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Top 20 LGBTQ+ Couples in TV Shows

Top 20 LGBTQ+ Couples in TV Shows
VOICE OVER: Phoebe de Jeu WRITTEN BY: Beca Dalimonte, Mark Sammut
These LGBTQ TV couples make us believe in love. For this list, we'll be looking at the most beloved and most iconic queer relationships on the small screen. Our countdown includes "Euphoria," "Heartstopper," "Glee," and more!

#20: Ray Holt & Kevin Cozner
“Brooklyn Nine-Nine” (2013-21)

“Brooklyn Nine Nine” made headlines when they confirmed that officer Rosa Diaz was bisexual, leading to the character’s on-screen relationships with a number of women. But, as much as we love Rosa, there is no denying that the show’s original queer rep will always be our fave. Captain Ray Holt and Kevin Cozner are revealed to be a couple in the show’s first season, and we gradually learn details about their sometimes strange, but always loving, relationship throughout the series. “Brooklyn Nine Nine”s final season did show the couple going through a bit of a rough patch, but thankfully by the end of the series, they were renewing their wedding vows, finally comfortable enough to have a real, unrushed ceremony.

#19: Adam Torres & Becky Baker
“Degrassi: the Next Generation” (2001-15)

Adam and Becky may have been a straight couple, but Adam’s identity had such a significant impact on their relationship that we would be remiss not to include them. After all, Adam was transgender, and Becky came from a very Christian household. This initially caused a rift between the pair, as Becky opposed a play Adam was promoting for its gay themes, but burgeoning romantic feelings for her adversary led her to becoming more open and understanding. They had an enemies to lovers progression, overcoming pushback from Becky’s parents and becoming an imperfect, but iconic, “Degrassi” couple. Unfortunately, their story and Adam’s life were cut short after a tragic accident. Attempting to make things right after a fight, his last message professed his love for Becky.

#18: Carson Shaw & Greta Gill
“A League of Their Own” (2022-)

Life can be tough for the LGBT community even in the modern day, so it’s hard to imagine being queer in the 1940s. Adapted from the ‘90s film, Amazon Prime Video’s “A League of Their Own” makes an attempt at illustrating that reality through the varied lives of its gay protagonists. Although we love Max, Lupe, and Jo, it’s Carson and Greta who really take center stage. Greta seems to have been out to herself (and her close friends) for a while, but Carson is just now coming to terms with her attraction to women, providing a nice contrast that leads to interesting conflict. And when the pair aren’t at odds with each other, their mutual support for each other on and off the field is truly something to admire.

#17: Rue Bennett & Jules Vaughn
“Euphoria” (2019-)

Despite all the mayhem, there’s no denying that Rue and Jules are the show’s heart. Individually, they are two of “Euphoria”’s most complex and well-crafted characters, and together, they are its best couple. The girls first meet in the pilot episode, and immediately hit it off. Although they are initially just friends, it’s not long before they make their deeper feelings for each other official. Rue’s struggles with drug addiction cause the pair to have some dramatic ups and downs, but their mutual love and understanding for each other is obvious, even when they are apart. It’s unclear whether the couple will end “Euphoria”s run in a relationship, but we’re hopeful they will stay in each other’s lives all the same.

#16: Dani Clayton & Jamie Taylor
“The Haunting of Bly Manor” (2020)

Following the success of “The Haunting of Hill House,” no one could have guessed that the next installment in Mike Flanagan’s miniseries-based anthology would not only tell a chilling ghost story, but a profound sapphic love story. Dani and Jamie were both employed at Bly Manor, the former as an au pair and the latter as a gardener, when paranormal occurrences began happening at the residence. While investigating the source of the strange happenings, the two came to understand each other, and eventually fell in love. Their ensuing romance was as beautiful as it was tragic, with the pair devoting their lives to each other with the knowledge that Dani would one day become the Lady of the Lake.

#15: Connor Walsh & Oliver Hampton
“How to Get Away with Murder” (2014-20)

Connor and Oliver’s relationship started out as one of convenience. Oliver had information that Connor needed, and Connor decided that seducing him was the best way to get it. Fortunately, it wasn’t long before that gave way to genuine affection. Connor owned up to using Oliver, apologized, and soon thereafter, the pair established what became “How to Get Away with Murder”s best relationship. In a show where deceit is second nature, Connor and Oliver were ride-or-die for each other. In the second season, Connor almost shot Annalise for threatening Oliver, and, even during the couple’s temporary breakup, Oliver made sure that Connor still had a place to call home.

#14: Nomi Marks & Amanita Caplan
“Sense8” (2015-18)

It’s rare to see transgender characters on TV that are actually written by transgender creators, and rarer still for those characters to be allowed such loving and supportive same-sex relationships. In this respect, Nomi and Amanita are as revolutionary off-screen as they are on it. The two meet at a bookstore, and shortly thereafter attend Pride together, where Amanita defends Nomi so passionately that Nomi is moved to tears. After this event, the couple became inseparable, with Neets even helping Nomi discover more about her life as a sensate. By the end of the series, the couple have been through a lot together, and finally seal the deal on their relationship with an enchanting wedding ceremony.

#13: Isak Valtersen & Even Bech Næsheim
“Skam” (2015-17)

“Skam” proved to be a popular series for Norway, spawning several spin-offs across the globe, and its third season only helped to solidify its unique place in pop culture. Breaking streaming records in Norway, the third season of “Skam” focused on the love story between Isak Valtersen and Even Næsheim, two boys who come to terms with their sexuality and love for each other in Oslo. They didn’t get together right away but once they did, their love story was magic - every minute of it. Their popularity led to many of the show’s spin-offs including their own versions of the couple, the most interesting of which was “Druck”s Matteo and David.

#12: Willow Rosenberg & Tara Maclay
“Buffy the Vampire Slayer” (1997-2003)

Five years after “Roseanne” and “Friends” featured same-sex weddings, “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” made TV history by having series regular Willow Rosenberg enter a same-sex relationship. Her romantic connection with Tara Maclay became the first long-term lesbian relationship on American television and their scene in bed together was considered history-breaking for a broadcast network series. Sure, some would argue that it also brought the “bury your gays” trope to modern TV, but we’re still glad that Willow and Tara got to enjoy a happy and healthy relationship during their time together. And after such a turbulent relationship with Oz, that was just what Willow needed!

#11: Nick Nelson & Charlie Spring
“Heartstopper” (2022-)

It’s hard to imagine a sweeter couple than “Heartstopper”s Nick and Charlie. The pair are the epitome of teenage romance, with pining and awkwardness that naturally progresses to a real, loving relationship. Even before they get together officially, there’s no shortage of cute moments between the two. In the show’s second episode, the pair were already making snow angels, learning to play the drums, and taking naps together on the couch. Just one episode later, they had their first kiss, and realized their feelings for each other had been mutual all along - even if Nick wasn’t entirely sure of his sexuality yet. Now that they’ve figured themselves out, and have a supportive friend group, we’re excited to see where their journey takes them next!

#10: David Rose & Patrick Brewer
“Schitt’s Creek” (2015-20)

Everyone's favorite sitcom about a socialite family that literally ends up in “Schitt’s Creek” has proven time and time again to be skilled at handling themes concerning identity. Starting as business partners before taking the next step, David and Patrick are simply at their best when together, be it romantically or as the owners of Rose Apothecary. These two are made for each other, with David's sarcasm and creativity being well-matched by Patrick's more professional and grounded nature. As an extension of "Schitt's Creek" feel-good tone, David and Patrick's relationship is sweet, uplifting, and a ton of fun.

#9: Mason Hewitt & Corey Bryant
“Teen Wolf” (2011-17)

Mason and Corey's chemistry is undeniable from the start, even if their relationship takes a while to come to fruition; however, sparks begin to fly half-way through season 5. While these two meet in less than ideal circumstances, as Corey had just been transformed into a Chimera and Mason would later be used as a vessel for the Beast of Gevaudan, both guys repeatedly show an unflinching willingness to risk everything for each other. Even as members of warring gangs, Mason and Corey continue to prioritize each other, because certain things are more important than pack loyalty.

#8: Nicole Haught & Waverly Earp
“Wynonna Earp” (2016-21)

With all the resurrected outlaws, vampires, and supernatural creatures running amok, it is a wonder anything positive can flourish in the town of Purgatory. Despite the best efforts of a possessive demon and Champ Hardy, Waverly and Nicole's bond blooms beautifully after the two first meet in Shorty's bar. Along with being beyond adorable together and sharing some truly memorable make-out sessions, Waverly and Nicole support each other unconditionally, even when they are individually struggling with their own identities. Whether celebrating Christmas or owning some vampires, Nicole and Waverly are always melting hearts.

#7: Brian Kinney & Justin Taylor
“Queer as Folk” (2000-05)

Focusing squarely on the lives of gay men and women, "Queer as Folk" helped pave the way for many of the other couples on this list. Lindsay and Melanie's mature but difficult relationship deserves an honorary mention, but Brian and Justin's romance serves as the main thrust for the majority of the five seasons. Much older and free-spirited, Brian is idolized by the 17-year-old Justin, who is only beginning to come to grips with his orientation during the first season. In some ways, Brian is the hero that motivates Justin to accept himself; on the other hand, in Justin, Brian found something more meaningful than one night stands.

#6: Santana Lopez & Brittany S. Pierce
“Glee” (2009-15)

Starting as friends with benefits and ending with a joint wedding alongside Kurt and Blaine, Santana and Brittany go through quite a lot during "Glee's" run. Along with lovers, Santana and Brittany are best friends, ones who also happen to complete each other. Brittany's enthusiasm and kindness rub off on Santana, while also giving the cheerleader the confidence to sing her feelings. Something similar happens in reverse, with Santana protecting the often naive Brittany. Santana and Brittany both go through journeys of self-discovery, and the trials can be overcome because they are in this together.

#5: Cameron Tucker & Mitchell Pritchett
“Modern Family” (2009-20)

The living embodiment of the phrase "opposites attract," Cam and Mitchell could not be more different; yet, they are also kind-of perfect for each other. Since "Modern Family" is a comedy, Cam and Mitchell shine the brightest while at their funniest, with their conflicting personalities producing one of the strongest dynamics on the show. The couple is more than just a source of great comedy though, as Cam and Mitchell challenge conventional gender roles by reexamining what it means to be masculine or feminine, often blending the best qualities of both in a way that is both hilarious and inspiring.

#4: Stef & Lena Adams Foster
“The Fosters” (2010-13)

Centering around a lesbian couple who adopt four children of various ethnicities, along with having one of their own, "The Fosters" is a refreshing take on the family drama genre. Stef and Lena are rightfully the stars of the show, and their relationship is one that feels authentic. These two undoubtedly love each other – so much so, Stef and Lena get married twice throughout the series – that said, "The Fosters" does not shy away from testing the couple's bond. With the stress that comes from parenting a large family and working challenging jobs, Stef and Lena disagree often, but that is just one part of their enduring relationship.

#3: Ian Gallagher & Mickey Milkovich
“Shameless” (2011-21)

"Shameless" does not have time for the picturesque or easy, so Ian's relationship with the thuggish Mickey is anything but romanticized. Despite multiple breakups and the occasional stint behind bars, Mickey and Ian are naturally drawn to each other. In the earliest seasons, these two engage in an intense but borderline toxic secret romance while Mickey struggles to come out to his family. When Mickey is finally in a good place, Ian begins to spiral out of control, ensuring the couple only experiences short bursts of happiness. Mickey and Ian might occasionally bring out the worst in each other, but the couple represents "Shameless" at its best.

#2: Clarke Griffin & Lexa
“The 100” (2014-20)

The brightest flames burn the quickest. One is the leader of the Sky People, the other is in charge of the Grounders; Clarke and Lexa are both young, saddled with responsibility, and willing to make the tough decisions. Considering their shared similarities, it is not surprising these two ended up falling for each other, creating a love powerful enough to unite clashing clans. "The 100's" Earth is too hostile for anything pure to endure for too long; however, while it lasted, Clarke and Lexa brought desire, love, and comfort to an otherwise harsh world.

#1: Magnus Bane & Alec Lightwood
“Shadowhunters” (2016-19)

A ship so irresistible, "Shadowhunters" just went ahead and devoted an entire episode to it, not to mention the trilogy of books dedicated to Magnus and Alec's adventures. From the moment the immortal warlock and still closeted Nephilim meet in a club, Magnus and Alec only have eyes for each other, even if the timing is not quite right for the couple to be together. Throughout all three seasons, Magnus and Alec's interactions are defined by warmth, unbridled desire, and provocative flirtation. At times, Malec is the stuff of fairy tales; at others, Magnus and Alec present an attainable ideal worth striving for.
