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Top 20 Best Friends Episodes

Top 20 Best Friends Episodes
VOICE OVER: Rebecca Brayton WRITTEN BY: Nick Spake
Hard to narrow it down to 20! For this list, we'll be looking at episodes of this sitcom that never get old, which is saying a lot given how many times we've rewatched the entire series. In case you somehow haven't seen the show, there are about ten seasons worth of spoilers here. Our countdown includes episodes “The One with the Rumor”, “The One in Vegas”, “The One with the Blackout” and more!

Welcome to MsMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 20 Best Friends Episodes. For this list, we’ll be looking at episodes of this sitcom that never get old, which is saying a lot given how many times we’ve rewatched the entire series. In case you somehow haven’t seen the show, there are about ten seasons worth of spoilers here. Which “Friends” episode is your lobster? Let us know in the comments!

#20: “The One with All the Resolutions”

Monica and Chandler’s secret gains another insider with Rachel overhearing a naughty phone call. Of course, the phone conversation that solidifies this episode as a classic is shared between Ross and Joey. Ross makes a New Year’s resolution to try something different every day. And if it irks a tight-lipped Chander, all the better! This backfires when Ross buys a pair of leather pants. Shrinking in the wash is one thing. Shrinking on a date is a misfortune that only happens to Ross. He’s so desperate that he resorts to asking Joey for guidance. Between the powder and lotion, Ross’ situation goes from mortifying to world-ending. Amazingly, Chandler keeps it together when he sees a pantless Ross, but he eventually lets his pent-up insults loose.

#19: “The One with the Football”

The Friends are always there for each other, but that doesn’t mean they can’t get competitive. Tensions rise during a game of Thanksgiving football. Joey and Chandler compete for the affection of a Dutch woman named Margha, but the main competition is between Ross and Monica. A childish sibling rivalry festers into adulthood with everything coming down to this one game. It’s winner-takes-all. And by “all,” we mean a troll nailed to a 2x4. For all the heartwarming moments this show gave us, sometimes it’s fun seeing everyone at their most spiteful. The fact that they’re bickering over something so petty - on Thanksgiving no less - only adds to the comedic stakes. The important thing is that the Gellers come together in the end… sort of.

#18: “The One with the Rumor”

From one Thanksgiving special to another, this episode takes us back to a simpler time when nobody had heard of Brangelina. People were all about Bennifer… no not Affleck and Lopez. The other Ben and Jen. Brad Pritt appears alongside his then-wife, although not as a love interest. Pritt plays Will, who hated Rachel throughout high school. So much so that Will and Ross cooked up a rumor that definitely wouldn’t make it onto a sitcom today. Nevertheless, Pritt’s Emmy-nominated turn showcases what an underappreciated comic talent he is. His presence on the show was funny in 2001 and considering what’s happened since, it’s hard not to find some unintentional meta-humor in this feud. We also have to give a shout-out to Joey’s Thanksgiving pants.

#17: “The One with the Videotape”

Going into Season 8, we all wondered who the father of Rachel’s baby would be. It’s revealed to be Ross, which raises another question: who made the first move? Both give conflicting accounts, but Ross is the only one with video evidence. It’s not quite as disturbing as it sounds. You see, Ross was enduring a dry spell in the bedroom. Joey helps him out by sharing a story guaranteed to end in intercourse. It’s all about presentation, though, and Ross’ storytelling skills are rusty. He attempts to improve his game with a video camera, resulting in the truth being captured on film. The payoff is one of the show’s best with the power of Joey’s Europe story delivering on its promise.

#16: “The One with the Jellyfish”

As Season 4 commences, it appears Ross and Rachel might get back together. There’s just one thing (and 18 pages) standing in their way of reconciliation: were they or were they not on a break? It’s a debate that persists throughout the series, although matters reach their boiling point in this episode. Unable to hold his tongue any longer, Ross makes his feelings abundantly clear, igniting one of his biggest and funniest blowouts with Rachel. They might be over for now, although the episode also sees the relationship between Chandler and Monica begin to take shape. We’re still almost a season away from London, but Chandler demonstrates just how far he’s willing to go for her. By the way, the jellyfish thing… just a myth.

#15: “The One in Vegas”

Chandler and Monica’s relationship eventually takes them to Vegas with marriage on their minds. While their storyline offers laughs and romance, there’s another pairing that steals the show here. We’re, of course, talking about Joey and his identical hand twin. Alright, alright, let’s talk about Ross and Rachel. This two-parter features several playful moments between the former couple, from Ross misinterpreting Rachel’s lack of clothes to a mishap with a mustache. Even as old feelings are rekindled, we didn’t foresee them getting drunkenly married. “Friends” knew how to end a season on a cliffhanger and this is among the most shockingly hilarious reveals. Remember when Ross vowed to only get one divorce in 1999? Turns out he couldn’t even keep that resolution.

#14: “The One with Ross’s Sandwich”

The show has taken Ross to some surprisingly dark places, which is usually where the character is at his most humorous. After losing his second wife and apartment, Ross hits a new low when somebody at work eats his beloved turkey sandwich. Ross decides that he’s done letting others walk over him, adopting a tough guy persona. He takes it too far with everyone at work thinking that he’s unstable, which… yeah, hard to refute. Upon learning that his boss took his sandwich, we see Ross unleash his rage. Actually, we don’t see everything, but hearing Ross’ meltdown echo across New York is even funnier. If they hadn’t gotten Ross on the proper medication, this probably would’ve been the beginning of his supervillain origin story.

#13: “The One with Monica and Chandler’s Wedding”

Of all the show’s wedding episodes, Monica and Chandler’s had the most buildup. As Season 7 nears its conclusion, it appears the couple will make it down the aisle without a hitch. In classic sitcom fashion, Chandler goes missing hours before he’s supposed to tie the knot. Adding to the suspense, Joey struggles to make it to the wedding as he acts opposite a monumentally inebriated Gary Oldman. The two-parter just keeps building tension with the revelation that Monica might be pregnant. For all the farcical laughs, there’s a genuine sense of dread that things might not work out. Fortunately, Monica and Chandler’s dream wedding comes together as hoped, although someone else is having a baby. Again, “Friends” never disappoints with its cliffhangers.

#12: “The One with Unagi”

In any other episode, the highlight would be Joey attempting to find a lookalike or Chandler finding a belated Valentine’s present for Monica. However, this episode belongs to Ross as he tries to teach Rachel and Phoebe about “unagi.” Going to show how little Ross knows, Phoebe is right! Unagi is indeed freshwater eel, which Ross apparently confuses for Zanshin, a Japanese martial arts term that translates to “remaining mind.” Regardless, Ross goes to great lengths to prove that he’s always aware, although he can’t foresee Rachel and Phoebe getting the jump on him. He doesn’t have much luck with a self-defense teacher either, which finds Ross at his creepiest. Seriously, do we need to do a list of Times that Ross Should’ve Gotten Arrested?

#11: “The One with the Holiday Armadillo”

Christmas has Santa, Rudolph, and Frosty, but the Holiday Armadillo is here to spread Hanukkah cheer. As priceless as it is seeing Ross improvise the most random holiday mascot since the Hanukkah Goblins, the episode is surprisingly relatable for interfaith families. You empathize with Ross wanting to teach Ben about his Jewish roots, only to be upstaged by Chandler as Santa and… Joey as Superman? As Ross tries to get closer to his son, Phoebe attempts to keep Rachel as a roommate in another sweet storyline. Whatever holiday you celebrate, it’s an episode we all like to revisit this time of year. We just wish we could’ve been in the writers’ room when somebody pitched the idea of Ross dressing as a shelled mammal.

#10: “The One with the Blackout”

A standout of the first season, this storyline revolves around a power outage that interestingly stemmed from an episode of “Mad About You” - which aired the same night on the same network and also featured Lisa Kudrow. The blackout brings all of the friends together, with the exception of Chandler, who gets stuck at an ATM vestibule with Jill Goodacre. The episode is so iconic that Goodacre is better known to younger generations for this cameo than her actual modeling. Of course, the real highlight is Ross trying to get out of the friend zone with Rachel. As he attempts to tell her how he really feels, though, cats and Italian guys keep getting in the way.

#9: “The One with the Morning After”

Ross and Rachel had a rocky romance to say the least and this is the episode that changed everything. After sleeping with another woman, Ross attempts to shield Rachel from the truth. However, the cat’s let out of the bag thanks to Rachel’s secret admirer, Gunther. That’s funny while also being heartbreaking, which pretty much sums up the tone of this episode. As uncomfortable as matters get, the setup still makes room for a lot of humor, particularly with the four other friends trapped in Monica’s bedroom as Ross and Rachel breakup. That being said, it ultimately works up to a tear-jerking and honest scene in which the couple realizes this is the end.

#8: “The Last One”

Even the best sitcoms don’t always have satisfying conclusions, especially after being on the air for ten years. Thankfully, “Friends” delivered, leaving everybody on a pitch-perfect note. Monica and Chandler unexpectedly bring home twin babies, Joey and Chandler say goodbye to the foosball table, as well as each other, and Phoebe helps Ross race to the airport to stop Rachel from going to Paris. The episode strikes the ideal balance of humor, excitement, and heart, with a rewarding payoff as Rachel DOES get off the plane. We’re not ashamed to say that we STILL get choked up every time we watch the bittersweet final scene, which fades out on Monica’s purple door and its iconic yellow frame.

#7: “The One with Ross’s Wedding”

Complete with several epic cameos, the Season 4 finale was the show’s most ambitious outing yet as Ross’ nuptials brought all of the friends to London… well, except for a pregnant Phoebe and a reluctant Rachel, who’s in denial about still being in love with Ross. Upon realizing her true feelings, however, Rachel hops on a plane to crash the wedding. This leads to perhaps the show’s best cliffhanger, with Ross ruining his second marriage before it even starts. The real love story here, though, is between Chandler and Monica, who surprise the audience and themselves by sleeping together. Three years later, Chandler and Monica would get hitched with happier results and another stellar cliffhanger.

#6: “The One with the Proposal”

Before Chandler and Monica could say, “I do,” they had to get engaged. While the subplots involving the other friends provide plenty of laughs, this hour-long episode appropriately belongs to Chandler and Monica. Chandler is all set to pop the question, but the moment is spoiled with the return of Richard, who’s still in love with Monica. Although this last-minute love triangle could’ve backfired, it, fortunately, doesn’t turn anyone into a bad guy and offers several strong character moments - serving as a perfect end to Richard’s story arc and the beginning of Monica and Chandler’s life together. The titular proposal is everything we could’ve hoped for, closing the season with a heartwarming declaration of love.

#5: “The One Where Ross Got High”

Whereas some shows are known for their annual Christmas or Halloween specials, “Friends” made a habit of shining the spotlight on the often-overlooked Thanksgiving. One notable Thanksgiving episode offered even more hilarious flashbacks to the gang’s younger years, but As we near the top of our list, we’re singling out this Season 6 episode, in which Ross and Monica’s parents learn about her relationship with Chandler. Mr. and Mrs. Geller aren’t Mr. Bing’s biggest fans, since they think he got high in their house during college when it was actually Ross. They warm up to him, however, after discovering several bombshells about their own children. It’s Rachel who steals the show, though, with her shepherd’s pie trifle, a hodgepodge of custard, meat, and jam that only Joey could love.

#4: “The One with the Prom Video”

This Season 2 episode has one of Joey and Chandler’s best storylines when they’re eternally bonded as bracelet buddies. However, it’s the development between Ross and Rachel that made the episode David Schwimmer’s personal favorite. After numerous attempts to win Rachel back after his infamous pros-and-cons list, Ross begins to accept that they’ll never be a couple. That all changes after watching a prom video, which features a pre-rhinoplasty Rachel and a curvier Monica, not to mention Ross rocking an afro and pornstache. The video ends in heartache as Ross misses his shot with Rachel. This benefits Ross in the present, though, as Rachel officially becomes his lobster. This wasn’t their first kiss, but it perhaps left the greatest impact.

#3: “The One Where No One’s Ready”

“Friends” was an ensemble piece that fired on all cylinders thanks, above all else, to its six leads. Few episodes better demonstrate this than “The One Where No One’s Ready.” Almost solely taking place in Monica’s apartment, this bottle episode makes impeccable use of the entire cast. With Joey and Chandler feuding over a chair, Rachel unsure of what to wear, Phoebe struggling to hide a hummus stain and Monica stressing over an answering-machine message, the dilemmas start off small, but snowball into something much bigger. This adds to the urgency as Ross tries to get everybody out the door in a story that plays out in real-time. It additionally includes some of the show’s best one-liners, especially Joey’s “commando” remark.

#2: “The One Where Everybody Finds Out”

Another ensemble-driven episode, this uproarious half-hour finds Phoebe and Rachel doing everything in their power to out Chandler and Monica as a couple. Meanwhile, poor Joey winds up stuck in the middle of their faceoff while an oblivious Ross goes to great lengths to get Ugly Naked Guy’s apartment. It all builds to a side-splitting showdown as Phoebe uses her sexuality to break Chandler, who ultimately folds and confesses his love to Monica in a truly touching moment. The payoffs don’t end there, as Ross finds out about his sister and best friend in the worst way possible. Yikes, and we thought his sandwich freakout was bad.

Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.

“The One with All the Thanksgivings”

Turkeys on Heads & Missing Toes, This Is What Thanksgiving’s All About

“The One Where Rachel Has a Baby”

The Episode That Won Aniston an Overdue Emmy

“The One with Phoebe’s Wedding”

Phoebe & Mike, The Show’s Most Underrated Couple

“The One with the Routine”

How Has This Not Become a Trend on TikTok Yet?

“The One Where The Stripper Cries”

Danny DeVito Wanted to Strip Even Further… If Only The Show Aired on HBO

#1: “The One with the Embryos”

It’s only fitting that our top pick would go to the episode that made the best use of the six costars. Determined to figure out who knows more about the other, Joey and Chandler go head to head against Monica and Rachel in a high-stakes guessing game. With Ross acting taking his rightful place as quizmaster, the four are asked a series of personal (and hysterical) questions. But of course, it’s Monica and Rachel’s inability to name Chandler’s job that costs them their apartment. Despite the constant feuding, the friends reconcile upon learning that Phoebe is going to have her brother’s baby. With a terrific premise, ingenious punchlines, and every cast member bringing the funny, this is “Friends” at its finest. It also sets up one of Phoebe’s best arcs, culminating with her giving with to triplets.
