Top 10 Worst Things the It's Always Sunny Gang Has Ever Done

These people are the best at being the absolute worst. Welcome to and today we'll be counting down our picks for the Top 10 Worst Things the It's Always Sunny “Gang” Has Ever Done.
For this list, we're taking a look at the most despicable, heinous, and hysterically awful deeds the patrons of Paddy's Pub have ever committed.
These people are the best at being the absolute worst. Welcome to and today we’ll be counting down our picks for the Top 10 Worst Things the It’s Always Sunny “Gang” Has Ever Done.
For this list, we’re taking a look at the most despicable, heinous, and hysterically awful deeds the patrons of Paddy’s Pub have ever committed.
#10: Kidnapping a Critic
“Paddy's Pub: The Worst Bar in Philadelphia”
Critics can be cruel, but calling Paddy’s Pub the worst bar in Philadelphia is a pretty spot-on statement. Nevertheless, the Gang doesn’t take kindly to these harsh words and smash up the critic’s office when he refuses to reconsider his review. It only gets worse from there, as a drunken Charlie kidnaps the critic with his neighbor and cat also getting roped into the mix. After an uncomfortable trip to the bathroom and a bottle to the head, the critic writes another piece that epitomizes why the Gang are such miserable human beings. And since they are indeed horrible people, the Gang further harasses the long-suffering critic, demanding he use their names in the article.
#9: Breaking Dee
“The Gang Broke Dee”
While every main character on this show is terrible, Dee is perhaps the most sympathetic since her friends and family constantly gang up on her for no reason. After eight seasons of being the butt of the joke, Dee is finally sent into a downhill spiral of self-loathing. Seeming empathetic, the Gang encourages Dee to give her standup career another shot. Grey skies finally start to clear up for Dee, but it turns out to be an elaborate prank and the Gang pulls the rug out from under her in the most hilariously mean-spirted way possible. While this reignites the spark in Dee, she still hits a new low and drags Dennis down with her.
#8: Pretending to Be Terrorists
“The Gang Goes Jihad”
In an episode that’s offensive to virtually anyone living in a post-9/11 world, the Gang learns they need to vacate the bar when an Israeli businessman purchases the land it’s on. In a scheme to get the bar back, the guys decide to disguise themselves as terrorists and send the new owner a threatening video. Between their stereotypical outfits and Dennis’ unbelievably vulgar impression, the Gang realizes that the video is too dark even for them. Dialing it back a notch, they figure that a flaming bag of poop will get the job done instead. This literally backfires, however, as the bag causes an explosion due to a gas leak.
#7: Attempted Cannibalism
“Mac and Dennis: Manhunters”
To get back at Charlie and Dee for eating his steak, Frank tricks them into thinking they ate human meat. Eventually falling for Frank’s prank, Charlie and Dee decide they need to eat human flesh to see if they’ve become cannibals. Make sense? When eating a dead guy at a morgue doesn’t pan out, they set their eyes on a homeless kid who they lure back to Charlie’s apparent. After the kid wisely flees, Charlie and Dee learn they merely ate raccoon meat, which prevents them from attempting cannibalism once again. Tying into the episode’s unusual theme of eating the homeless, Dennis and Mac also set out to hunt Cricket, but more on him later.
#6: Doing Blackface
Various Episodes
As merchants of bad taste, it was only a matter of time until somebody on this show did blackface. Although it’s acknowledged that blackface is incredibly racist, that doesn’t stop the Gang from making “Lethal Weapon 5” with Dennis as a whitewashed version of Danny Glover’s Roger Murtaugh. As if that’s not bad enough, Dennis eventually switches roles with Mac, who dons blackface to portray the African American character. On top of all that, the Gang shows their fan film to a classroom and Charlie convinces one student to do blackface in order to fit in. Never learning their lesson, Dee later does blackface for “Lethal Weapon 6.” Way to make Mel Gibson look PC.
#5: Digging Up a Dead Body
“Charlie's Mom Has Cancer”
It came as a surprise to everyone when Dennis and Dee’s mom suddenly died in Season 3 due to a botched neck lift. Five seasons later, however, Frank leads everyone else to believe that his “dead whore wife” might be alive. As the evidence begins to pile up, it appears Barbara Reynolds is still kicking with money hidden all over Philly. It isn’t long until the Gang digs up Barbara’s grave, expecting to find a coffin of cash, but instead stumble upon a decomposed corpse. As Dee and Dennis gaze upon their mother’s dead body in horror, Frank reveals that this was all a hoax he orchestrated just because they said he was losing it.
#4: Extreme Makeover: Hell Edition
“The Gang Gets Extreme: Home Makeover Edition”
Even when the Gang is trying to do a good deed, they somehow manage to make things infinitely worse. Wanting to give the Juarez family the “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition” treatment, the Gang dresses in all black and kidnaps the family. While holding them hostage, they aim to remodel their home, but instead turn it into a demolition zone. The family not only ends up losing their house, but all of their furniture as well. With nothing but a pile of rumble left, a Judge gives the family Mrs. Reynolds’ old house. It may seem like a happy ending for the Juarezes, but they’re ultimately forced to sell the mansion due to the property tax.
#3: Making Money Off a Dumpster Baby
“The Gang Finds a Dumpster Baby”
Holding a funeral for a baby who never existed is one thing, but finding a dumpster baby and using him to make a profit is another. Rather than calling the authorities, the Gang debates whether to keep little D.B. or to put him back where they found him. Realizing that he’s cute enough to be a Gerber Baby, they try to book him some commercials. While there isn’t a high demand for white babies, casting agencies are on the lookout for Hispanic babies. Further endangering the child, Mac and Dee try taking D.B. to a tanning salon. Fortunately, child services comes to the rescue before they can completely paint him with shoe polish. Blackface strikes again.
#2: Trapping Their Enemies to Burn Alive
“The Gang Squashes Their Beefs”
Having committed so many unforgivable deeds, the Gang has naturally made their fair share of enemies over the years. Wanting to squash their beefs, the Gang invites the McPoyles, Cricket, Gail The Snail, and others they’ve wronged to Thanksgiving dinner. The signing of a peace treaty soon evolves into a food and hatchet fight, however, as Mac’s bedroom breaks out in flames. Although they could easily alert the others of this fire, the Gang unremorsefully decides to seal everyone else in the apartment so they don’t have to ever face their problems. It’s a good thing there’s a fire escape or else the Gang likely would’ve been wanted for murder.
Before we get to our top pick, here are a few honorable – or dishonorable, depending how you look at it – mentions:
Exploiting Abortion to Meet Women
“Charlie Wants an Abortion”
Dennis Puts “the Implication” Into Action
“The Gang Buys a Boat”
Pulling a “Million Dollar Baby”
“Hundred Dollar Baby”
#1: Ruining Cricket’s Life
“The Gang Exploits a Miracle”
Before he was hunted for game or left to burn alive, “Rickety Cricket” had already been sent down a dark path thanks to the Paddy’s Pub Gang. Exploiting Cricket’s affection for Dee, the Gang motivates him to leave the Catholic Church. Of course, Dee immediately rejects Cricket, who’s unable to return to priesthood. Turning to a life of sin, Cricket appears more sickly, desperate, and homeless every time he encounters the Gang over the next ten seasons. While you could argue that Cricket is technically responsible for his own poor choices, it’s safe to say that his life would’ve turned out much better if the Gang wasn’t constantly acting as the devils on his shoulder.