Top 20 Best Bleach Fights Ever

Top 20 Bleach Fights
Welcome to WatchMojo and today we’ll be counting down our picks for the top 10 “Bleach” fight scenes.
For this list, we’ll be looking at the best fight scenes from the anime and manga “Bleach.” We’ll be basing our entries based on story importance, intensity, and their cool factor.
If there’s a fight you think “feels like number one,” please tell us about it in the comments.
#20: Ichigo vs. Gin
Gin Ichimaru is one of the most enigmatic and fascinating characters in the show and it isn’t until his final arc in the show that we get to see how strong he truly is. While his superior, Aizen is busy fighting several other Shinigami captains, Gin fights Ichigo. Gin’s Bankai proves difficult for Ichigo to handle, as it can extend his sword to an incredible degree and at blinding speed. The rapid speed of the exchanges and the fact that whole buildings are sliced through lends a great spectacle to the fight. While the fight doesn’t have a true resolution, at least Gin didn’t troll Ichigo as badly as he did during their first go-round.
#19: Mayuri vs. Szayelaporro
What happens when you get two supernaturally over prepared mad scientists to fight each other? This - this is what happens. 12th Division Captain Mayuri Kurotsuchi arrives just in time to save Uryu and Renji from the 8th Espada, Szayelaporro Granz. The two combatants aren’t really combat types, instead using a variety of absurd “booby traps'' using their unique powers and abilities to survive and counter lethal blows. This all culminates in Mayuri delivering a poison to the Espada which enhances Szayelaporro’s sense of time. The Hollow scientist then experiences centuries of agony as Mayuri slowly stabs him. Now that’s brutal!
#18: Hisagi vs. Findorr
When Aizen and the Espada attack Karakura Town (the fake one, anyway), several lieutenants battle the Arrancar subordinates. Easily the best of these is the bout between Shuhei Hisagi and Findorr Calius. While it may not have the hype or plot importance of some other fights, this battle has some fantastic choreography, excellent animation, and some great music throughout. Findorr is an entertainingly arrogant villain, while Hisagi goes from being a guy who just looks cool, to one who can back up his badass looks with badass actions. All in all, it’s “exacta-ly” the kind of “Bleach” fight we love.
#17: Yoruichi vs. Suì-Fēng
During the initial Soul Society arc, the former captain of the 2nd Division of the Shinigami comes face-to-face with the current one. Yoruichi Shihoin fights her former subordinate, Soi-Fon, in a lightning fast battle. Unlike most Shinigami, the pair of them focus more on hand-to-hand combat. Of course, Soi-Fon’s special ability to kill in two hits keeps the tension high. Also, Soi-Fon’s bitterness over Yoruichi leaving is driven home by a flashback during the fight, in which we see their history together. This all boils over when Yoruichi outclasses Soi-Fon with a technique the latter developed specifically to surpass her. The combo of emotions, unusual fighting tactics, and the fact that it’s a rare “Bleach” fight between two women makes this one stand out.
#16: Hitsugaya vs. Harribel
Returning to the battle in Fake Karakura Town, 10th Division Captain Toshiro Hitsugaya is matched up against the 3rd Espada, Tier Harribel. Throughout the fight, each combatant appears to have the upper hand, with Harribel seeming to cut Hitsugaya in half, only for it to be an ice clone. Then Hitsugaya seems to be able to counter Harribel’s water abilities, since he can freeze them with his ice powers; only for her to break through them. At last, Hitsugaya manages to imprison her in ice. Granted, she’s freed later, but while it lasts, it’s a great fight between two of the more noble characters on both sides.
#15: Komamura & Hisagi vs. Tōsen
Blindness comes in many forms, as this fight proves. Traitorous Shinigami captain Kaname Tōsen is confronted by his former friend Sajin Komamura and his old lieutenant, Hisagi. Having embraced Hollow abilities, Tōsen is able to dominate much of the battle. After stabbing Hisagi and seemingly taking him out of the fight, Tōsen achieves an even more monstrous transformation that allows him to see. Ironically, it also gives him on hell of a blind spot, as Hisagi is able to surprise his old captain and mortally wound him. The fact that Tōsen has betrayed not only his friends, but also the person he used to be, lends the fight a sense of tragedy which others don’t often have.
#14: Byakuya vs. Kōga
During a rebellion of Zanpakuto spirits in Soul Society, Captain Byakuya Kuchiki appears to betray his comrades. However, it turns out that he was just pretending, in order to prevent the release of his notorious ancestor, Kōga Kuchiki. The battle of the Kuchikis has a lot of fun elements, such as the prevalence of kido moves. Ultimately, it’s the contrast between the two combatants that proves Kōga’s undoing. While he shunned relying on his Zanpakuto’s power, Byakuya fights together with his sword’s spirit to win. It may not be canon, but this is still a banger of a fight.
#13: Kenpachi vs. Tōsen & Komamura
Not many people can take on two Shinigami captains and survive, and Kenpachi Zaraki is one of them. The bloodthirsty, battle-hungry Captain is always a wildcard and his fight with Tosen and Komamura is great to watch. First, Kenpachi manages to hold off Komamura’s abilities, which give him the strength of a giant. Then, he gets caught in Tosen’s Bankai, which cuts off all his senses, except touch. Even with that handicap, he still manages to nearly kill the future traitor. Sadly, just as Komamura steps in and is ready to use his Bankai, the fight gets interrupted. Still, while it lasts, it’s a great fight that showcases some awesome abilities and solidifies Kenpachi as a certified badass. Speaking of which…
#12: Kenpachi vs. Nnoitra
A lot of “Bleach” fights involve special powers or complicated choreography. This is simplicity itself – the most savage Esapda, Nnoitra Gilga, gets into a no-holds-barred brawl with Kenpachi. The two eye-patch sporting monsters take turns wailing on each other, with each unleashing their true strength and appearing to gain the upper hand. However, through it all, Kenpachi is having the absolute time of his life fighting a strong opponent. Eventually though, a little change in stance proves the deciding factor and Kenpachi manages to cut Nnoitra down. Like Kenpachi himself, this fight is pure, ferocious hype and we’re here for it - all day, every day!
#11: Ichigo vs. Yushima
Yes, yes, it’s another filler fight, but it’s pretty dang amazing! After Soul Society is invaded by mod soul copies of the Shinigami, Ichigo confronts their leader, Ōko Yusihima…or at least his own mod soul copy. It’s a whole thing. Regardless, Ichigo’s fight with Yusihima has some amazing back and forth throughout, and while his friends do join in, the real highlight is his alone. That one Getsuga Tenshō he does? Incredible! The animation throughout is a step above even some of the real story moments, and it certainly helps elevate this battle, though not quite enough to make it into the top 10.
#10: Ichigo vs. Renji
While trying to rescue Rukia from execution in Soul Society, our protagonist finds his path blocked by Renji, one of the strongest foes he’s fought up to this point. The action is intense, with Ichigo struggling to overcome Renji’s superior strength… as well as his own wavering resolve. Frustrated at being unable to save Rukia himself, Renji takes out all of his anger on Ichigo. But when Ichigo gains his new determination, Renji surprisingly expresses his hope that he’ll succeed.
#9: Ishida vs. Mayuri
Next up we have another classic Soul Society fight, between Ichigo’s Quincy frenemy Ishida and this bizarre Shinigami Captain. Being a mad scientist, Mayuri’s cruel tactics and various hidden body modifications make a nice contrast to the honorable, straightforward Ishida. In addition to being the first fight to showcase a shinigami’s Bankai, the battle also packs a strong emotional punch, due to Mayuri’s experimentation and murdering of Ishida’s fellow Quincy, including his grandfather.
#8: Starrk vs. Shunsui
Although Coyote Starrk fights several opponents during the long battle between the Espada and Soul Society’s Captains, his most consistent foe is Shunsui Kyōraku. The combatants are actually pretty well matched, since they both tend to be lazy, despite how powerful they are. Starrk’s gunslinger powers are unlike anything else and Shunsui’s own abilities centered around a children’s game offer unique “rules” that keep Starrk and the audience guessing.
#7: Aizen vs. Everyone
As one of the primary antagonists, Sōsuke Aizen manages to be intimidating as hell. A traitorous Shinigami Captain, he’s gifted with strength that dwarfs even that of his former comrades, as well as possessing near perfect hypnosis abilities. While things appear hopeless at first, the combined efforts of both current and former Captains finally manage to injure Aizen. However, this all proves to be an illusion, as they’ve actually been fooled into attacking one of their own comrades instead; leaving them wide open for Aizen to cut them all down.
#6: Ichigo vs. Kenpachi
Ichigo’s luck takes a turn for the worst when he runs into the Soul Society’s most notoriously violent captain. Being the first Shinigami Captain he faces, Kenpachi tests Ichigo more than any opponent before him. It’s an uphill battle for the most art, and after communing with his zanpakuto, Ichigo only manages to fight his way to a draw. Kenpachi’s bloodthirsty joy over fighting is infectious, and we can’t help but love the palpable danger and great character development this fight provides.
#5: Ichigo vs Grimmjow
Speaking of hotheaded opponents, our next entry is this final fight with the 6th Espada Grimmjow. The pair clash several times throughout the Arrancar arc, but their final fight blows the others out of the water. Grimmjow appears to be the only thing preventing Ichigo from rescuing his friend Orihime - and the Espada himself is ecstatic to finally get a good fight out of the hero. The action is fast paced and excellently choreographed, making for one of the most intense bouts in the series.
#4: Ichigo vs. Ginjo
This battle sees Ichigo pitted against a former substitute Shinigami, Kūgo Ginjō, whose machinations nearly robbed Ichigo of his powers entirely. Due to their similar life paths and the fact that Ginjō steals some of Ichigo’s abilities, he comes off as a dark mirror for Ichigo himself; making him a memorable opponent. Being the final fight of the series, the animation team certainly made sure Bleach would end on a high note.
#3: Ichigo vs Byakuya
The climactic battle of the Soul Society arc features Ichigo facing off against Rukia’s brother Byakuya, whose stoic and confident personality contrasts nicely with Ichigo’s hotheaded determination. Both fighters seem to have the upper hand at several points, and the back-and-forth between their respective powers, as well as the numerous iconic moments - including Ichigo’s first use of his bankai - make this one of the most memorable and exciting fight scenes in the series
#2: Ichigo vs. Aizen
After thoroughly wrecking everyone he comes across, big bad Aizen finally meets his match. Ichigo returns from training outside of time to battle the seemingly godlike villain with shocking ease. The anticipation for this fight was huge, as the entire series had been building up to it for years. While it didn’t quite live up to the hype, given that it’s relatively short and the power scaling is a little narratively convenient, it’s still immensely satisfying to see the oh-so-smug Aizen defeated at last.
#1: Ichigo vs. Ulquiorra
If our last entry was a battle of gods, then this is one between demons. Like Grimmjow, Ichigo has a running rivalry with the emotionless 4th Espada, Ulquiorra and it comes to a head in dramatic fashion. Ulquiorra proves to be among the most challenging of Ichigo’s opponents and almost puts Ichigo out of commission for good when he shoots a Cero Oscuras through his chest. This however leads to Ichigo taking on a new powerful Hollow form, one which engages in a brutal large-scale battle with Ulquiorra that we won’t be forgetting any time soon…