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Top 20 Sexiest Female Anime Fighters

Top 20 Sexiest Female Anime Fighters
VOICE OVER: Ashley Bowman
They'll kick your ass and look good while doing it! Join Ashley as we look over anime's most attractive warriors, as seen in series such as "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure", "Spy x Family", "Fairy Tail", and more!
Script written by Alex Crilly-Mckean

#20: Raelza

“Handyman Satou in Another World” (2023)

Every adventuring party needs a tank – someone to bring the pain with heavy armor and heavier swords, and Raelza certainly knows how to deliver when it comes to slaughtering monsters while delving into dungeons. She’s also a beautiful maiden beside herself with her feelings towards the lovable everyman who isekai’d himself into her life. Raelza’s feelings towards Saitou may often leave her a blushing mess more often than not, but don’t mistake that, or her bodacious S-Tier frame for weakness, because that giant sword of hers is not for show!

#19: Kanzaki Kaori

“A Certain Magical Index” (2008-19)

Sorry Misaka, we’re going to have to ask you to move aside, because not only does this magician know how to bring the pain, but she’s certainly a tad more…developed than the rest of you. Not that the likes of Touma had much of a chance to admire her obvious beauty, given how she beat his unfortunate ass to the curb with her signature sword the first chance she got. She’s a stone-cold slayer that refuses to thaw, but always willing to slice apart anyone who threatens the peace – just look at what she did to Acqua of the Back.

#18: Hibana

“Fire Force” (2019-20)

Unless your name is Shinra, you’d do well to give this Captain of the 5th Company a wide berth, because to her most people are nothing more than gravel that need to be stepped on. Anyone who gets too big for their britches or tries to defy her will…well, let’s just say they leave her employment with more than their fair share of burns. While her pyrokinesis takes the form of beautiful sakura trees forged of flame, they’ll still leave you with ashes in your mouth if you aren’t careful. And yet she’s still our Princess.

#17: Esdeath

“Akame ga Kill!” (2014)

The Night Raid may be filled with all manner of ladies perfectly capable of dishing out death, but none can truly measure up to the sadistic commander of the Jaegers. Say hello to the original Ice Queen, one that will make you regret ever being born, either by drilling her heels into your skull or by freezing time itself with her Imperial Arms. If only she could get over that fatal weakness of bland anime leads, she’d be invincible. You have to hand it to Tatsumi though, he inadvertently exposed just how heated this frosty vixen could actually be!

#16: Shion

“That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime” (2018-21)

Without competition, this former ogre is the most beautiful member of Rimuru’s inner circle – she’s also the one that packs the biggest punch. Whether she’s beating down Demon Lords with her bear downs or slicing up whole armies with her ginormous blade, Shion is a true one woman army who can turn the tide of any battle. She also happens to have taken to the role of secretary for her beloved slime lord to heart…which apparently includes a uniform caught in a constant battle to keep her peaks and valleys at bay.

#15: Saber

“Fate” Series (2006-)

She’s had numerous incarnations over the years, but you can always count on this iconic Servant of the Holy War to fight with honor…while being the cutest thing ever. Sure, Sakura and Rin have their high points, but come on! This is genderbent Arthur Pendragon fighting against other ancient heroes with sword and chivalry, whilst radiating this perpetual waifu energy. There’s a reason so many can’t wait for a reimagining of the Fate route – both in and out of her armor Saber is always best girl!

#14: Android 18

“Dragon Ball” Series (1986-)

She's a blonde bombshell that doesn't seem to age, is a natural mother, takes no shit from anyone, once helped save an entire universe from destruction, and lest we forget, she once shattered Vegeta's arm with nothing more than a casual kick. Yeah, I think at the end of the day it's clear Krillin was the true winner here. With a sexy death machine like 18 as your wife, you're pretty much set. So what if she’s part computer? Just means she likely has the entire Karma Sutra downloaded into her mainframe for her hubby on special occasions.

#13: Casca

“Berserk” (1997-98)

Being the only woman amongst the mercenary group known as the Band of the Hawk, Casca constantly had to prove herself on the battlefield – and damn if she didn’t deliver. As Griffith’s right hand, Casca’s sword skills are undeniable. And as much as she might try to escape it, her beauty is unsurpassed amongst Berserk’s hellish landscape. Between her conviction and overall decency, it’s easy to see why Guts would fall so hard for, and why he would be willing to take on the world for her sake. Damn it Griffith…

#12: Rias Gremory

“High School DxD” (2012-18)

One could argue this demon is certainly more bust than brawn, and they wouldn’t be wrong, on account that Rias’ seductive nature towards Issei is often on full display, clothes not always included. That’s not to say she’s harmless, since her power of destruction can often disintegrate anyone or anything that displeases her. Though if Rias will be remembered for anything it’s capturing a whole generation with her silver tongue and voluptuous features. Bodily proportions in the demon world are something

#11: Mikasa Ackerman

“Attack on Titan” (2013-)

Season 4 may have turned Eren into a genocider but it also elevated Mikasa to waifu status. While maintaining her top tier skills with ODM gear, Mikasa’s allure as a woman was amplified tenfold thanks to the combo of a tighter haircut, tighter clothing, and more nuance to her character as she found herself coming into conflict with her devotion to Eren. While still holding traces to who she used to be behind the walls, Mikasa’s latest iteration makes no excuse to disguise the fact that she’s now Eldia’s definitive. Who can also remove heads within the blink of an eye.

#10: Shura Kirigakure

“Blue Exorcist” (2011-17)

Hot for teacher? You will be after you take a gander at Shura. While her lack of clothing, toned body and obvious beauty will have you blushing up a storm, especially when she starts drinking and openly exposes her assets, you’d be wise to remember that she’s a beast when it comes to the sword, capable of slicing apart the minions of Gehenna from any angle, her strength ensuring that each swing leaves a body behind. Make sure to pay attention in her class, and do you best to ensure your eyes don’t drift too far down…

#9: Yoruichi Shihoin

“Bleach” (2004-)

They don’t call her the Goddess of Flash for nothing, though who would have guessed it would also make for such an accurate double entendre. A former captain of the Gotei 13 and renowned for her mastery of Flash Step, Yoruichi served as a mentor for Ichigo, assisting him in unlocking the power of his Bankai. She’s also a relentless tease, one who gets no end of satisfaction from shifting between her cat to Shinigami form, a transition that leaves her buck naked as a result. Ichigo, lucky bastard that he is,
got quite the eyeful over the course of their training.

#8: Mirko

“My Hero Academia” (2016-)

Do we really need to explain this one? She’s a superhero who’s whole schtick is that she’s a bunny girl in a tight-fitting superhero outfit…who also happens to be muscular as all hell. Horikoshi has exquisite taste. Mindless simping aside, Mirko is well and truthy worthy of her rank as one of the ten most gifted heroes in the country, which she more than proved when she took on several Nomus single handedly. Her determination is borderline primal, while her kicking prowess is second to none. We shamelessly admit we could watch her kick the crap out of people for hours.

#7: Yor Briar

“Spy x Family” (2022-)

Hail to the knifu waifu. Balancing two extreme personalities in one gorgeous package, Yor is somehow the ultimate housewife, ultimate ditzy girl next door, ultimate would-be MILF, AND ultimate cold-hearted killer all rolled into one. Her skills as a fighter are frequently put on display, though recently has started to use them for the sake of her pretend family. Amazing how she can be merciless one moment before flipping over into the most pure-hearted maiden you’ve ever laid your eyes on. Let’s just say married life promises to be very good to Loid, so long as he doesn’t break her heart.

#6: Vanessa Enoteca

“Black Clover” (2017-21)

When we first met this rather voluptuous member of the Black Bulls, she painted herself as someone who was happy to spend her days making random mages gape with her choice in wardrobe while drinking herself into a stupor. Enticing, yet not exactly powerful. That is until we discovered her origins as a daughter of the Queen of Witches, where her magic truly manifested itself in a way none of us were expecting. When you can summon an adorable kitty that can change fate with a mere touch – you’re well on the way to Wizard King levels!

#5: Saeko Busujima

“Highschool of the Dead” (2010)

She somehow took depravity, lustful urges, violence and a zombie apocalypse, and blended them all together. While this series is rather infamous for overlaying its fanservice into each and every scene regardless of context, Saeko at the very least managed to take all of it and somewhat make it believable. Not only is she highly skilled when it comes to shattering bones with her wooden sword, but every time she does so…let’s just say that she’s enjoying it a lot more than everyone else. A LOT more.

#4: Arshes Nei

“Bastard!! Heavy Metal, Dark Fantasy” (2022-)

Putting aside the fact that her relationship with her lover/father-figure Dark Schneider is…um…tricky at best, Arshes herself is a dynamite fantasy character any adventurer would want in their party…even if she did go through a phase of wanting to end the world. Bitter due to her upbringing as an outcast half-dark-elf, the Thunder Empress can bring the pain like few can. Don’t let the infallible good looks fool you, she’ll torch you with a heavy-metal themed spell without hesitation. When the best girl is so obvious, do you even need a harem?

#3: Satsuki Kiryuin

“Kill la Kill” (2013-14)

Doesn’t matter if she’s adorned in her school uniform, her Kamui or nothing at all, for the sake of her goals this little lady will do whatever it takes. Combine her uncompromising drive with her unique gift for speeches and blinding skill with a blade, and it’s no wonder she was able to rally so many to her cause. That being said, there’s no denying that even though she manages to transcend any sense of shame, the way Junketsu reveals her natural gifts makes her very easy on the eyes – a pristine beauty that we can’t help but marvel at.

#2: Erza Scarlet

“Fairy Tail” (2009-19)

With her personal magic, Fairy Tail’s strongest member is able to instantly equip a whole series of armors and weapons to be used at will, most of which are capable of bringing down the worst monsters that Earth-land has to offer. You could say she’s a picturesque knight, and you would be right…just as long as you’re not taking into account all those times she ended up joining the rest of the female cast in flaunting themselves, accidentally or otherwise. If you’re her enemy, you’ll fall by her sword. If you’re her ally, you’ll be rallied by her bravery, and if you’re her lover then…congratulations!

#1: Jolyne Cujoh

“JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean” (2021-22)

There are two things indisputable about the members of the Joestar bloodline – they’ll kick your ass, but will look damn good while doing it! This is especially true of their latest showstopper. Even as she battles other Stand users, navigates a prison full of conflicts, and takes on Dio’s psycho protege, Jolyne never once forgets to reinforce she’s the baddest bitch Florida has ever known, one who can pummel anyone down with the power of Stone Free, as well as her innate attractiveness. That strip down scene? Lord have mercy!
