Top 20 Baby Yoda Moments

#20: Revealing Himself to the Mechanic
"Chapter 5: The Gunslinger"
With a price on his head and the entire Bounty Hunters’ Guild out to get him, Mando needs to keep a low profile. Unfortunately, the Child also seems to be on their most wanted list. Given that Baby Yoda sticks out like a little green thumb, Mando wants him to keep a low profile. Unfortunately, the Child loves him some attention, and so while Mando is away in Mos Eisley, Baby Yoda introduces himself to Peli Motto and her droids. His strange noises put the jumpy mechanic on edge at first, but once he steps out of the shadows, he instantly endears himself to the surly local. And honestly, who can blame her?
#19: Sneaking up on Q9-0
“Chapter 6: The Prisoner”
Whenever you see Baby Yoda walking, it’s an incredibly slow shuffle. And yet he’s constantly popping up in unlikely places! We can’t figure out whether he has a quicker mode of getting around that he keeps to himself or if he’s just so quiet that nobody hears him coming. Either way, he’s clearly far more capable than he lets on. Of his various disappearing and reappearing acts, this is arguably the best to date. Left on the ship with Q9-0 while Mando assists in a prison break, the Child unexpectedly pops up behind the droid. As soon as Zero reaches for his rifle however, the Child is gone! A deadly game of hide-and-seek ensues; but by the time the droid finds him, Mando’s come home.
#18: Scared Baby Yoda
"Chapter 3: The Sin"
The Child might be small, but his youthful curiosity, trusting nature, and bold attitude mean that he rarely displays obvious signs of fear. For this… we should all be thankful, because in episode 3, on one of the rare occasions in which he appeared genuinely frightened, it was unbearable. To see such a precious little creature visibly scared is enough to break your heart. And his little cry as he’s taken away? That’s how you shatter even the coldest heart into a million little pieces. Thankfully, the Child’s cry appeared to have just that effect on Mando, and he ultimately goes back to rescue the little guy from the Client and Dr. Pershing.
#17: Snuggling With Mando
The Child and our helmeted hero have shared a few sweet moments over the course of the series. But rarely has there been such an overt display of physical affection between the two. After a messy crash landing on the icy planet, Maldo Kreis, Din Djarin, the Child and their frog-like passenger struggle to get some shuteye in the inhospitable environment. Following the Frog Lady’s cue with her container of eggs, Baby Yoda snuggles up with Mando. We don’t imagine that beskar armor is especially comfortable, but it’s the sentiment that counts. And the sight of the Child nuzzling into his surrogate father figure is enough to make you melt!
#16: Being Babysat
"Chapter 11: The Heiress"
Bounty hunters tend to be solitary beings. As such, Mando has had to make a lot of adjustments to his life since the Child came into it. Baby Yoda has tagged along for a number of adventures, but when the mission is an explicitly dangerous one, Din Djarin has a habit of leaving the Child with a friend for his own safety. After Baby Yoda repeatedly snacked on the Frog Lady’s unfertilized eggs, we all collectively prepared ourselves for the worst when Mando left him with the frog parents. Thankfully, Baby Yoda is sweet with the newly hatched tadpole and shows no interest in eating the Frog Lady’s actual offspring. It's a nice bit of redemption for the adorable little guy.
#15: Mando Uses Baby Yoda's Real Name
"Chapter 14: The Tragedy"
Mando, like the rest of us, was fairly taken aback to learn that the Child has a real name... and that it's Grogu. Regardless of whether you like the name or not, there's no denying that the Child's reaction to hearing it said aloud is priceless. Mando has a lot of great qualities, but a sense of humor isn't the first thing that comes to mind. You can tell here, however, that he seriously gets a kick out of repeatedly getting Grogu's attention on command - finally. This is also just a rather adorable moment of bonding that reminds us that, despite his tough exterior, Mando wants to see the Child succeed. The cuteness is strong with these two!
#14: Baby Yoda Wants to Come Too!
"Chapter 4: Sanctuary"
It’s something of a running gag throughout the first season of the Mandalorian that Baby Yoda does what he wants. No matter how many times Mando tells him to stay put, there’s nothing that Baby Yoda likes more than to follow the big guy around! When the unlikely duo land on Sorgan, Mando gives the Child clear orders to remain on the Razor Crest. Cut to an exterior shot of the ship’s door opening and sure enough… Baby Yoda is standing right there beside him, ready to explore! Only four episodes in and Mando has already developed a serious soft spot for his young ward, as made clear by the way he almost immediately caves and lets Baby Yoda tag along.
#13: Imitating Mando
Imitating Mando
"Chapter 4: Sanctuary"
Baby Yoda is so freaking cute that even when standing perfectly still, he elicits awwws from those around him - not to mention the millions of Disney+ subscribers. But when he turns on the charms like he did episode 4? Well… it’s enough to make you weep. On Sorgan, it seems that Mando and Baby Yoda have found themselves a safe place where they can let their guard down. In a rare moment of peace and quiet for the mismatched pair, Mando leans back in the bed of a speeder and allows himself to just appreciate the night sky. And wouldn’t you know it, the impressionable little green guy mimics his de-facto guardian. It’s a fleeting moment, but a beautiful one.
#12: Going to School
"Chapter 12: The Siege"
We didn’t really notice it until this episode, but overall, “Star Wars” rarely makes mention of any sort of educational system. Sure, there’s the Jedi Academy, but what about all the non-Force-sensitive kids out there? Well, we can’t imagine a better candidate for taking us to “Star Wars” school than Baby Yoda. He’s only there for the day, but he makes a big impression. He not only turns heads as the new kid, but he also manages to get into some trouble and teach one classmate a tough lesson in sharing. The Child’s look of satisfaction while munching on his stolen cookies —even during combat—will never get old.
#11: Octopus Broth
"Chapter 11: The Heiress"
Mando has taken it upon himself to protect the Child from those who would do him harm. But as we’ve seen, when push comes to shove, Baby Yoda can often hold his own. After their encounter with those spider creatures, it would seem that the Child’s confidence has taken a hit. When a bowl of food is put in front of the youngling, you expect a repeat of his broth-slurping antics from season 1. Instead, to his horror (and ours), a small octopus-type thing leaps out of the broth and attaches itself to Baby Yoda’s face. It’s a nice callback to the previous episode that plays on the viewer’s fears and expectations. Mando, however, hilariously dismisses the danger. These two sure love broth!
#10: The Child & Ahsoka “Speak”
“Chapter 13: The Jedi”
Based on everything we’ve seen him do, it’s clear that (appearances aside) Baby Yoda has got more going on than the average toddler. Of his many strengths and abilities, however, language skills are not among them. Beyond some adorable cooing and exclamatory noises, he’s not very vocal. After meeting Ahsoka Tano—sidebar: HUGE moment—we finally learn Baby Yoda’s backstory. Ahsoka and the Child communicate non-verbally—seemingly using the Force—to drop a wealth of information. We learn that the Child came from the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, and that his name’s Grogu. It’s also charming to them sitting there staring at each other. This was an episode of multiple big moments, as we also get to see Ahsoka test the Child. He sure loves that metal ball.
#9: Getting Scared and Angry
"Chapter 14: The Tragedy"
After being taken by Moff Gideon's troops, Baby Yoda is none too happy. He and Mando have been doing a bit of Force practice, but as we've seen in the past, emotion is the biggest factor when it comes to the Child's abilities. The toddler is clearly upset and distraught at having been ripped away from his surrogate father, and he takes it out on the Stormtroopers tasked with guarding him. Ahsoka warned Mando that she sensed fear in Grogu, in a speech reminiscent of how Yoda described Anakin. Well, here’s that anger and fear on full display. It’s pretty satisfying to see Grogu tossing his captors around, but it’s also a reminder that this young being needs affection and guidance.
#8: Baby Yoda and the Eggs
"Chapter 10: The Passenger"
We know that this generated a bit of backlash, but honestly… it fits with Baby Yoda’s character. Toddlers are always getting up to mischief. As for his penchant for eating frogs, that’s already been well established (we’ll get there in a minute). In this horror-heavy episode, Baby Yoda’s overwhelming desire to consume the Frog Lady’s eggs felt like a perfectly twisted bit of humor to lighten the mood without completely abandoning that darker tone. And the little guy is seriously obsessed, Following the crash, a panicked Din Djarin rushes to find Baby Yoda, only to find him not in danger as he feared, but once again going for the eggs. For the record, it’s been clarified that the eggs were unfertilized.
#7: Having Fun in the Crash
"Chapter 11: The Heiress"
Imagine you’re in a spaceship hurtling towards the surface of a planet. The craft is in rough shape and there’s clearly some doubt as to whether it can even land safely. Pretty tense moment, right? We’re not what exactly is going through Baby Yoda’s head while in freefall, but it doesn’t look or sound like fear. Does he have blind faith in his protector? Does his connection to the Force give him some sort of clairvoyance? Or is he just too young to understand the, well, gravity of the situation? Whatever the case, while Mando is white-knucking this sketchy crash landing, the Child is clearly having the time of his life. We guess it’s kind of like a ride on the Disney Tower of Terror.
#6: Repeatedly Trying to Heal Mando
"Chapter 2: The Child"
We’ll be talking more about Baby Yoda’s Force abilities later, but first, let’s discuss this adorable bit of foreshadowing. The Mandalorian has been put through the ringer, first against the Nikto mercenaries from whom he liberated the Child, and then in his rumble with the Trandoshans who ambush them en route to his ship. As night falls, the Mandalorian attempts to clean and patch up a nasty wound on his arm, only to discover that Baby Yoda has snuck up on him. The Child’s arm is stretched out towards the wound and his brow is furrowed in concentration. It’s an adorable effort, and the fact that he tries not once but twice is a real testament to the little guy’s can-do attitude.
#5: Catching Frogs (Again)
"Chapter 4: Sanctuary"
Baby Yoda threw viewers a curveball in the second episode when, after adorably chasing after a frog, he proceeded to gobble up the amphibian whole. Talk about an appetite! It was a hilarious gross out moment, and one that made quite an impression on fans. Arguably even better however, was the throwback that occured two episodes later on Sorgan. While playing with the local kids, the Child manages to catch his favorite snack. When his new friends see him with frog legs hanging out of his mouth however, they both amused and disgusted, causing the little dude to become visibly embarrassed. It’s an emotion we hadn’t seen from the Child up to this point, and the way he spits out the frog is priceless.
#4: Messing With the Ship
Various Episodes
If you’ve ever been around a toddler, you know all too well just how much they like playing with things that they’re not supposed to touch. Every button, switch, and random object is something new and exciting. It’s as if the entire world is their playpen! But it’s safe to say that a spaceship - especially one belonging to a bounty hunter - is not the sort of place where a child should be playing around. Safety concerns be damned, though, Baby Yoda loves to push buttons aboard the Razor Crest. And while Mando is initially frustrated by the Child stealing the ball from a lever, he eventually gives in and lets Baby Yoda play with it. Hey, it beats him pushing buttons with real consequences!
#3: Slurping Bone Broth
"Chapter 4: Sanctuary"
He might be small and slow moving, but Baby Yoda has a knack for showing up in the most unexpected places and getting there quicker than you’d expect. After following the mysterious Cara Dune outside, the Mandalorian and the former Rebel shocktrooper wind up in a nasty brawl that - if we’re being totally honest- didn’t seem to be going well for our titular hero. Their fight ends in a stalemate with pistols drawn, and it’s in this moment of silence that they see (or rather hear) that they’ve got an audience. We suspect that the stalemate could have quickly evolved into “round 2” had the Child not cut the tension in such a hilarious and effective way.
#2: The Reunion… and Farewell
"Chapter 16: The Rescue"
When the Child was kidnapped, it was heartbreaking. But the separation between Mando and Baby Yoda also put in perspective just how deep of a bond they’ve formed. And it was amazing to see the lengths to which Mando was willing to go to save his ward. The actual moment of reunion doesn’t leave much room for sentimentality - what with Moff Gideon wielding the Darksaber- but the entire season 2 finale operates as one big reunion. The cherry on top? Mando literally diving to take blaster fire for the Child. No sooner are they reunited, however, they once again must say goodbye. Cue the waterworks! But hey, seeing Grogu carried away by Luke Skywalker sure softened the blow. Still, we hope there’s another reunion.
#1: Saving Mando
"Chapter 2: The Child"
When any member of Yoda’s mysterious species shows up in the Star Wars universe (canon or legend), Force-sensitivity is one of the very first questions that comes to mind. And after planting the seed earlier in the episode when Yoda tried to heal Mando, all signs pointed towards this adorable creature having a connection to the Force. Yet, even with that foreshadowing, few viewers out there could have expected such a remarkable display from such a small creature who, regardless of age, still appears to be an infant. The Mandalorian is undeniably a great warrior, but the Mudhorn seemingly had him beat. Had the Child not pushed his Force abilities to the point of exhaustion, this show would have ended after just two episodes!