Top 20 Moments That Made Us Love Kristen Bell

#20: The Saga of the Reclining Chair
Ever since we watched Joey and Chandler get La-Z-Boys on “Friends,” we’ve desperately wanted those comfy-looking recliners. In 2017, we got to vicariously live through Dax Shepard as he showcased his on Instagram. However, Bell, his wife, wasn’t too keen on the chair addition, at least where Shepard put it. He’d moved it from his office to the living room to enhance his viewing experience. However, Bell detailed in her posts on the tale that putting it in the middle meant two issues. One: it didn’t fit in with the decor. Two: it severely damaged her viewing experience from the sofa. People even chose sides in the argument, making it even more adorable.
#19: The Jersey Turnpike
In 2014, to promote her work on “Frozen,” Bell popped up on “The Ellen DeGeneres Show.” Soon, the conversation turned to her one-year-old daughter. After talking about Bell feeling like a “food truck” with her child’s constant demands for milk, she spoke about the little one’s love of dancing, in particular the Jersey Turnpike, made famous by “Jersey Shore.” Without a moment of hesitation, Bell demonstrated her kid’s skills there and then perfectly with an emotionless expression on her face. The actor also mentioned that she and Shepard have enthusiastically made their daughter’s dance party into a family affair.
#18: Interrupted Intimacy
Once you get kids, finding a moment to get intimate with your partner can be a mission. If you're not exhausted from parenting all day, you have the mini-humans following your every move around the house. In 2017, Bell detailed her embarrassing intimate story on “The Talk.” While jumping bones with Shepard, their children wandered into the bedroom. Immediately, the reluctant couple stopped the deed and asked them what they wanted. And with a little white lie they sent the kids out of the room again so they could continue where they left off, minus the audience.
#17: Supporting Dax's Sobriety
After struggling with various substance issues that began as a teenager, Shepard did amazing by getting clean. In 2018, Bell posted a heartwarming message on Instagram to celebrate her husband’s 14th sobriety anniversary, where she praised him, clearly showing the love. Even when Shepard relapsed in 2020, Bell stood by him and helped him through it. The duo speaking honestly about their experiences has been invaluable to many who can relate to that struggle. Respect and support aren’t one-way either. As Bell explained on “The Jennifer Hudson Show,” when watching the first episode of “Nobody Wants This” with Shepard, he was just as invested in the on-screen romance as everyone else. No jealousy, just praising his wife’s work.
#16: Animal Lover
When a celebrity shows a smidgen of love towards animals, they instantly become beloved. Bell takes her passion to another level. A vegetarian since she was 11, she became vegan for a time before going back to veggie during her first pregnancy. Bell and Shepard solidified their vegetarian status by being featured in PETA's Sexiest Vegetarian Celebrities of 2013. Away from her diet, Bell is a big dog fan. On top of owning several of her own, some of which she rescued from serious catastrophes or who were injured, she also worked with several dog and animal charities to promote their work and even fostered animals too.
#15: Helping With a Promposal
With the usual star away, Bell stepped up to the plate in 2017 by guest hosting “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” And she knocked it out of the park by making it memorable for some students by being “blonde Oprah.” After playing “The Fast and the Frozenest” with two girls - dressing them up like Anna and Elsa - Bell distracted them and told us what was happening. It was a setup to help Michael ask Sarah to prom. After Sarah brought back Michael hiding in a Kristoff costume, he unmasked. Bell serenaded her on his behalf by asking her to prom to the tune of “Do You Want to Build a Snowman?” Before she’d even finished the song, Sarah agreed! Cute.
#14: The Friendship With Craig Ferguson
For the audience, what entices a talk show host and a celebrity’s interaction is when it’s obvious there’s a real friendship behind the scenes. After first arriving on “The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson” in 2005, Bell would go on to be a regular guest, racking up nearly 30 appearances before Ferguson left in 2014. The two gelled together so well, bringing funny warmth whenever they were on screen. Highlights of their time together include Bell jealously criticizing Ferguson’s sidekick, Geoff Peterson, and when she got the host to consume a fake mustache she found in the green room. Using her pregnant belly as a drum, Bell even popped up in Ferguson’s farewell show for a musical montage.
#13: Promoting Mental Health Treatment
While we’ve come a long way as a society, there’s still a taboo when it comes to talking honestly about mental health issues and seeking treatment. When a celebrity takes a stand, speaking about their struggles and getting help, it inspires others to do the same. In 2016, Bell spoke to Sam Jones from “Off Camera” about suffering with anxiety and depression since her college days. As a result, she sought help and has been taking medication for it ever since. After also writing a piece for Time magazine, Bell has spoken several times from the heart about her struggles, including a dark period during the pandemic. In 2023, she became the first mental health ambassador for telehealth company Hers.
#12: Making a Girl's Dream Come True
In 2015, the Huffman family received dreadful news that their daughter, Avery, was diagnosed with diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma, an inoperable brain tumor. To help lift her and her family’s spirits, Bell got into her Anna character from “Frozen” and left a heartwarming voicemail in which the Huffmans recorded their daughter’s reaction. After introducing herself and wishing Avery well, Anna then had a conversation with her sister, Elsa, before announcing that the brave youngster is now an honorary princess of Arendale. Avery's response to Bell’s “hello” and her giggles of excitement throughout would melt anyone’s heart. Sadly, in 2016, Avery passed away from her illness.
#11: Entertaining a Nursing Home During a Hurricane
In 2017, the Category 5 Hurricane Irma struck. While in Orlando, Florida, filming “Like Father,” Bell was stuck at the Walt Disney World Swan and Dolphin Resort as she waited for the storm to subside. When thousands of nursing home residents were transferred there too, she stepped up in a big way by entertaining them. On top of hosting bingo, chatting, and eating with the residents, Bell also performed for them by singing. She even sang with one lucky chap, John, who she called her “side piece.” To top it off, the actor dusted off her “Frozen” vocals when she performed for evacuees at a nearby Meadow Woods Middle School. Bell was in amazing form during this hurricane, which you’ll discover more about later.
#10: Dressing Up as Elsa
It could be argued that Kristen Bell’s biggest role to date was when she gave voice to Anna from “Frozen.” Rather than be too on the nose by dressing as her own character though, she went as Ice Queen Elsa. She apparently did it under extreme pressure from her daughter who (adorably) was also going as Elsa for Halloween. Though we love that mom acquiesced to her daughter’s demands, it’s Bell’s hilarious and angsty Instagram post that really made this a winner. There’s no grin in sight, but we “forkin” love it! The real kicker here is that apparently her kids don’t even like “Frozen” that much.
#9: When She Hosted the SAG Awards
Leave it to Kristen Bell to own being the first-ever host of the SAG Awards. Right out of the gate, she threw in some self-deprecating – and relatable – humor about being a Disney fan when she was a kid. In just her opening monologue, she managed to cram in a jab at First Lady Melania Trump, some sly TV references, and an important message about the wave of change in 2018. Over the course of the night, Bell reminded us why we love her so much, whether she was praising Greta Gerwig or shouting random words like fire pit and meat city. But let’s not forget she knows what the people want in their heart of hearts.
#8: When She & Dax “Did” Africa
As we were saying… Kristen and Dax are a comedic one-two punch the likes of which few couples, celebrity or otherwise, can compete with. Before introducing children into the mix, the two took a trip to Africa, and to honor the occasion, they basically turned the entire thing into one big music video for American rock band Toto’s hit from the ‘80s, “Africa”. Their over-the-top dance moves, lip-syncing, and unabashedly campy aesthetic certainly did the original video proud - while producing a bona fide viral hit of their very own.
#7: Her Performance in “Never Have I Ever”
Ellen DeGeneres had an uncanny knack for getting guests to open up about things they didn’t mean to. In this hilarious segment, “Bad Moms” co-stars Kristen Bell and Mila Kunis get surprised by hubbies and ex-Punk’d co-stars Dax Shepard and Ashton Kutcher, and then proceed to play a game of “Never Have I Ever”. Though all parties involved were funny, Bell won the day by showing a complete lack of shame about what her and Dax have done together, while also throwing him under the bus with some faux drama.
#6: When She & Dax Played “Game of Thrones”
The comedic duo and real-life comedic partners in crime strike again, this time giving us their best impersonations of some notable characters from the Westeros. Playing their way through the hit HBO series’ intro song, Bell and Shepard frequently switch up instruments and characters to hilarious effect. They give us a little taste of incest, a quick duel between Brienne and the Hound, and perhaps most hilariously, a pair of sparrows, where you can really see Bell’s commitment to the gag. Though it might be short, it packs a lot of entertainment value.
#5: Her Rescue of Josh Gad’s Family
Though Kristen Bell most often owns our news feeds with her hilarious antics, she’s also got a heart of gold. She proved this beyond a shadow of a doubt when crisis struck Florida, where her Frozen costar Josh Gad’s family lives. Stuck in Tampa, where they had gone in hopes of avoiding Hurricane Irma’s destructive path, they found themselves in harm’s way when the hurricane changed directions. Luckily for Josh Gad, he had an ally in the area at the time who was able to pull some strings - Kristen Bell. A true friend and real-life hero, she assured Gad that she would take care of them, even if it meant sharing her own room.
#4: When She Got REAL Candid About Motherhood
Kristen Bell isn’t interested in acting out a picture-perfect life for the cameras. She and Dax Shepard are often put on a pedestal because of all the fun they have together, but she’s made a point of stating that they have problems just like any other couple. Another way in she has been refreshingly honest is when she discusses having children. She clearly loves her kids, but as she made hilariously clear when talking to Ellen, it’s not all smiles and baby pictures. She compared visiting the show to “being on vacation,” voiced her appreciation for the audience being able to wipe themselves, and shared tidbits about her drugged-out birthing experience.
#3: When She Performed a “Frozen”-Metallica Mashup with Dave Grohl for His Kids
When the iconic Foo Fighters frontman guest-hosted “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” dressed as David Letterman, a mustachioed Kristen Bell, in a full Tom Selleck costume, performed the song “Do You Want to Build a Snowman?” from “Frozen,” before transitioning it into “Enter Sandman” by Metallica. Honestly… it’s hard to say which one she did a better job of. Though jamming with Grohl would be a dream come true for many, the iconic rocker claimed that the privilege was all his, given that his kids apparently LOVE Kristen Bell and “Frozen.” Of course, her own hosting stint on the show was equally awesome.
#2: Her Uncomplicated Wedding
Though it can be a lot of fun to read about crazy, over-the-top celebrity wedding ceremonies, we’ve got a real soft spot for stars who buck the trend and choose to keep it simple. First, these two refused to get married until same-sex marriage was allowed. How cool is that? When the time came, they kept it super casual, tying the knot with a barebones ceremony at the Beverly Hills County Clerk's office. But the icing on top of this wedding cake is Bell’s ability to laugh at herself, which she reaffirmed by sharing this throwback Thursday pic of her crying during the ceremony as Dax laughs at her.
#1: The Sloth
Speaking of Kristen Bell crying… her obsession with sloths and her reaction to the very possibility of being in the same room as one, just might be some of the best content available on the internet. It all started when Dax decided to surprise her with a visit from a sloth to celebrate her 31st birthday. Though the video itself is priceless, she literally gets choked up just talking about it. Then, of course, at a later date, Ellen brought out Lola the sloth to meet Bell in front of the studio audience, and sure enough, Bell loved it.
If you could bring back any TV show that Kristen Bell starred in, what would you pick? “The Good Place?” “House of Lies?” Or something else? Let us know below!