Top 100 Facts That Might Save Your Life One Day

VOICE OVER: Callum Janes
These facts could save your life, or help you save the life of someone you know! For this list we're looking at 100 Facts That Might Save Your Life One Day. Our countdown includes How To Sleep Better, How To Get Out Of A Rip Current, How To Avoid Poisonous Mushrooms, How To Avoid Getting Cancer, How To Extinguish A Fire, and more!
Top 100 Facts That Might Save Your Life One Day
Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down 100 Facts That Might Save Your Life One Day.
If you have a potentially life saving fact, drop it in the comments, and we can all learn together!
#1: Unlike in the movies, you should NOT attempt to suck venom from a snakebite, or apply a tourniquet. Instead, move the victim out of harm’s way, have them lie down with the wound below their heart, and transport them to the nearest medical facility. Also! If you get bitten by a wild mammal, you should get the rabies vaccine immediately, as it is one of the most lethal diseases on the planet!
#2: If you break a bone, follow these steps: call for help; attempt to stop any bleeding; and immobilize the injured area.
#3: Your car thermometer is NOT 100% accurate. Most cars are equipped with a “thermistor” behind the grille, which is exposed to heat radiating from the roadway. So even if your thermometer doesn’t read below freezing, there could still be black ice on the road. Be aware of road conditions and give your thermometer a few degrees buffer, and it could save your life.
#4: Blue lights steal your sleep time, disrupting the brain’s secretion of melatonin. So before you go to bed, place that phone in another room.
#5: Keeping your phone face down will save battery, which could become important in an emergency. This will keep it from lighting up when it receives notifications.
#6: Don’t eat snow for hydration. Since it takes so much energy for your body to melt the ice, you’ll end up further dehydrated than what you gain, plus lose essential body heat while you're at it.
#7: You can start a fire with a 9V battery and steel wool. If you rub the battery against the steel wool, it should begin to spark. Place it beneath kindling and you’ll have an emergency campfire. Be sure to have water nearby if you need to extinguish it.
#8: An overloaded keyring could damage your car's ignition mechanism. All the weight can wear out sensitive internal components, making it so your car won’t be able to start.
#9: Laughter is proven to improve blood flow, immune response, blood sugar levels, and relaxation. So watching some funny internet clips could actually be helping your health!
#10: If you ever get stuck in a rip current, don’t panic and try to swim directly back to the shore. Instead swim across the current, parallel to the shore, until you’re out of the rip.
#11: Speaking of which, if you need to catch your breath while exiting a rip, relax and float for around a minute or so. Some rip currents recirculate, and might pull you closer to shore rather than just further away.
#12: If you think you’re having a heart attack, you should CHEW Aspirin, not swallow. This works faster to inhibit platelets, which trigger blood clotting.
#13: If you come across a mountain lion, don’t run away. Calmly back away, maintaining eye contact, without bending over or crouching. If it starts moving towards you, throw things at it, and if it starts getting aggressive, act as big and intimidating as possible.
#14: Never, EVER go underneath a pinsetter at a bowling alley, which includes sliding into the pins as a joke. The force is so strong on some of these machines that it can cause serious or even FATAL injuries.
#15: If you are at a beach on vacation, and the water suddenly recedes from the coastline, RUN FOR HIGH GROUND, a tsunami is on its way. Other signs include severe ground shaking and a “roaring” sound as if from a train or plane.
#16: If a tornado doesn’t look like it’s moving left or right, it might be moving right towards you! Get to safety!
#17: If someone has been stabbed or punctured by a sharp object, leave the object in the body. It will potentially prevent blood loss. Apply direct pressure either side of the object. You should also sit or lie the person down, and elevate their legs if they’re in shock.
#18: If the object isn’t still inside the victim, apply direct pressure to the wound to stop the bleeding. It takes ten minute for clots to form. Use gloves, clean cloth, or plastic bags, to protect yourself from blood contamination.
#19: If a room in the house has a fishy scent, check your electrical outlets and start unplugging appliances. That smell could indicate overheating electrical components. You might just save yourself from an electrical fire!
#20: The “Bystander Effect” is when people are less likely to help a victim when there are other people standing around. So when crying out for help, pick out an individual in the crowd, make eye contact, and call on that person for help.
#21: Most drunk driving deaths occur between midnight and 3am in the United States. Maybe avoid the roads during these times if you can help it!
#22: If you see a bear, you should stand tall, talk calmly, and back away, without making eye contact. In the rare case that you’re attacked, you may have heard this rhyme: “If it’s brown, lay down. If it’s black, fight back! If it’s white, goodnight!” If a brown bear attacks, you should play dead, or you’ll make the attack worse. As for a black bear, which is smaller, you should fight back. A polar bear may see you as prey … so you should definitely fight back! But the odds are … not good.
#23: If you’re out and your drink tastes unusually salty, do not continue drinking it. GHB has a salty taste, although it’s easily masked by other flavors. Your best bet is to NEVER leave your drink unattended!
#24: If you ever wake up in the middle of the night to the smell of gas, do NOT turn on the light. A spark from a light switch could ignite the gas.
#25: If you ever see square waves in the ocean, get out. They can create powerful currents and rips.
#26: If one of your pupils reflects white in a picture, it could be just a reflection, but it could also be a sign that something is wrong with your eye, such as a cataract, or even cancer.
#27: “Normalcy bias” is when people underestimate the threat of danger, despite warning signs. About 70% of people display this bias in disasters, delaying evacuation. If you're asked to leave an area due to impending danger … just get outta there!
#28: You can use condoms as makeshift water storage, as they’re incredibly elastic. Make sure they're lubeless though. Tie the end around a stick so you can easily untie it. You can also wrap it in a sock to prevent it being pierced.
#29: If you’re caught in a thunderstorm, do NOT stand near a tree! It’s a natural lightning rod. If the air tingles and your hair stands on end, lightning is about to strike nearby! Crouch, tuck your head, and put your hands over your ears. Don’t lie flat, as wet ground conducts electricity!
#30: If a powerline falls next to you, don’t walk or run. Shuffle or bunny hop to safety. Seems silly, but it makes sure that the voltage to each foot is the same, so that electricity doesn’t run up one leg and down the other.
#31: When calling an emergency number, like 911, be prepared to give them an address or location first, so even if you’re cut off, they know where you are. Follow up with the nature of your emergency.
#32: Encounter an emergency while abroad? The number 112 can be used in most European countries, forwarding you to local emergency numbers. It also works in some African and Asian countries, as well as North America.
#33: Hold your nose when you jump into rivers and lakes, especially if the water is stagnant. This protects against infiltration by dangerous amoeba.
#34: Also, if you’re falling into water from a height, enter feet first with your arms at your sides. This could protect you from major injuries.
#35: If you ever feel like someone is following your car, take four right turns and it will make a circle. If they are still behind you, that means they are following you. If that’s the case, go somewhere where people are, even a police station if you need to.
#36: If you accidentally disturb a beehive or wasp nest, do not run for the water. They’ll just wait for you to resurface. Run fast and as far as you can, because eventually, they will stop following you. Swatting at them will only make things worse, and if you get stung, pull the stinger out as soon as possible.
#37: The more colorful and vivid the animal is, the more likely it’s poisonous.
#38: If you ever find yourself in a falling elevator, do NOT try to jump at the last second to avoid impact or bend your knees to absorb the impact. Instead, lying flat on your back and covering your face is your best bet for survival.
#39: If you find yourself lost in the wilderness, and can’t retrace your steps, walk downhill. You’re more likely to hit a trail, road, or buildings. You’re also likely to find a water source, which people often build around. And if you find a fence, follow it!
#40: If your plane has to make an emergency water landing, DO NOT inflate your life jacket on the inside of the aircraft. It will make it harder for you to move to the emergency exits, especially if water rushes in. Instead, swim to the exit and then inflate your jacket.
#41: Heat travels through liquid faster than gas. So if you want to stay warm, keep yourself and your clothes dry, so that heat transfers from your body more slowly.
#42: You can miss something in plain sight due to ‘inattentional blindness’, which can occur when your brain is attending to too many stimuli. One example is when you’re walking and on your phone at the same time. This leaves you open to walking into objects or into traffic!
#43: If you feel sick and don’t want to throw up, hum. Humming suppresses the gag reflex.
#44: The limits of the human body tend to follow rules of 3. People can generally go 3 minutes without air, three hours without shelter in extreme weather conditions, three days without water and three weeks without food.
#45: The most common sign of a heart attack is pain or discomfort in your chest, especially a feeling of pressure or squeezing. It can sometimes spread out to other areas, and be accompanied by fatigue, a cold sweat, lightheadedness, nausea, or shortness of breath. If this happens, seek urgent medical attention.
#46: Women can experience heart attacks differently to men. While chest pain is common in both men and women, women are more likely to feel sick, experience shortness of breath, or have back, neck or jaw pain.
#47: If your stool has black specks in it, which some describe as looking like “coffee grounds”, seek medical attention. It might mean you have gastrointestinal bleeding.
#48: When walking downstairs, don’t put your hands in your pockets. If you happen to slip and fall, your arms won’t be able to grab a railing or break your fall.
#49: You don’t have to pay money on any type of phone to call 911, so don’t bother hunting for change if you’re using a payphone!
#50: Most fire deaths are caused by smoke inhalation, not burns. If you find yourself caught in one, stay low to the ground and get out of there ASAP!
#51: NEVER put your feet on a car dashboard. Airbags deploy at hundreds of miles per hour, and can break your nose when seated normally. But a broken nose is better than broken legs!
#52: Don’t use bleach and cleaning products that contain ammonia at the same time in the same room. Their vapors will mix in the air and create chloramine, which can damage your respiratory tract.
#53: If your vehicle gets stuck on a railroad, get off the tracks IMMEDIATELY and run away at a 45 degree angle, in the direction the train is coming from. This protects you from being in the splash zone of debris if your vehicle gets hit. ALSO, look for a sign with an emergency number for the railroad, or call 911, and they can inform any approaching trains.
#54: A wagging tail does not always mean a dog is friendly or happy. Dogs can also wag their tail when fearful, or as a warning. Always ask the owner before you pet their dog.
#55: Both the words ‘flammable’ and ‘inflammable’ mean that a product is “capable of being easily ignited and of burning quickly”. “Nonflammable” means not easily ignited.
#56: Chemical burns are different from heat and fire burns. You might not feel pain right away, but they can cause irreparable damage to your skin. If you get chemicals on you, be sure to read the labels and use the recommended method, as water can often not be enough.
#57: Purple flags on the beach indicate dangerous sea life in the area. Red flags warn of serious hazards, such as high surf or dangerous currents. A double red flag means the water is closed to swimming.
#58: Use the acronym FAST to identify symptoms of a stroke. F stands for Face Drooping - does one side of the person’s face droop, for example in a crooked smile? A is for Arm Weakness - can they raise both arms? S is for Speech Difficulties - are they slurring? T stands for Time - if you see any of these signs, it’s time to call emergency services.
#59: Many species of mushrooms are poisonous to humans, and can even be fatal. So do not eat wild mushrooms. Dangerous ones can also look convincingly like edible ones.
#60: After you fall into very cold water, dry yourself off, dress in layers, and warm up gradually. A phenomenon known as “afterdrop” means that if you warm up rapidly, your core temperature may initially continue to cool.
#61: If a stranger tries to force you into their car, shout for help and fight back as hard as you can. Escape will be more difficult once you’re taken to a new location.
#62: A knife can be lethal, even in inexperienced hands. If someone pulls one on you, don’t escalate the situation - run away if you can. If you can’t, hand them what they want. Your wallet isn’t worth your life!
#63: Telling people where you’re going increases your chance of survival if you get lost, injured, or kidnapped.
#64: In 2021, unintentional shooting deaths accounted for over 4% of gun related deaths in the US. Many involved children. In the home, firearms should be stored unloaded and in a secure place behind child-proof safety locks.
#65: Using water to put out a grease or oil fire will make the fire worse. Instead, turn off the stove to cut off the heat and cover the pot to cut off oxygen.
#66: You can use your pants as a life preserver by taking them off, tying the legs together, and filling your pants with air, either by scooping the waist down through the air into the water, or by breathing into the waist from below. Scrunch the waist tight to prevent water escaping.
#67: About half of the passengers killed in car accidents in 2020 in the US were not wearing seatbelts. Buckle up.
#68: Many backpacks have a built-in whistle to get attention.
#69: Especially in windy weather, don’t camp directly under a tree. Tree limbs sometimes shed or break off, and could come down on your tent.
#70: If you fall into quicksand, don’t panic. You can only really sink up to your waist. Wriggle your legs to loosen them, sit back and try to float out.
#71: It’s okay to ask for help if you’re feeling depressed. There are plenty of publically available numbers to call if you need someone to talk to.
#72: If you hit your head and briefly lose consciousness, seek medical care when you wake up. You likely have a concussion. You could also have an epidural hematoma - bleeding between your skull and the membrane around your brain.
#73: Toilets are more dangerous than sharks. Each year in the US, around 40,000 people are injured in toilet seat-related accidents. Make sure not to slip on a wet bathroom floor.
#74: Distracted driving is the leading cause of car accidents in the US. So stay off your phone while driving!
#75: A gun trigger can be pulled faster than you can react, so don’t try to disarm someone if you’re being robbed. Things are replaceable, your life is not.
#76: You can estimate the remaining daylight time by extending your arm in front of you and holding out your hand with your pinky finger on the horizon line. The width of one finger is roughly equal to the distance the sun will travel in 15 minutes. 4 fingers equals 1 hour.
#77: If you’re buried in an avalanche and disorientated, spit. Your saliva will follow the gravity and you can dig in the opposite direction.
#78: Smoking causes cancer. We know you know, but it’s an important one!
#79: The harder you make it for a burglar to enter, the less likely a break-in will occur. So ALWAYS lock your doors. Also be careful when someone comes to the door. Just because the doorbell rings, doesn’t mean you’re obligated to open the door.
#80: Horses cannot see immediately in front of or behind them. And horse kicks are incredibly powerful. So never approach a horse from behind. Stand on the side of the horse between the head and shoulder.
#81: You can perform the Heimlich maneuver on yourself. Form a fist just above the navel. Place your other palm over the fist to push more firmly. Drive your fist in and up in the diaphragm area (the top of your stomach) and repeat until the object stuck in your throat dislodges.
#82: If a man takes a pregnancy test and the result is positive, it might be a sign of testicular cancer.
#83: The safest place to sit on a plane in the case of a plane crash is near the back in a middle seat. The worst seats are on either side of the aisle in the middle of the aircraft, which has almost double the fatality rate.
#84: If you’re stuck in a stampede, the most important thing is to stay on your feet. Keep your hands around chest height to protect yourself and prevent being crushed.
#85: If someone is drowning, remember this rhyme: Reach or Throw, Don’t Go. Use a long item to reach out for the victim to grab onto. Otherwise, throw them something that floats. If you approach without a flotation device, a drowning person is likely to grab onto you and pull you under.
#86: Even when someone has been pulled ashore after drowning, that person can still die due to leftover water in their lungs. This is called “dry drowning”. Even if you’ve been saved from drowning, you still need urgent medical attention.
#87: If you need to break a car window, aim for the edges or corners. The center of the window is usually the strongest part.
#88: Embassies and consulates have emergency numbers they answer 24 hours a day. When abroad, it can pay to have this number saved in your phone.
#89: If you possess a gun, you’re more likely to be shot during an assault. This is especially true in cases where the victim has a chance to resist.
#90: Some thieves use posts on social media to identify and plan robberies. When you check-in somewhere, it indicates you’re not at home.
#91: Although it’s rare, alcohol withdrawal can be fatal. If you have a longstanding problem with alcohol and show signs of withdrawal, like tremors, insomnia, nausea or anxiety, get medical assistance.
#92: People do not outgrow asthma. Whilst some might become asymptomatic as they get older, the potential for asthma remains. Always carry an inhaler and keep the prescription up-to-date even if you haven’t had symptoms for years.
#93: You do not have to wait 24 hours to report a missing person. There is no time limit and the sooner you report it, the better!
#94: One of the symptoms of hypothermia is drowsiness. If you or someone else has stopped shaking from extreme cold and is feeling sleepy - it’s NOT a good sign! Get inside and warm up.
#95: Closed doors can slow the spread of fire and smoke. With this in mind, it’s best to sleep with the door of your bedroom shut. Also, be sure to check the batteries in your smoke alarms regularly!
#96: While driving, if the accelerator pedal gets stuck, or something else causes unintended acceleration in your car, press the brakes firmly and put it in neutral.
#97: Extinguishing a fire is a lot easier with a fire extinguisher, so buy one before you need one.
#98: The best preventions for heart disease, which is the leading cause of death in the US, are: eating a healthy diet; exercising regularly; maintaining a healthy weight; limiting your alcohol intake; not smoking; getting your blood pressure checked regularly; and managing diabetes if you have it.
#99: Keeping healthy and not smoking also reduce your chance of getting cancer, the second leading cause of death in the US. But you should also talk to your doctor about how to do self-checks and how often you should get screened.
#100: Your subconscious mind will be able to pick up warning signs that your conscious mind might not. So if a situation doesn’t add up and something feels off, trust your gut and instincts.
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