Top 20 Stars You Forgot Appeared on Grey's Anatomy

#20: Vanessa Marano
One year into her run on the show “Switched at Birth” Vanessa made a guest appearance on Grey’s Anatomy. In the season 8 episode, “The Girl With No Name,” Marano played Holly Wheeler. Holly was brought to the hospital after being found injured in a ravine. During the episode, we discover that Holly was a girl in a famous case of kidnapping some time ago. Super Shonda Rhimes fans might remember that Marano has also made appearances on “Private Practice” and “Station 19.” And although all three shows are in the same universe, Vanessa has played a different character on each show. Not that that bugs us or anything!
#19: Leslie Odom Jr.
Eight years before he won his Tony award for his portrayal of Aaron Burr in the Broadway mega-hit “Hamilton,” Odom Jr. made a guest appearance on “Grey’s Anatomy.” In the season 5 episode, “There’s No “I” in Team,” Leslie played P.J. Walling, a young man who was offered $10,000 to donate his kidney by his father who was in chronic renal failure. He had done some TV work prior to his appearance on the show, with multiple episodes of CSI: Miami under his belt, among others. But he wasn’t the recognizable star he is now, all thanks to “Hamilton.”
#18: Kyle Chandler
If you thought being the coach of a high school football team in Texas was a tough job, try being a member of the Seattle Police Department Bomb Squad. While having clear eyes and full hearts worked out well for Kyle on “Friday Night Lights,” things didn’t go quite as well for his character, Dylan Young on “Grey’s.” We don’t want to spoil anything for those who might just be getting into the show now. But we can say that Dylan is still one of the medical drama’s most memorable characters, even though he appeared way back in season 2!
#17: Neve Campbell
Unlike some of the folks on this list who became famous in the years after their appearance on the show, Campbell was at the height of her stardom when she did her episodes. Twelve years after “Party of Five” ended and one year after the release of “Scream 4,” Neve appeared in two episodes in season nine. She played Dr. Lizzie Shepherd, sister of the great Dr. Derek Shepherd. Fans will definitely remember Derek’s other sister, Amelia who had a much larger role on the show, but many may have forgotten about Lizzie, who is also a doctor. Sounds like it runs in the family!
#16: Joshua Bassett
Before you saw him in “High School Musical: The Musical - The Series'' on Disney+, you might have seen Bassett in the Disney show, “Stuck in the Middle” where he appeared in nine episodes. However, in the time between his work with the Mouse House, he did a two episode stint on “Grey's Anatomy.” Bassett played Linus, a boy who met, and became involved with Betty while they were in rehab together. After overdosing, Linus and Betty are taken to the hospital and, let’s just say… well, this isn’t a Disney movie.
#15: Faye Dunaway
There may not have been an actor with a better resume than Faye Dunaway to have ever stepped foot onto the “Grey’s Anatomy” set. By the time she arrived at Seattle Grace, she had had a four decades long career that had seen her star in some of the most iconic films of a generation. These include Chinatown, Bonnie and Clyde, and Network, the latter for which she took home an Oscar! Dunaway brought all that experience and more to her role as Dr. Margaret Campbell, the hospital’s first female surgeon.
#14: Mark Pellegrino
Having someone with supernatural powers could come in very handy at a hospital. But unfortunately Pellegrino was a couple years away from making his first appearance on “Supernatural” when he showed up in the ER. Although, come to think of it, we aren’t sure Lucifer would really fit in in a hospital setting. Pellegrino appeared in the season four premiere of Grey’s Anatomy, playing Chris. He was a man who showed up at the ER with a bleeding deer in his truck... and a bloody arm in his hands. For those worried about the deer, Izzie was able to save it - while the arm belonged to a pregnant woman who was in a car crash.
#13: Seth Green
So, you may recognize this guy from the original “It,” “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” or perhaps as Scott Evil from the “Austin Powers” franchise. Seth Green is also the creator of Adult Swim’s “Robot Chicken,” along with being the show’s featured voice. Back in 2007, he appeared on “Grey’s Anatomy” as Nick Hanscom, a patient with a tumor on his carotid artery. Spoiler Alert: it doesn’t go well for Nick. Just ask Lexie Grey, who is at the receiving end of an unfortunate blood burst. After the blown artery and a stroke, Nick Hanscom passes away, marking the end of Seth’s narrative arc.
#12: Keke Palmer
For her lead role on Nickelodeon’s “True Jackson, VP,” this starlet was one of TV’s most well-paid teenage actresses. Later on, Keke Palmer starred on the FOX series “Scream Queens.” One year before her first episode as Zayday Williams, Keke briefly appeared on “Grey’s Anatomy” as Sheryll Jeffries, a 17-year old patient with hypoplastic left heart syndrome. When surgery doesn’t work, Sheryll takes off and gets pregnant, which gives her a new perspective. She hopes to become a candidate for Cristina’s clinical trial, but unfortunately, she’s past the age cut-off and gets rejected.
#11: Tessa Thompson
Many years before she entered Westworld, Tessa Thompson entered Seattle Grace hospital as Camille Travis - but only in season 2 as the niece of Dr. Richard Webber was played by another actress in season 4. Camille had ovarian cancer when she was 14 and when she passes out while having sex during her prom, doctors make the sad discovery that the cancer is back. And it’s worse than before. Tessa, like Vanessa Marano, also appeared on multiple shows in the “Grey’s” universe as different characters. Three years after her two-episode stint as Camille Travis, Thompson played Zoe Salter in two episodes of the “Grey’s” spinoff, “Private Practice.”
#10: Christina Ricci
Ricci was in the same episodes of a two-part story that saw Kyle Chandler become a hero and a fan favorite. Remember when we told you that Chandler played a member of the Bomb Squad? Well, he was at the hospital because a patient came in with unexploded bazooka ammunition in their chest. And the person holding the ammunition and stopping the bleeding with her hand was paramedic Hannah Davies, played by Ricci. Christina was a pretty big star at the time and the first of the two episodes, “It’s the End of the World,” was aired following the 2006 Super Bowl. That same episode is still the show’s highest rated and most watched ever.
#9: Theo Rossi
Some call him Juice, while others know him as Shades. Over the years, Theo Rossi has earned a loyal fanbase for his “Sons of Anarchy” and “Luke Cage” roles. For his two-episode run on “Grey’s Anatomy,” Theo plays a paramedic named Stan Giamatti, the unfortunate victim of an ambulance crash. The character actually gets wedged in a door but survives long enough to reunite with his wife. But just as Seth Green’s character passes away in the episode “Crash Into Me, Part 2,” poor Stan also has the same fate.
#8: Elisabeth Moss
Let’s be honest: most people know this actress as Peggy Olson from “Mad Men”. Elisabeth Moss also delivered award-winning performances in “Top of the Lake” and “The Handmaid’s Tale.” During “Grey’s Anatomy” Season 3, she appeared in one episode as Nina Rogerson, the daughter of a 41-year-old patient with a rare bone disease. The episode aired just four months before “Mad Men” premiered, so Moss was still relatively unknown. The character’s mother passes away, and Nina obviously has a rough time. This role essentially marks the rebirth of Elisabeth’s extraordinary television career.
#7: Sarah Paulson
Marcia, Marcia, Marcia! This prolific actress famously starred as Marcia Clark on “The People v. O.J. Simpson,” and she’s also an “American Horror Story” regular. Though Paulson only appeared in one “Grey’s Anatomy” episode, the role is significant. She plays Meredith’s mother, Dr. Ellis Grey, who suffers from Alzheimer’s disease. The character shows up in a flashback sequence, as Richard Webber reflects on his former colleague. The episode examines the rise of AIDS in the early ‘80s, along with the relationship between two doctors who are trying to understand each other, and the nature of a frightening disease originally known as GRID.
#6: Liza Weil
Hey, isn’t that Paris Geller from “Gilmore Girls” and Bonnie Winterbottom from “How to Get Away with Murder”? Why, yes, yes it is. In a Season 5 episode of “Grey’s Anatomy,” Liza Weil plays Alison Clark, a Stage 4 cancer patient, who forms a bond with Izzie Stevens during chemotherapy treatment. The character ultimately passes away, and Alison’s moving performance opened the door for other roles. By the way, her “Gilmore Girls” co-star Edward Herrmann appeared in three episodes from “Grey’s Anatomy” Season 4, playing what’s seemingly the “World’s Oldest Intern.”
#5: Millie Bobby Brown
When Eleven, we mean Millie, appeared in an episode of “Grey’s Anatomy” in 2015, most people watching wouldn’t have thought anything of it. She was just an actress, playing the part of a girl who performs an emergency medical procedure on her mother while doctors provide her with instructions over the phone. However, the following year, “Stranger Things” premiered on Netflix and everything changed. At the time her episode aired, Brown wouldn’t have even been considered for this list. And now she finds herself all the way in this spot!
#4: Abigail Breslin
When only five years old, this actress starred in M. Night Shyamalan’s “Signs.” A few years later, Abigail Breslin received an Oscar nomination for “Little Miss Sunshine.” In the mid-2010s, she transitioned to the small screen as Libby on “Scream Queens.” Nearly a decade before, Abigail appeared in one “Grey’s Anatomy” episode as Megan Clover, aka Supergirl, a kid who does not feel pain whatsoever. It’s revealed that Megan suffers from internal injuries and CIPA (congenital insensitivity to pain with anhidrosis), which requires a corrective surgery. Overall, it’s an emotional performance that allows Abigail to be tough and vulnerable, as she learns just how much her foster parents truly care.
#3: Mandy Moore
Since releasing her breakout single “Candy” in 1999, this versatile performer has established herself in both feature films and television. Back in 2010, Mandy Moore appeared in four “Grey’s Anatomy” episodes as Mary Portman, who initially comes in for a colostomy bag reversal surgery. Unfortunately for the character, a shooter emerges at the hospital; yet Mary survives and is reunited with husband Bill. Despite a successful surgery in Season 7, Mandy’s character slips into a coma and never wakes up, leaving her loved one to make a heart-breaking decision.
#2: Dylan Minnette
Before appearing in films like “Prisoners” and “Don’t Breathe,” this actor appeared in some of the most celebrated TV shows of the 2000s. Currently most recognized for his role as Clay Jensen on “13 Reasons Why”, Dylan Minnette once appeared as a guest star on Grey’s in its first season. He plays Ryan – a character with no official last name. However, the character is probably best known for not having external ears. In this storyline, Ryan bonds with Meredith while trick or treating, ultimately leading to a pro bono ear reconstruction.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Cody Christian
Cody’s Character, Brad, Wasn’t Pretty Little Lying About His Abdominal Pain
Danielle Panabaker
Years Before She Became Killer Frost, She Was a Girl Who Lived Without a Heart
David DeLuise
Charlie Didn’t Need Waverly Place Wizards, Just Doctors to Repair His Skull After Falling off the Roof
#1: Demi Lovato
She’s a movie star, a pop star and a television star. Believe it or not, it all began with a role on “Barney and Friends.” And just as Demi Lovato’s adult career reached new heights in 2010, she appeared on a Season 6 “Grey’s Anatomy” episode as Hayley May. The character has a rough time at Seattle Grace, as she is incorrectly diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. This role allows Demi to show off her acting chops; and the character arc has a happy ending, as Hayley is finally correctly diagnosed with Superior Canal Dehiscence Syndrome and undergoes successful surgery.