Top 10 WORST Video Games of 2017!

Not even videogames were spared from the relentless depravity of this foul year of our lord, two thousand and seventeen. Woah, got a little heady there, but seriously these games blew all kinds of chunks and sucked to high heaven; the worst, most terrible, crappy, broken, most lame and most definitely least fun games of the year. Welcome to and today we're counting down our picks for the Top 10 Worst Games of 2017!
Special thanks to our user “TheTrendingMeeting” for suggesting this topic using our interactive suggestion tool at http://WatchMojo.comsuggest
We’ll be remembering these for all the wrong reasons. Welcome to and today we’ll be counting down our top 10 worst video games of 2017.
For this list, we’ll be focusing on the 2017 releases that are widely regarded as the absolute worst of the worst, and that you wouldn’t want to play under any circumstance. While there are tons of examples, we’re not including any early access titles like Conan Exiles, since it wouldn’t be quite fair to judge them until they’re actually finished.
#10: “Perception” (2017)
While playing as Cassie, a blind woman who can “see” through Daredevil style echolocation might sound cool, the concept is about all this game has going for it. The atmosphere is ripe for tense moments, but aside from some very brief instances where you don’t want to alert “The Presence,” there’s rarely any reason not to furiously tap your cane every few feet. Plus, with your cell phone in tow providing another way to navigate your surroundings, being blind really has no purpose. You’ll be tediously tapping your cane constantly, getting bored of a gaming experience that’s neither fun nor scary.
#9: “Double Dragon IV” (2017)
Catering to nostalgia is a tried and true recipe for success, but Arc System Works definitely milked fans of the original series for all they’re worth with this one. The whole appeal of this genre is moving from left to right, beating up everyone in your path, but even that becomes tedious as you struggle with some of the worst hit detection in recent memory to take on the lazy, reskinned enemies that populate each stage. Even the level design, which should be straightforward, sucks, with stretches of boring, actionless movement ripping you right out of the experience. Besides, we already got a fourth Double Dragon game on the SNES, so why does this even exist?
#8: “Reservoir Dogs: Bloody Days” (2017)
There’s no shortage of good top-down 2d shooters, so we’ll cut right to the chase and recommend you give this one a hard pass. While rewinding time, the only unique mechanic among the generic gameplay sounds cool, it’s completely useless since switching timelines is unpredictable, and often has you losing in new, unexpected ways which completely defeats the purpose of going back at all. Why not just try the level over again? Our recommendation: just watch the movie.
#7: “DYING: Reborn” (2017)
We’re always on the lookout for new great experiences to immerse ourselves in with our VR headsets, but this is definitely not one of them. It’s a horror game that isn’t really scary, which is probably all that needs to be said, but the core gameplay of solving puzzles and progressing from one to the next also just isn’t fun. There’s very little challenge to solving any of them, and there’s no real incentive to force yourself through since the story is riddled with bad voice acting and cliches. It’s also incredibly short, but we suppose that’s probably for the better here.
#6: “Vaccine” (2017)
While the original Resident Evil was incredibly influential on future horror games, this title tries to copy it in all the wrong ways. Giving gamers just 30 minutes to explore the randomly generated mansion, the game encourages multiple run-throughs but is so unsatisfying that you won’t want to come back to it. The main challenge here should be conserving your ammo and keeping yourself alive, but it’s actually all about mastering some really clumsy controls to struggling to hit anything. We see what they were going for with the look, but the graphics here are just flat-out awful. They don’t just get a pass just for being “retro.”
#5: “Troll and I” (2017)
While we appreciate smaller developers attempting to match the scale of triple-A games, Spiral House’s adventure fell way short of the “Uncharted meets The Last Guardian” blend it wanted to be. With framerate drops all over the place, the abysmal performance is probably the first thing you’ll notice, but the terrible voice acting and mind-numbingly stupid A.I aren’t far behind. It’s a shame that this will probably discourage more indie developers from trying their hand at 3D environments because there was probably a great concept here. It was just hidden under all the game-breaking glitches and uninspired level designs.
#4: “Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Mega Battle” (2017)
Yes, this title arrived probably twenty years too late, but we were still pretty excited about taking on the role of our favorite ranger and going to town on some baddies. Unfortunately, what should be fast, fluid combat actually gets really boring, really fast since the enemies seem intent on wandering randomly throughout the stage instead of, you know, attacking us and providing a challenge. Even the boss fights are mediocre at best since you’ll spend way too much time dodging attacks and waiting for their patterns to finish so you can actually start dealing some damage. Oh and the Megazord fights? They’re quicktime events. Now that’s insulting.
#3: “Drive Girls” (2017)
Creativity has given us some great, unexpected titles over the years, but sometimes it goes a little bit off the rails and you end up with messes like this. Featuring a wide cast of playable girls who, yes, turn into cars, the focus of the game is on adrenaline-pumping vehicular combat. Or it would be, if controlling the cars was actually fun. With limited attack options and awful handling, you’ll struggle to hit anything for the entirety of the game’s five-hour campaign, and wish the entire time that it was just called “Girls” so you could avoid the badly implemented mechanic altogether.
#2: “Vroom in the Night Sky” (2017)
No, the game’s title doesn’t exactly inspire confidence or even make sense, but to be fair, nothing else in the game does, either. Every piece of text in the game is so horribly translated that it quickly crosses the line from “funny” to “sad”, and you’ll be forced to experience it constantly as you guide “Magical Girl Luna” to the “Magical Gate”. Toss in the lazy, empty locations that make up the world and the awful controls and you’ll realize just how little effort went into the development of this Switch launch title.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few dishonorable mentions:
“Deformers” (2017)
“Syberia III” (2017)
#1: “Life of Black Tiger” (2017)
We struggled to put this one on top of our list because that would mean actually acknowledging it as a game and not just a fever-induced nightmare. Unfortunately, this PS4 port of the Android title does actually exists, and deserves the top spot beyond any shadow of a doubt. Controlling a black tiger on a quest for revenge, you can experience just about everything this game has to offer in roughly 5 minutes. You, run, kill, eat, run, kill, and eat some more, all while taking in probably the worst graphics of this generation of consoles. The game feels and looks cheap, and is so unfinished we wouldn’t pay any amount of money for this game, let alone the 10 dollars they’re asking for.