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VOICE OVER: Jennifer Silverman WRITTEN BY: Tal Fox
How could Sheldon Cooper forget to give these characters closure? Welcome to MsMojo, and today we're counting down our picks for the extended members of the “Young Sheldon” ensemble who either disappeared for a long stretch or were never seen again. Our countdown includes Libby, June, Pastor Rob, and more!

#10: Libby

In season one, Sheldon befriends Libby, an 11th-grader who really digs geology. Perhaps it’s a first crush, or maybe Sheldon is simply in awe of their stimulating conversations, but he happily welcomes her into his intimate circle of friends. The trio plans to see a movie in IMAX in Houston, but Mary insists on vetting Libby first. That’s when Sheldon realizes he and Libby have very different views of their relationship. He decides to end their friendship, and Libby’s never heard from or seen again; all we’re left with is Sheldon’s disdain for geology. We hope she became a successful geologist. Hey, maybe she even ran into Bert at Rocktober Fest (that’s a thing, right?)!

#9: Ira Rosenbloom

Ira, a furniture salesman, has an on-again, off-again relationship with Connie in the early seasons. He’s clearly more invested than she is and is totally unfazed when she starts seeing someone else. At one point, she tries dating Ira and Dr. Sturgis simultaneously, leading to a hilarious confrontation. It also introduces us to Sheldon’s love of contracts. After Dr. Sturgis breaks up with Connie, she tries to make him jealous by dating Ira. But Ira realizes he doesn’t want to be a rebound and ends things— for good, it seems, as that’s the last we see or hear from him! Well, here’s hoping he eventually found someone to share a loveseat with him.

#8: Jana

Jana is Georgie’s girlfriend through seasons three to five. They go through plenty of ups and downs, not to mention firsts and a pregnancy scare that makes Georgie see his future flash before his eyes. Although he clearly cares deeply for her, she seems more committed to the relationship, while he just wants to enjoy being young and keep his options open. Well, after he drops out of high school, he gets his wish. Jana has no interest in dating a dropout — and with that, it’s over. Sure, they wouldn’t be crossing paths in the school halls anymore, but is Medford that big that he’d never run into her ever again?

#7: Tam Nguyen

Sheldon meets his childhood bestie in the second episode of season one, and while he’s in high school, they eat lunch together practically every day. It’s also Tam who initially introduces Sheldon to comic books. Even after Sheldon graduates, they continue hanging out until Tam suddenly disappears. The next time we see him is in the final season when they meet for lunch one last time before Sheldon moves to California. So, where was he during all those years in between? Clearly, he and Sheldon had enough in common to keep their friendship thriving outside of school grounds. We know Tam eventually ends up on Sheldon’s list; perhaps that wasn’t his first time?

#6: June

Dale sure has a type! Shortly after Connie and his ex-wife June meet, they hit it off and even become friends. For a while, she’s a great addition to the cast and the perfect pairing to Connie’s fiery spirit. The scene where Annie Potts and Reba McEntire sing karaoke together is one we’ll happily replay in our minds forever. In season five, when a machine in the gambling room glitches, June becomes a partner in the business but quickly annoys Connie. Perhaps this gamble was too much for their friendship, as June essentially vanishes after that. She briefly returns in season seven to bring the Coopers a casserole after George’s passing.

#5: Erica Swanson

We first meet Paige’s older sister when the Coopers host the Swansons for a bonding session over their little prodigies. While Sheldon and Paige connect, Erica finds common ground with Georgie and Missy. Paige also mentions her while opening up to Sheldon about her parents’ divorce in a later episode. We know the siblings tend to feel invisible, but for Erica, that literally becomes the case. While Paige often paralleled Sheldon’s journey, there was potential for Erica to do the same with Missy and Georgie. We’d love to have seen them continue to swap stories as they all grow up. Maybe they could’ve even started a “Siblings of Super Smart Kids” support group.

#4: Pastor Rob

Pastor Rob is first introduced in season five when the church decides to hire a Youth Pastor. He quickly becomes popular with the kids and, despite a rocky start, grows close to Mary, too. While their relationship stays platonic, there’s clearly something more bubbling under the surface. Anyway, when Pastor Rob is offered another job opportunity in Arkansas, he turns to Mary for advice. She tells him to follow his heart, but we never actually find out what he decides to do. We assume he goes for it, as he’s never seen again after that. Perhaps all that awkwardness at the hospital convinced him he’d be better off getting a fresh start elsewhere.

#3: Bobbi Sparks

Remember Billy’s sister Bobbi? No? Don’t worry; she only appeared in one episode, way back in season one. We learn that she’s been picking on Sheldon and getting away with it because she’s small and cute. It sparks a feud between the mothers, and even Missy gets involved— just not in the way Sheldon might’ve hoped. Brenda mentions her daughter again in the following season, but we never see her again, and Brenda doesn’t acknowledge her thereafter. Maybe after their divorce, Brenda and Herschel decided to separate their kids, especially once Bobbi learned to weaponize plastic utensils. Still, you’d think Brenda would at least remember she has a daughter, right?

#2: Paige Swanson

This one is a little different because while audiences feel Paige’s story was left hanging, the writers disagree. We last saw Paige joining Missy on the lam and planning a fresh start in Florida. However, they’re stopped by a cop, and Mary decides they shouldn’t hang out anymore. Still, you’d think she’d at least keep crossing paths with Sheldon, right? Yet, Paige doesn’t appear in season seven, nor is she mentioned. Reportedly, Mckenna Grace didn’t return for the final season due to conflicting commitments. Even if she had, the writers were content enough with where her arc ended. Still, we know we’re not the only ones with questions about what’s next for Paige.

#1: Veronica Duncan

Veronica is Georgie’s crush in the earlier seasons. She’s initially introduced as the rebellious type but has a religious awakening after visiting the Church’s Heck House. Georgie’s so smitten that he even decides to get baptized with her— it doesn’t end well for him. Although his feelings never truly go away, they build a solid friendship. He’s also there for her when she needs it most. In her last appearance (excluding the finale montage), she talks about saving for college, and then poof! She’s gone. Sheldon does offer us a tidbit about her future. But come on, after all she meant to Georgie, would he really just forget about her? We didn’t!

Where do you imagine these characters ended up? Let us know in the comments.
