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Top 20 Most Epic Movie Entrances

Top 20 Most Epic Movie Entrances
VOICE OVER: Richard Bush WRITTEN BY: Garrett Alden
Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we're counting down our picks for the best debuts to characters in film. We won't be including any animated entries. In this video, we look at epic entrances from the likes of Darth Vader, Indiana Jones, Miranda Priestly and Hannibal Lecter.

Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the best debuts to characters in film. We won’t be including any animated entries.

#20: Quint

“Jaws” (1975)

Shark attacks at Amity Island leave the whole town up in arms. A meeting at the town hall is extremely chaotic, with everyone voicing their opinions at once. However, when they hear nails on a chalkboard, everyone stops and pays attention. This is how we’re introduced to the grizzled shark hunter, Quint. Once he has their attention, Quint makes clear the threat of the monstrous fish and offers to kill it for $10,000. Robert Shaw’s performance is magnetic and captivating right from the get-go. There are few actors who can deliver such a great speech while munching on crackers.

#19: Miranda Priestly

“The Devil Wears Prada” (2006)

Meryl Streep commands the screen in practically every role, but her introduction in this film is especially legendary. After the staff of fashion magazine Runway are informed of editor-in-chief Miranda Priestly’s unexpected imminent arrival, they all panic. Shoes are changed, workplaces are tidied, and loins are girded in preparation for their tyrannical boss’s arrival. And this is all interspersed with shots of Miranda that gradually reveal more and more of her as she arrives. Her staff (and even other people in the building) may do their best to stay out of the way, but we can’t get enough. Though, to be fair, Miranda can’t tear us a new one through the screen…probably…

#18: Dr. Frank-N-Furter

“The Rocky Horror Picture Show” (1975)

There are few actors quite as “extra” as Tim Curry and few would argue that his most “extra” role of all is that of Dr. Frank-N-Furter. When Brad and Janet find themselves in Frank’s castle, they’re unnerved by the vibe of the inhabitants. Things reach another level entirely though when Frank descends in an elevator and launches into his famous musical number, “Sweet Transvestite.” Between Curry’s scenery chewing performance, the daring and iconic fashion choices, and the oh-so-catchy song, this is one scene that never fails to deliver or make us shiver with antici-…pation.

#17: Tina Carlyle

“The Mask” (1994)

You might think that in a movie with a green-faced, reality warping cartoon of a character, played by Jim Carrey, it would be impossible for anyone to have a better introduction than him. And you’d be wrong! With a clap of thunder, Tina Carlyle walks into the bank where the future Mask’s alter ego Stanley Ipkiss works. The long, lingering shots on Carlyle and her red dress, combined with Ipkiss and his coworker’s stunned reactions make it one of the most flattering introductions to a character. And to the actress too, since it was Cameron Diaz’s first movie role. Male gaze gone wild? Absolutely. But the Mask really does put it best with his reaction to her later. It’s an unforgettable one for sure!

#16: Willy Wonka

“Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory” (1971)

The elusive chocolatier Willy Wonka is much discussed in the early part of the film that bears his name. So there’s already plenty of build-up by the time 5 kids and their parents and guardians are granted the opportunity to tour his famous factory. Yet, when the door opens and we see Gene Wilder decked out in that iconic purple coat and top hat, the audience (both on and off screen) is riveted. After a slow, limping walk to the gate, he seemingly forgets his cane and falls forward, only to turn it into a roll. It’s a perfect distillation of Wonka’s character, with an element of mercurial whimsy and deception at play from the very beginning. Even better, Wilder improvised the roll. Legendary!

#15: Komaram Bheem

“RRR” (2022)

This Indian period action romp is pretty epic in every single scene, and while Ram’s fiery entrance is awesome as well (and kind of terrifying), we’re going for his bestie’s introduction instead. Komarum Bheem’s debut starts with an incredible upside-down reflection shot and it only gets better from there. The village guardian covers himself in blood and attempts to lure a wolf into a trap laid by his friends. However, a tiger is lying in wait on the path. After the huge cat chases off the wolf, Bheem catches the tiger instead. Except the tie on the net comes undone, forcing some unprecedented acts of manliness. Bheem comes face to face with the beast and ultimately puts it to sleep. So badass!

#14: The T-800

“Terminator 2: Judgment Day” (1991)

Look, we know the original “Terminator” basically did the same entrance first. But you know what? Like just about everything else - the sequel did it better! In an empty parking lot, lightning and then a dark sphere appears, out of which appears the iconic Terminator, played by Arnold Schwarzenegger. He may be naked, but he aims to rectify that by going into a nearby bar. He scans the amused/bewilder occupants for matching sized clothes and then tears his way through anyone who tries to stop him! Much like the song that plays over its conclusion, this introduction is “bad to the bone!”

#13: Sherif Ali

“Lawrence of Arabia” (1962)

This famous epic is loaded with memorable scenes, yet there’s something special about this one. The eponymous Lawrence and his guide have stopped at a well when they hear a noise in the distance. A shape appears in the mirage shrouded distance. It’s gradually revealed to be a man riding a camel approaching them. The guide panics and goes for his gun, only to be shot by the man, Sherif Ali. It’s Ali’s well, after all. Between the amazing mirage shot and Ali’s punny joke, it’s an unforgettable scene of classic cinema.

#12: Hans Landa

“Inglourious Basterds” (2009)

As one of the most memorable movie villains ever, it’s natural that Hans Landa makes quite the entrance. The Nazi investigator visits French dairy farmer Perrier LaPadite’s farm in search of Jews in hiding. Despite his horrifying objective, Landa is charming and well-spoken. Yet, as his interrogation continues and his reputation as “the Jew Hunter” becomes clear, Landa becomes more and more sinister. Eventually, he makes it clear that he knows the Jews are there and where they are. The “permission” he gets to have them killed only makes the moment more heartbreaking. At 19 minutes, it’s a long introduction, but the scene is such a masterclass of writing, direction, and acting, that it’s worth the wait!

#11: Superman

“Superman” (1978)

Yes, Clark Kent appears before this scene in the film. But the debut of his red, yellow, and blue wearing alter ego is the iconic entrance we all remember. When Lois Lane is involved in a helicopter accident, Clark makes a quick change in a revolving door and flies to her rescue. Lois’s reaction is perfect, and the Man of Steel’s cryptic words leave her as intrigued as we are. Is the scene a bit dated and silly by today’s standards? Maybe…but then that iconic John Williams score kicks in and you will believe a man can fly!

#10: Nightcrawler

“X2: X-Men United” (2003)

The opening scene of this superhero film sees a group touring the White House. However, a suspicious mutant member of the tour lingers and begins attacking guards. Kurt Wagner, better known as Nightcrawler, tears his way through security by teleporting, running along walls, and generally causing chaos - all set to music by Mozart. The brainwashed mutant comes inches away from assassinating the U.S. president. The whole scene remains not only one of the greatest showcases of teleportation ever put on screen, but also one of the best introductions for a superhero movie!

#9: Trinity

“The Matrix” (1999)

In 1999, audiences in theaters were not prepared for this scene and it still gives us chills! Following an ambiguous phone conversation, we see several policemen approach a woman in a dimly lit room. Agents arrive and warn the officer in charge - his men are already dead. Cut to Trinity, who easily dispatches the officers in an iconic and then-unprecedented slow-mo shot, as well as some high kicks and wall running. Her ensuing escape sees her and one of the pursuing agents leap across huge gaps. Our minds were blown then, and it remains an iconic and incredible introduction to both Trinity and the Matrix itself.

#8: Captain Jack Sparrow

“Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl” (2003)

Sometimes the introduction of a character can sum them up in their entirety. Such is the case with the entrance of Captain Jack Sparrow. We’re treated to an epic shot of Jack atop a mast, riding into the harbor. But, upon heroically swinging down, he lands in a puddle of his flooding (and small) boat. This kind of grandeur offset by comedy is the essence of Jack Sparrow! And then he just steps off the top of his mast with perfect timing onto the dock! The arrival of Jack Sparrow (or Mr. Smith) to Port Royal is one we won’t soon forget.

#7: The T-Rex

“Jurassic Park” (1993)

Movie monsters often make dramatic entrances, but this dinosaur tears the rest to shreds! When a tour group of the titular park is stranded near the Tyrannosaurus Rex’s paddock after the power is cut, disaster is just inevitable. First, Tim notices a booming sound, and the cups of water left on the dashboard are shaking. Then, he and Lex notice the goat meant to be the dino’s dinner is missing. Cue what’s left of the goat getting dropped on their roof! The T-Rex soon escapes its enclosure, giving its famous roar. Its ensuing rampage and the group’s desperate attempts to escape it make for an incredible debut for this mighty movie predator.

#6: The Wicked Witch of the West

“The Wizard of Oz” (1939)

The Land of Oz seems a whimsical and enchanting place upon Dorothy Gale and Toto’s arrival. The Munchkins are quite happy that Dorothy’s house killed the Wicked Witch of the East. But with a cloud of red smoke, their celebrations are interrupted and the witch’s sister, the Wicked Witch of the West makes her debut! The Witch’s sickly green look, broomstick, and explosive entrance and exit make an immediate impression - as does her famous threat against Dorothy and her small canine. Playing the witch, poor Margaret Hamilton got terribly burned making her fiery escape, a painful price to pay to make that lasting impression.

#5: Hannibal Lecter

“The Silence of the Lambs” (1991)

This cannibalistic psychiatrist is an absolutely iconic villain, and his introduction makes quite an impact. Trainee FBI agent Clarice Starling arrives to interview Dr. Lecter, and after passing unhinged, crazed criminals, she sees Hannibal - standing there unnervingly straight and already staring at her. Her attempt to get him to fill in a survey may be unsuccessful, but her journey is far from wasted. While he’s the one behind the glass, Hannibal still dominates the conversation, alternating between erudite musings, insightfully snide insults, and straight up terrifying behavior. Just like Clarice, while we may find Dr. Lecter frightening, it’s impossible not to be enthralled by his every word!

#4: The Joker

“The Dark Knight” (2008)

Who doesn’t love a good heist? The clown prince of crime certainly does! In this tense opening sequence, a group of clown masked criminals rob a mob bank. As the tension mounts, several of them kill other members of the crew, reducing the number of ways the haul has to be split. Eventually, with two men left, one suspects that he’s next, but the last man distracts him long enough to be hit by the bus. When the mob enforcer rails at the final clown, asking what principles he has, the criminal removes his mask, revealing the Joker in full make up. Heath Ledger’s Joker may be “stranger,” but his reveal and performance are immaculate!

#3: Indiana Jones

“Raiders of the Lost Ark” (1981)

In 1936, in the Peruvian jungle, we’re introduced to one of cinema’s most famous heroes. After one of his guides betrays him and he whips away the gun, we’re treated to a fantastic shot of Indy himself. He and his remaining guide proceed inside a ruined temple laden with booby traps. From Indiana replacing the golden idol with a bag of sand, to the giant boulder trap, to his frantic escape from the natives, this sequence is iconic from start to finish! It’s not just an epic introduction to Indiana Jones, but also one of the most famous scenes in film period.

#2: Darth Vader

“Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope” (1977)

The entire opening sequence of the original “Star Wars” film is epic, from the initial shot of the ships to Princess Leia’s memorable plea for help. But it’s the introduction of one of cinema’s greatest villains that sticks out the most. With just a change in ominous music and the overpowering, unforgettable sound of his breathing, Darth Vader’s presence immediately screams “BAD GUY!” Sure, Jame Earl Jones’s amazing voice, his iconic costume, and him choking the life out of a guy in pursuit of the Death Star plans are pretty big clues too. The point is, that every other movie villain could take a lesson on how to make a dramatic entrance from Vader.

#1: Chestburster

“Alien” (1979)

There are some surprising character entrances out there, and then there’s THIS. There’s really no preparing for it, and you’re never the same after watching it. The crew of the Nostromo have a scare with an alien lifeform attaching itself to Kane’s face. But after removing it, everything seems to be fine and they all settle down for a meal. But then, Kane starts to feel decidedly…unwell. As he convulses in pain, the crew hold him down and a small alien infant bursts from his torso. There is truly no movie introduction quite like this one!
