Top 20 Celebrities That are Supposedly in the Illuminati

Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we're counting down our picks for the top 20 celebrities supposedly in the Illuminati. For this list, we're looking at famous actors, singers, models and athletes often rumored to be part of a high-powered secret society. What evidence do YOU have of the Illuminati? Are there any other explanations? Share in the comments.
#20: Katy Perry
The original Illuminati was actually a Bavarian secret society outlawed at the end of the eighteenth century. But many conspiracy theorists claim they continued in the shadows, orchestrating the French Revolution, the Battle of Waterloo... and Katy Perry’s career. So-called proof includes the fact that her video for “Dark Horse” has an Egyptian theme, involving pyramids and the Eye of Horus, both of which recall the All Seeing Eye - an alleged Illuminati favorite. Her performance at the 2014 Grammy Awards included plenty of occult symbolism, prompting accusations on InfoWars, the website of far-right radio personality Alex Jones, that she’s an “Illuminati Priestess” conducting Satanic witchcraft ceremonies in front of the world.
#19: Will Smith
It was the slap heard around the world. After Chris Rock made a joke about Will Smith’s wife Jada Pinkett Smith at the 94th Academy Awards, Smith stormed the stage and slapped him right across the face. Most viewers saw this as a real feud, but others perceived in the incident the tip of a global conspiracy iceberg. According to them, the slap was actually part of a humiliating initiation ritual for Rock into the Illuminati. Mind you, the incident did a lot more damage to Smith’s career. Regardless, we guess this means that Rock is in the Illuminati now too.
#18: Chrissy Teigen
Sure, the world might look disorganized, with disagreement and competition defining politics and history. Governments face division even within their own ranks. But according to true believers, you shouldn’t believe your own eyes. An elite order is orchestrating world history. An order that includes Chrissy Teigen. The revelation of her Illuminati status came in 2017 after she Tweeted that the plane she and husband John Legend were on had been turned around, because one of the other passengers wasn’t meant to be on it. Astute observers online noted that the only possible explanation was that she was facing arrest for fleeing the country and/or child abuse and/or being in a secret society. She was not arrested, but it’s the only logical explanation, right?!
#17: Ke$ha
Some musical artists have embraced Illuminati imagery, filling their musical videos with occult references - inverted crosses, pentagrams, and of course the All Seeing Eye! Ke$ha’s music videos for “Die Young” and “Crazy Kids” are prime examples. Some think that these are subtle winks to other members of the super secret club. So subtle! Others think that it’s all about psychological manipulation. See enough pentagrams, and people will just start worshiping Satan! (You might want to close your eyes for the rest of this video, just in case). Adding fuel to the fire, Ke$ha has an eye tattooed on her hand, and in an interview with “Rolling Stone”, confessed to being the leader of the Illuminati. Well, that’s good enough for us.
#16: Lil Nas X
Illuminati conspiracy theories have come a long way! The original Illuminati opposed superstition, religious control, and abuses of state power. Early conspiracy theorists blamed them for the spread of reason and anti-monarchical, democratic reforms. Today, the Christian right links the Illuminati to Satan worship! That’s quite a turn around. Rapper and singer Lil Nas X certainly leaned into Satanic associations with his music video for “Montero (Call Me by Your Name)”. Is it a middle finger to people who think that being queer is a sin? Or proof that Lil Nas X is in the Illuminati? His release of “Satan Shoes” with blood in the soles excited even more rumors.
#15: LeBron James
With this many people in the Illuminati, we wonder how they keep it a secret? We guess they haven’t, since we’re making a Top 20. Shoddy work, secret society! King James might play for the Lakers on court, but on the larger world stage, he’s apparently playing for an even bigger team. The hard evidence? He once wore a shirt with the All Seeing Eye on it, and he’s friends with Jay-Z. Right-wing evangelist Sheila Zilinsky has also analyzed LeBron’s chalk toss, and concluded that he’s an “Illuminati wizard” who’s “conjuring up demons before every game”. Wow, talk about being caught in the act.
#14: Billie Eilish
“All the Good Girls Go to Hell” huh? HELL - the DEVIL - ILLUMINATI! Piercing through thick, veiled layers of meaning, some people online have parsed a secret message in Billie Eillish’s song and music video for “All the Good Girls Go to Hell”. In the video, she’s given angel wings and falls from heaven into a post-apocalyptic Earth. According to some on Twitter, this symbolism indicates that she’s a card-carrying member of the Illuminati ... Well … case closed!
#13: Nicki Minaj
Super Bass … or super Satanic?! Hmmm. People often use the label “conspiracy theorists” in a derogatory way; but some conspiracy theories turn out to be true. What critics often really mean instead is: people who create made up links between disparate facts to arrive at their desired conclusion. So what’s the truth when it comes to Nicki Minaj? Well, let’s look at the facts. Nicki Minaj’s cousin was shot dead, she rocketed to stardom, and she acts out different personalities in her songs. The conclusion, according to some? She was part of the CIA’s MKUltra experiments, which ended in 1973, and/or she’s possessed. Oh, and she killed Whitney Houston. Poke holes in that!
#12: Nicolas Cage
Is Nicolas Cage a vampire? Or at least, immortal? Could he have gotten this power from the Illuminati? Well, we don’t want to start rumors … but yeah, he’s an Illuminati vampire. The proof of his longevity is in a black and white photo from 1870 that someone put up on eBay. Then there’s the fact that he’s had a pyramidal mausoleum constructed in a New Orleans graveyard, bearing the Latin maxim, “Omnia Ab Uno,” meaning “Everything From One.” Cage is known for being eccentric, but people have connected this pyramid to the “Eye of Providence”, which is supposedly an Illuminati symbol.
#11: Justin Bieber
Strangely, the super secret Illuminati seem to have no problem with celebrities showing off the fact they’re members. Conspiracy theorists point out that Bieber has a tattoo of an owl that looks like the Canaanite deity Moloch if you squint a bit, and that he has flashed an A-OK symbol over one eye, which is allegedly a reference to the Eye of Horus. That’s damning evidence right there. A few believe the real Justin actually died in a car crash and has been replaced. Justin has denied being a member. . . but isn’t that just what an Illuminati would say?
#10: Miley Cyrus
There’s no easy way to say this. Miley Cyrus has sold her soul and shows people how to have sex with Satan. At least, that’s what pastor Joe Schimmel of Good Fight Ministries claimed on right-wing radio program TruNews after her 2013 VMA performance. warns against being “over-paranoid”, but admits that Cyrus does show signs of demonic possession. Others claim that she’s been brainwashed by the CIA’s notorious mind-control program MK-Ultra. In fact, some theorists believe that like Bieber, Miley is a clone.
#9: Taylor Swift
In 1966, author, musician, and Satanists Anton LaVey founded the Church of Satan. Members don’t actually worship, or even believe in the devil, but see him as a symbol ofpride, liberty, and individualism. How does this relate to T-Swift? LaVey had three children, including daughter Zeena Schreck, who eventually left the Church and turned to Buddhism. Some people think that Zeena and Taylor look alike, leading to the obvious conclusion: Taylor Swift is a clone of Zeena, created by the Illuminati. To what end, you ask? Honestly, we’re still re-listening to ‘Love Story’, trying to figure it out. We’ll get there one day …
#8: Madonna
She's into Kabbalah, an esoteric tradition originating in Judaism, and has a song ridiculing conspiracy theorists called “Illuminati”. In it, the superstar singer states that Jay-Z and Beyonce aren't Illuminati. OBVIOUSLY, these are classic disinformation tactics from the Queen of Pop. Come to think of it, Madonna’s iconic cone bra was awfully triangular… and the Illuminati love triangles! Madonna has denied being a member, but also said she knows “who the real Illuminati are”. She claimed to be talking about Enlightenment intellectuals, but was this really an oblique reference to the puppet-masters pulling her strings? Sadly, we’ll likely never know because… Illuminati.
#7: Britney Spears
Britney started off as a Disney child star, and Disney is allegedly Illuminati to the core. In fact, according to Illuminati ‘researchers’ Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler, Disney’s film “Fantasia” was actually used as base programming for new Illuminati agents. Britney was also apparently brainwashed, though for her it was supposedly via an entertainment industry program called Monarch - how else to explain her transformation from America’s sweetheart to sexually-charged performer? Besides - you know -puberty, and the music industry. Some conspiracy theorists claim that Britney’s breakdown really occurred because her mind control was failing. Was shaving her head an act of rock’n’roll rebellion against constant public scrutiny . . . or a sign her Illuminati handlers were losing control?
#6: Lady Gaga
A lot of Illuminati conspiracy theories come from the religious right, so it’s not surprising that they would target Lady Gaga. She’s a supporter of LGBTQ rights, was once rumored to be transgender herself, and calls her fans "little monsters". According to, the Illuminati has brainwashed Lady Gaga into popularizing the idea that mindless, robotic vacuity is "cool". You can tell she's doing their bidding because she's always hiding one eye. The Illuminati seem to really love these little nods-and-winks that reveal who’s part of their clandestine club. Talk about a confident secret society!
#5: Kanye West
Kanye wore an Eye of Horus chain in the video for “Power” - again with the Egyptian theme - and has made triangle hand gestures too. According to, his interruption of Taylor Swift at the MTV Music Video Awards was a public shaming ritual to initiate Swift into the Illuminati. We’re not sure if that makes it better or worse. In an essay for Paper Magazine, Kanye denied involvement in the Illuminati, and suggested that conspiracy theories distract us from real problems in the world. His wife Kim Kardashian has denied being in “the Illuminate” and even asked “What is that? A religion?”
#4: Eminem
According to Illuminati conspiracy theorists, there’s only one road to fame - a pact with the devil. Supposedly, Eminem sold his soul to the secret society for talent, fame, and wealth. But rumors claim he's unhappy with his masters and trying to break free, or that he’s actually been killed and replaced with a clone. So many clones … As pointed out by conspiracy theorists, his hairline has changed. What more proof do you need? No wonder “Recovery” sounded so different. Eminem... if you’re alive and watching this, we know what’s happening.
#3: Rihanna
Rihanna meets all the usual criteria: she hides one eye on the cover of “Rated R” and uses pyramid symbols in her music videos. She even appears INSIDE a triangle in the video for “Umbrella”. Illuminati overload. In her music video for “S&M”, headlines flash calling her "Princess of the Illuminati". Telling everyone that you’re in a secret society is a dead giveaway that you’re in a secret society. In an interview with Angie Martinez on Hot 97, Rihana even talked about being a "devil worshiper". Sure, she said she was kidding afterward, but…
#2: Beyoncé
A LOT of successful women are accused of being in the Illuminati, and Beyoncé is no exception. According to believers, they didn’t achieve success through hard work and talent, but because the game is rigged. Believers often cite the time Beyoncé flashed a hand signal at the 2013 Super Bowl. Was it a diamond, symbolizing her husband’s record label, Roc-A-Fella Records … or the Eye of Providence? The religious iconography in her music videos has led to the nickname “Queen of the Illuminati”. Think that’s a compelling argument? Wait until you hear about her husband!
#1: Jay-Z
Jay-Z is well-known for his signature hand gesture that he claims symbolizes a diamond . . . but as we know, triangles also serve as Illuminati propaganda, subliminally compelling people toward black magic. Hova seems to deliberately load his music videos and clothing line with occult and masonic symbols. While he denies being a member in the song "Heaven", how else do you explain the fact that he and Beyoncé have named their daughter “Blue Ivy” - which conspiracy theorists point out could stand for “Born Living Under Evil, Illuminati’s Very Youngest”... as well as, sure, an almost infinite number of other possible series of words.