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Top 20 Best Star Trek The Original Series Episodes

Top 20 Best Star Trek The Original Series Episodes
VOICE OVER: Rebecca Brayton WRITTEN BY: Matt Klem
The "Star Trek" franchise definitely listened to the "Live Long" part of Spock's favorite greeting! Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we're counting down our picks for the best episodes of “Star Trek,” the original series that is. Our countdown includes episodes "Amok Time", "The Corbomite Maneuver", "This Side of Paradise" and more!

Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the best episodes of “Star Trek,” the original series that is. Did we miss a great episode of this original series? Set your phasers on stun and shoot us a comment down below.

#20: "The Enemy Within”

There are two good reasons to watch Season One’s “The Enemy Within.” When Captain Kirk is transported back to the Enterprise, two versions of him appear, one good and one evil. It raises the question about what we would be like if we removed all the allegedly “bad” things from our personality. We quickly learn that neither side can survive without the other, which is what makes us who we are. Perhaps even more profound is that this episode showcased the Vulcan Nerve Pinch for the first time. It’s a great introduction to a longstanding plot device, combined with a fantastic story about what makes us who we are.

#19: "The Devil in the Dark"

When “Star Trek” stories are done right, they not only entertain, but they help elevate our view of the world. Late in Season One, we found ourselves in a mining colony that seemingly had an endless array of unexplainable problems. Kirk and Spock eventually discover the root cause: a new type of lifeform that has been attacking the mining crew and its equipment. We learn the creature has merely been trying to protect its young, which the miners had mistaken as a mere geological anomaly. The episode easily shows us how cooperation and understanding will always trump aggressive action.

#18: "The Ultimate Computer"

When the Enterprise is fitted with the new M-5 computer, Kirk and crew are skeptical about how well a machine can do the job of a man. At first, it seems perfectly fine, but much like all AI gone rogue stories, M-5 malfunctions and ends up killing crew members both on and off the ship. As advanced as the technology is, even in this fictional future, it still takes the likes of a human, Captain Kirk this time, to convince the computer it has done wrong. This is a clear message about the implications of AI in all aspects of life, even if it aired 50 years ago.

#17: "Shore Leave"

How would you fare in a world where anything you can think of can become real? The crew of the Enterprise discover this firsthand when they land on a planet that is essentially a theme park for one’s mind. Now, the crew doesn’t learn this until the end. So much of what we watch is their imaginations literally gone wild. It’s a light-hearted episode that shows a little bit of Kirk’s early-year insecurities, and McCoy’s fascination with medievalism. Given how much heavy action the show focuses on, this is a nice breath of fresh air, and a joy to see the crew in a more relaxed setting.

#16: "A Taste Of Armageddon"

Imagine a war without weapons, bloodshed, or even a single soldier ever stepping on foreign soil. Such was the case for Eminiar VII and Vendikar. These are two planets that have been fighting a “virtual” war via computer. A treaty between both worlds forces them to place “casualties” into a disintegration machine. What’s fascinating about this episode is how two societies continue to “fight” each other even though there’s no reason to continue. Without being exposed to the atrocities of real war, both sides have no reason to end it. This is what Kirk ultimately does, forcing them to find a path to peace. It’s a creative way to comment on the perils of real war.

#15: "This Side of Paradise"

Hailing from a race that suppresses all emotion, some of Mr. Spock’s best moments were when we did get to see him express some kind of feeling. While on an away mission, Spock is exposed to spores which allow him to experience a full range of emotions. He falls in love with a woman and finds himself with no desire to return to his Vulcan ways. It’s one of the few times we get to see such a vulnerable version of Spock. Even after the effects of the spores are gone, he’s a man left knowing what true happiness feels like and having to let it go. It’s a fantastic character story that gave us far more depth from Spock than we’d expect.

#14: "Day of the Dove"

By using the Klingons as a proxy for the Russians during the Cold War, “Star Trek” was able to tell stories about such conflicts without coming across as too political or preachy. “Day of the Dove” was a perfect example of how Gene Roddenberry’s vision of the future was one of peace rather than aggression. An alien entity put Kirk’s crew up against the Klingons for the sole purpose of feeding off their hate and anger toward each other. Yet in the end, even these two enemies found common ground and chose to walk away from the fight to save themselves. It’s a story that shows how even enemies can be allies and is as true today as it was in the 1960s.

#13: "The Menagerie"

The original pilot episode of “Star Trek” featured Christopher Pike as the captain of the Enterprise, with a very different version of Mr. Spock. NBC didn’t like the episode so they ordered a second pilot. The footage from the original was then re-used later in a two-part episode called “The Menagerie.” It’s one of the few episodes that gives the audience a window into a pre-Kirk Enterprise era at the time. Introducing Pike into the main “Trek” also allowed the character to be resurfaced years later in both “Star Trek: Discovery” and “Star Trek: Strange New Worlds.” So, in a way, we can thank this old pilot for much of our modern “Trek” franchises.

#12: "Where No Man Has Gone Before"

Where the original pilot, “The Cage” failed, “Where No Man Has Gone Before” succeeded. As a story about two crewmembers who gain God-like superpowers, it can easily be overlooked for far better episodes. This second attempt gave us a new captain in James T. Kirk, a slightly different, but more recognizable Mr. Spock. Even Scotty and Sulu made appearances here. It was a far less cerebral episode than the original pilot and featured far more action. Between the revamped episode and William Shatner’s onscreen presence, we can thank this episode for satisfying the folks at NBC and giving birth to a legendary franchise.

#11: "The Corbomite Maneuver"

Can you count the number of times a “Star Trek” episode has been based on a floating “thing” in space? Neither can we, but “The Corbomite Maneuver” was certainly one of the better ones. The Enterprise encounters a floating cube in space and is threatened with destruction. From there, it becomes a bit of a cat-and-mouse game with Kirk and crew testing the limits of this new alien. Despite the looming threat, Kirk is still as confident as ever, especially when he tries his poker bluff to save the ship. We get a nice balance of action, character development, and even a good laugh or two in between.

#10: “The Naked Time”

When a virus infects the Enterprise, inhibitions are tossed out the nearest airlock. Under the hyper-drunk influence of the affliction, Nurse Chapel professes her love for Spock, Kirk for his ship, and Sulu for topless fencing. Oh my! Meanwhile, the restoration of the ship’s decaying orbit around Psi 2000 is complicated when control of the vessel is taken over by a surly Irishman, who’s determined to entertain the crew with an impromptu variety show.

#9: “The Doomsday Machine”

While trying to aid the USS Constellation, the Enterprise comes face-to-face with the hellish maw of the Doomsday Machine. With Kirk and Scotty trapped aboard the damaged ship, Commodore Decker – the Constellation’s captain and sole survivor – takes command of the Enterprise with the aim of destroying the weapon. Although Kirk saves the day, the highlight here is guest star William Windom, who channels both Captain Ahab and Humphrey Bogart while delivering a multilayered blend of authority, vengeance, and vulnerability.

#8: “Arena”

In one of the signature moments of the series, Captain Kirk goes up against a Gorn commander in hand-to-hand combat. Realizing he can’t win, he hatches a crafty plan but accidentally shares it with his rival on an open comm-channel. Amazingly, his plan is not successful, but Kirk makes up for the blunder with an act of genius by re-inventing gunpowder and making a diamond-shooting gun out of stuff that’s just lying around.

#7: "Mirror, Mirror"

After a transporter glitch, Kirk, Scotty, McCoy, and Uhura find themselves in a parallel, pirate universe. Here, sleeves are optional, sports bras are standard issue, and everyone’s just a bit evil. Oh, and Spock has a beard. In an episode that created the Beard of Evil meme, Kirk and company must hide their true nature and avoid assassination attempts from Chekov and Sulu, while trying to get back to their own reality.

#6: "Journey to Babel"

The Enterprise is en route to a diplomatic conference on Babel when the Tellarite delegate is killed. Suspicion falls on the Vulcan ambassador, Spock’s ailing father Sarek; but that theory is proven wrong when Thelev attacks Kirk and is revealed as an imposter. Assumed by Spock to be a cosmetically altered Orion, the assassin would rather die than talk. The episode is notable for introducing the Andorians, Tellarites, and the troubled relationship between Spock and his father.

#5: "Amok Time"

Suffering the effects of pon farr, Spock returns to Vulcan to get lucky with his long-betrothed bride, T’Pring. However, the would-be Mrs. Spock instead challenges our favorite pointy-eared hobgoblin to a death match against Captain Kirk. A pop-culture goldmine, this is the episode that introduced the famous Vulcan salute, Spock’s catchphrase, Ensign Chekov, and the signature fight music that has since become a parody staple.

#4: "The Trouble with Tribbles"

Undoubtedly the cuddliest installment of the original series, this episode is packed with humor, wheat, and bar fights. While on guard duty at K7, the Enterprise and the station are overrun by tribbles. Displaying both a natural love for chicken sandwiches and a hatred of Klingons, the fast-breeding fluff balls become heroes when they expose Arne Darvin as the clean-shaven, suit-wearing Klingon saboteur responsible for poisoning the station’s wheat. Thanks, tribbles!

#3: "Space Seed"

When the Enterprise team discovers the crew of an ancient Earth ship in suspended animation, it’s exciting times for historians; but things go south quick when the group’s leader, Khan Noonien Singh, is revived. What ensues is a mule-kicking and axe-handle-smashing fight between Kirk and the genetically-engineered Khan (and their respective stunt doubles) for control of the ship. When the Captain exiles Khan to Ceti Alpha V, the seeds for the film “Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan” are planted.

#2: "Balance of Terror"

When several Federation outposts are destroyed near the neutral zone, it sparks the return of a long-silent foe, the Romulans. Although the Romulan Warbird has a cloak, this episode establishes that a ship can’t fire its weapons while the device is in use. When Kirk pursues the cloaked ship, it becomes a thrilling submarine hunt in space, as well as a battle of wits and dirty tricks between him and the unnamed Romulan commander, played by Mark Lenard.

#1: "The City on the Edge of Forever"

An overly medicated Dr. McCoy jumps through a time portal to the 1930s, causing the Nazis to win World War II and erasing the Federation from history. Need more? Kirk and Spock follow Bones, and learn he saved the life of a pacifist who will help delay America’s entry into the war. Despite falling for her, Kirk realizes Edith Keeler must die to restore time and watches in horror as she is killed by a truck.
