Top 10 WORST Things Mr. Krabs Has Done on Spongebob Squarepants

Welcome to WatchMojo, and today, we’re counting down our picks for the most heinous crimes Mr. Krabs has committed. What do you think is the worst thing Mr. Krabs has done? Did it make our list? Let us know in the comments below!
#10: Exploiting Patrick
“No Hat for Pat” (2009)
We all know Patrick is far from the bright bulb in Bikini Bottom. Even so, it’s never right to take advantage of someone else’s lack of intelligence or self-respect. A light joke may be good every once in a while, but Mr. Krabs gets egregious in “No Hat for Pat”. Upon noticing the Krusty Krab hat causes Patrick to fall down and attract a crowd, Mr. Krabs begins charging people to watch Patrick hurt himself with the act getting more excessive as people lose interest. And no, Patrick does not see a single cent out of this self-inflicted trauma. What’s worse is that Patrick sees so much value in the hat that he’s willing to keep harming himself just to keep the gig. And Eugene suffers very little consequence in the end.
#9: Serving Customers Pure Grease
“Greasy Buffoons” (2009)
In this episode, Krabs and Plankton make a magical discovery that could possibly boost their sales: grease! Smelly, tasty, beautiful, fryer grease. From “Yummy Bunz” to “Crispity Crunchities”, the two quickly begin a war with each other to get Bikini Bottom addicted to their food. However, Eugene is the one that hits the bottom of the barrel with what he calls “Wow Soup”, which is just pure grease on a paper plate. In the end, he and Plankton wind up coating their restaurants in the nasty crud while causing some severe health issues (and injuries) for their customers. And the Bikini Bottom Health Department only gives them a warning while SpongeBob swoops in to save the day.
#8: Grave Robbing
“One Krabs Trash” (2002)
Shortly after giving SpongeBob a soda-drinking hat for ten bucks, Mr. Krabs learns that the hat is highly sought after by wealthy collectors, one of them offering a million dollars for it. How far is he willing to go for the chance at obtaining that cash? Insulting SpongeBob is one thing. Stalking and haunting him is another thing, too. But Eugene goes so far as to commit grave robbing and fight a defenseless army of the undead to retrieve the hat. Thankfully, karma makes a rare appearance in this episode. By the time Krabs returns to the collectors, they have discovered the hats were mass produced and sitting in a warehouse loaded with them, the last of ‘em now sitting in the dumpster.
#7: Starving His Employees and Using Them as Bait
“Clams” (2002)
After receiving his millionth dollar, Mr. Krabs decides to take his employees on a fishing trip. How thoughtful! But when the buck is eaten by a giant clam, his whole attitude shifts. No one leaves the boat until the dollar is back in his pocket, and Eugene even goes so far as to toss all of their food out! But what makes the trip even more of a nightmare is when he decides to tie up SpongeBob and Squidward to use as live bait. Krabs does manage to get his dollar back with his employees' lives still intact. But at what cost? Everything but his head and one arm.
#6: Spreading Misinformation
“The Krabby Kronicle” (2008)
A tabloid known as The Bottom Feeder has inspired Mr. Krabs to start up a newspaper of his own to sell juicy stories. In order to sell as many copies as possible, he has SpongeBob “use a little imagination” to come up with bogus stories. This initially excites SpongeBob until he starts to find out his stories are severely affecting people’s lives. Mrs. Puff loses all of her students, Larry is banned from the gym, Sandy loses her science awards, and Plankton sees the Chum Bucket get shut down. Fortunately, Eugene’s scheme comes crashing down when SpongeBob spends a whole night writing “the wildest story ever”. And how does the episode end? Oh, with the start of a counterfeiting scheme!
#5: The Jellyhouse
“Jellyfish Hunter” (2001)
Mr. Krabs already has a history of stealing from animals. Remember when he stole Clamu’s pearl in “The Smoking Peanut”? But his theft in “Jellyfish Hunter” is worse. When SpongeBob’s Jelly Patties start selling like hotcakes, Eugene tasks him to go out and capture every jellyfish in Jellyfish Fields. But the illustrious unnamed blue jellyfish pays a visit to SpongeBob, the fry cook discovers a horrifying sight. Mr. Krabs builds a factory made to fully extract every jellyfish before dumping them in the trash. We’re just glad to see the jellyfish exact their revenge, and it’s bad enough to convince Mr. Krabs to cease the sale of Jelly Patties.
#4: The Amusement Park Scam
“Krabby Land” (2004)
In the first few minutes of “Krabby Land”, we already learn Krabs has his own tactics for scamming kids out of their parents’ money. This summer, he has a new method in the form of Krabby Land, a botched playground that looks fun…if you want to risk getting tetanus. Even promises the appearance of a special character named Krabby the Clown, which turns out to just be Mr. Krabs with a dumb tie and a blue tomato on his nose. Karma makes another increasingly rare appearance here. The kids riot, take their money back, and Eugene is left tied up and forced to eat lima beans.
#3: Selling SpongeBob
“Born Again Krabs” (2003)
It was bad enough that Krabs had a “Pinch-O-Matic” installed in his trash cans to save…a nickel. But then, to try and sell people a patty that clearly is way, WAY past its expiration is just plain corrupt. And yet, it’s not even the worst thing Eugene has done this episode. Breaking his promise to stop being cheap has caused the Flying Dutchman to pay him a second visit and take Mr. Krabs to Davy Jones’ Locker. After SpongeBob vouches for his boss, the Dutchman takes him up on a bet to see how much he values others over money. To no one’s surprise, Krabs takes a whopping sixty-two cents instead of keeping his loyal fry cook. Absolutely soulless, and it wasn’t the first time he’s put SpongeBob’s well-being on the line. Anyone else remember when he played cards with Plankton and gambled SpongeBob’s contract
#2: Tormenting Plankton
“One Coarse Meal” (2010)
We all knew this episode would turn up sooner or later. "One Coarse Meal" is Mr. Krabs at his worst in terms of his general character. When he learns that Plankton is afraid of whales, Krabs decides to dress up as his own daughter just to keep his rival from stealing the formula again. But what starts out as a simple scare tactic turns into stalking, harassment, and torment. It soon causes Plankton to become a shut-in, unable to sleep and eventually laying in the middle of the road hoping for a bus to squash him! Yikes.
#1: The Nasty Patty Incident
“Nasty Patty” (2002)
Upon learning about a fake health inspector scamming various restaurants out of free food, Mr. Krabs becomes so enraged that he turns an easy ass in health inspection into his worst crime yet. He and SpongeBob cook up the grossest Krabby Patty possible made of toenails, toilet water, and mold, then laugh at the inspector choking. But when realizing the inspector was legitimate, the two think they might have killed him with the patty. Terrified by the consequences of their dark deed, they attempt to bury him and even lie to the police. And despite all of this, the cops and inspector let them get off from conspiring and still let them pass the inspection! No consequences whatsoever! And would you believe this wouldn’t be the last time Krabs tried to commit murder and hide it? Just look at the “Out of the Picture” episode.