery” is an enjoyable computer game where players can challenge Mario to a handful of tabletop games like Checkers, Dominoes, eh...Backgammon, and...what the heck is Yacht? Anyways, the most notorious of these games, however, is Go Fish, and anyone who has played this game knows EXACTLY why - Mario is a damn cheater! There are too many times where he seems to coincidentally ask for cards that are close to becoming books, and it doesn’t help that whenever you do win, it’s by a close margin. We know you’re seeing our hand, you scumbag!!
#9: Abusing Donkey Kong
“Donkey Kong Jr.” (1982)
In some of the “Donkey Kong” games, Mario has shown that he can be a cruel pile of garbage. While the Game & Watch title “Donkey Kong Circus” sees him laughing at the ape’s misfortune, his worst offense occurs in the arcade game “Donkey Kong Jr.”, where he locks up Donkey Kong in a cage and separates him from his own kid. He even goes to great lengths to ensure the big gorilla remains locked up, forcing DK Jr. to avoid dangerous birds and crocodiles! It’s clear that Mario just enjoys abusing animals as we’ll see later on.
#8: Mega Mushroom Mayhem
Over the years, Mario has accrued a wide assortment of powers and costumes. And yet, the countless suits and abilities just aren’t enough. He needs something more destructive, and he got his sadistic wish when the Mega Mushroom made its way from the “Mario Party” series to the mainline games, starting with “New Super Mario Bros.” When Mario uses this shroom, he has the power to destroy blocks, burst through pipes and structures, and burrow every enemy beneath his massive foot! Does the man not realize he is toying with the very world he resides in??? Normal heroes would say, “No one should wield this power”. Mario doesn’t seem to realize that, therefore he is MILES away from being called a hero.
#7: Pulling the Limbs Off Gooper Blooper
“Super Mario Sunshine” (2002)
Ah, great! More animal abuse! Because bullying Donkey Kong just wasn’t enough for you, eh, Mario? In “Super Mario Sunshine”, the plumber-turned-temporary island janitor encounters a massive Blooper in Ricco Harbor named Gooper Blooper. Now, it’s important to note that Gooper isn’t doing much harm. He’s trapped beneath a bunch of crates and isn’t bothering anyone, plain as day. What does Mario do? As soon as he finds Gooper, he begins to pull the giant Blooper’s arms off AND yank on his mouth!! And WHAT exactly prompted you to do this, Mario? Why maim an innocent goliath like Gooper, you heartless plumber!? There was absolutely NO EXCUSE!!! It’s plain as day that Mario is the reason Gooper returned later. You caused this, Mario!!
#6: Acting Like a Wario… to Wario
“Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3” (1994)
You know how Wario constantly cheats just to beat Mario? Well, upon closer inspection of his history with him, we gotta sympathize with the crazed glutton. Sure, he kinda stole Mario’s castle while he was chasing Daisy’s tail in Sarasaland, but come on, Mario… Do you really need your own castle AND land named after you? Anyways, in an effort to regain his fortune, Wario tries to nab a gold statue of Peach that was stolen by pirates. Leave it to Mario to foil his plans, flying in on a helicopter and taking the statue back. So, not only is he probably going to steal the credit for getting the statue back, he’s also doing what he can to keep Wario in poverty.
#5: Princess Hopping
Anyone else think it's super weird how Mario is surrounded by princesses, like, all the time? The guy’s hopped around between different women that we can’t help wondering what his game is. First it was Pauline in “Donkey Kong”, then it was Toadstool or Peach in the “Super Mario Bros.” games, and as soon as he jumped onto Game Boy, he was saving Daisy. As for the past couple decades, he’s bounced between Pauline and Peach at a somewhat consistent pace, though Pauline seems to be living a luxurious life as New Donk City’s mayor. Mario, it’s time to face the music - are you trying to play these women? Are you expecting more than a cake? It ain’t happening!
#4: Posing as a Doctor
“Dr. Mario” series (1990-2019)
Some people believe that pharmaceutical companies only throw ineffective medicine at people just to make more money. We’d probably believe that, too, if those accusers had spent years playing the “Dr. Mario” games. Why? Well, it’s obvious - Mario has no experience in the medical field, yet he plays doctor all day long! Long enough to make it a franchise!! Mario’s way of practicing medicine is to throw randomly colored pills into jars until something finally works. Even when there’s ONE virus left, he’ll keep tossing you the wrong colors! I didn’t need red and blue, you idiot - I NEED YELLOW!! Get out of the medical field if you have no clue what you’re doing!
#3: Killing Hundreds of Toads
“Super Mario Bros.” (1985)
Oh, did you forget that Mario is a mass murderer? Oh, yes! Mario is responsible for the loss of hundreds of Toads in the first “Super Mario Bros.” According to the game’s manual, Koopa (aka Bowser) has turned residents of the Mushroom Kingdom into “stones, bricks, and even field horsehair plants”. ...Ok, ignore that last part, but think about them being turned into stones and bricks. What has Mario been smashing to pieces whenever he jumps? And people go after Nathan Drake for massacring people and cracking wise! He’s got nothing on Nintendo’s prideful protagonist!
#2: Abusing Yoshi
We’ve already made it clear how Mario gets a kick out of tormenting animals. It isn’t enough to separate monkeys from their families or tearing tentacles off of giant, harmless squids. For years, Mario has been using Yoshi for his own devious gains. How many times has he used Yoshi for a free jump and sent the little dino into a bottomless pit? TOO MANY! And what’s worse is that Mario has a history of punching Yoshi in the back of the head to force him into eating enemies and fruit! Like...DUDE! How many more lives must you hurt before you realize the monster you’ve become!? He isn’t saying “Go” and pointing his finger - you can’t fool us, Nintendo!!
#1: Possessing People
“Super Mario Odyssey” (2017)
For as good as “Super Mario Odyssey” was, we just cannot forgive Mario for his most heinous crime yet. This was the adventure where he discovered the power to possess almost any living thing he encounters by simply throwing Cappy at them. For the rest of the game, Mario abuses this power to travel from kingdom to kingdom, all for the sake of chasing Bowser and stopping him from marrying Peach. The guy stripped free will away from living creatures just to save his girlfriend! ...No, it isn’t romantic! It’s freakin’ psychotic and easily Mario’s worst offense to date. Who knows what this menace to society will do in his next outing? Whatever it is, we’ll be there to judge.